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request: atari spoof of Kung fu master(warning don't use link at your work)

8th lutz

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I saw a Kung Fu Kung Fu spoof on Youtube, and it gave me an idea. The spoof is called Kubg Fu Bandito. The youtube video is found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2pDLJgdKBA .


The difference from that video is some of the enemies from the game Kung fu master into enemies from other games on Atari systems like the dragon in Adventure. The other enemies would be the following:

the ghosts of Pac-man

Mario from Kong Kong Jr.

Williams from Double Dragon-He is the one that uses a baseball bat or a knife.

Coily the the snake from Q*bert



The girl you save in the game would be pauline from Donkey Kong.



Would it be possible for someone to hack Kung Fu master into what I described with no problem?

Edited by 8th lutz
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