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BASIC Rev C on cart?


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I was wanting to put BASIC Rev C on cart for use on my Atari 400/800 and 1200X computers. How can I do that? I do have a few BASIC carts with socketted chips. Could I try to find these EPROMs and burn Rev C to them and pop them in? Or maybe use a Pixels Past PCB and burn a 27C256? I guess I need a special BIN file as the one that is in the computers would not work correct?

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You can buy a Rev. C cart from B&C or Best.



I was wanting to put BASIC Rev C on cart for use on my Atari 400/800 and 1200X computers. How can I do that? I do have a few BASIC carts with socketted chips. Could I try to find these EPROMs and burn Rev C to them and pop them in? Or maybe use a Pixels Past PCB and burn a 27C256? I guess I need a special BIN file as the one that is in the computers would not work correct?
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