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New 130XE - what is it worth?

Scream And Fly

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Unless the motherboard's been completely rebuilt by a qualified person, It's only worth about $30.00 to me...


about that, I have an important question for you!


Are ALL 130xe motherboards that bad, or is it only a certain production-serie?


That XE I wrote about (that is defect) has a better motherboard (to look at) compared to the chinese XE's...


On that BAD-xe's I have you see the solder did not get right on the motherboard... and it is very hard to solder something on it too. On that GOOD-LOOKING XE the solder was done much better and looked shiny.


So I was wondering: are all XE's bad?



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Unless the motherboard's been completely rebuilt by a qualified person, It's only worth about $30.00 to me...


about that, I have an important question for you!


Are ALL 130xe motherboards that bad, or is it only a certain production-serie?


That XE I wrote about (that is defect) has a better motherboard (to look at) compared to the chinese XE's...


On that BAD-xe's I have you see the solder did not get right on the motherboard... and it is very hard to solder something on it too. On that GOOD-LOOKING XE the solder was done much better and looked shiny.


So I was wondering: are all XE's bad?




Some XE factory builds are DEFINITELY better than others, but if you look at the entire tramiel generation of 8-bits as a whole, it's FLAKE-CITY compared to the XL or original BEIGE generation of machines.


The later 65/130XEs with the 2/4-DRAM design tend to have better solder and overall build quality than the earlier 16-DRAM chip designs.


Of the 16-DRAM chip designs, I know of at least 5 different common board revisions, many of which were built in several different plants. So even these vary widely in build quality.


The thing that tends to suck ass on all of them is the lack of sockets... Often, one or two random chips will have sockets (probably assembly line fixes of units that didnt pass burn-in the first time) and these sockets are the type that have single contacts that wedge the chip pins in between a metal contact on one side, and plastic on the other, and the socket pins remove from the bottom. These sockets in themselves are a potential flake-out point.. As a matter of practice, I install double-contact (3M/TYCO) style sockets on every IC on the entire board.


Also, on eastern european-sold 800XE machines, theres the CPU with the defective timing...


Also, the 6 electrolytic caps should be replaced just out of good practice. 20+ year old E-caps are not a good thing...


On boards that do have massively crappy solder quality, the problem is usually NOT ENOUGH solder. (eg their temperature and fluxing settings werent right in their wave solder machine, and did not get sufficient application to large numbers of joints.)


Lastly, on the 16-DRAM design, they almost alwayse used the cheapest, crappiest DRAM chips available. I have actually seen these things go bad due to AGE, when the machine was not even in use, and stored quite well....


The XEGS is generally a good build. But I completely strip, socket, and rebuild these as well, if I am going to keep one for myself..


My NTSC 800XL has been rock solid since 1984 and I wont settle for anything less from an XE series machine.


I charge $100.00US + parts + shipping both ways to completely socket & rebuild an XE. I have done more of these that I can count, and have never had a dissatisfied customer. People comment that my soldering looks much cleaner than atari's, and I have never had reports of a machine ever "flaking out" after I fixed it.

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I charge $100.00US + parts + shipping both ways to completely socket & rebuild an XE.


That is interesting!


Do you do that also for PAL XE's?

And when the job is done all IC's are on socket?


Hmmm I'll think it over.


Do you have any idea's what amount of years those chips like GTIA, ANTIC etc. will last? I could imagine there is some date those chips are getting buggy...



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I charge $100.00US + parts + shipping both ways to completely socket & rebuild an XE.


That is interesting!


Do you do that also for PAL XE's?

And when the job is done all IC's are on socket?


Hmmm I'll think it over.


Do you have any idea's what amount of years those chips like GTIA, ANTIC etc. will last? I could imagine there is some date those chips are getting buggy...




Uhmm. As far as I know, there is no "shelf life" for mask-burnt roms, or professionally made "physically etched" custom logic.. Its programmable devices that have like approx 25 years...


And yeah, I can do a PAL XE just the same as NTSC.. Yeah the "$100.00US+parts+shipping" is to completely strip the motherboard, resolder all questionable solder joints, install good sockets on EVERYTHING, replace ALL the memory with good quality DRAMs, replace the 6 Electrolytic-capacitors, reassemble & test the machine. I can also do things like multiple custom OS's in a single EPROM, 320K, The "Bob Puff Phase 2 clock stabilizer mod", etc. for very little extra in parts.


The parts run about $20-$25US per machine. This is for all the sockets, all new (256k)DRAMs, Caps, and any small ICs or other discreet components I end up replacing..

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I have a 130XE from when I was like 14 - that machine means a lot to me because I've had it since new and it still works great. Should I consider having the board resoldered? I don't want the machine to get damaged one day if a cap explodes or something.


If a cap explodes, it generally just makes a mess.. They dont contain high order explosives.. Its not gonna leave a hole in anything.. you just clean all the crap off with a mild solvent and a toothbrush, desolder whats left of it, and install a new one..

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I have a 130XE from when I was like 14 - that machine means a lot to me because I've had it since new and it still works great. Should I consider having the board resoldered? I don't want the machine to get damaged one day if a cap explodes or something.


I've done this to a few 130XEs as well and if you plan on using them I'd say its worth the effort or money to pay someone else to do it.


Its a real PITA to do by hand but if you ever have a chip fail you will be so glad they are in sockets. :) Replace the color pot with a more reliable version while you are at it, that is bound to fail as well.



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