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Galahad and the Holy Grail?


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Did this game ever make it to cartridge?


Can anyone recommend other games that are similar/as good as Galahad to me? I really liked how it seemed like a logical 8-bit progression of 2600 Adventure.... First person shooter type adventures are great and all - but something about Galahad was really special to me and I've never found anything other than 2600 Adventure that comes close to it....



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To the best of my knowledge Galahad was only available on diskette from APX (and later Antic Publishing). I totally agree with you about Galahad. It is one of my favorite games of all time. I don't know if you'd really consider it to be similar but Journey to the Planets comes to mind as another game I consider to be as good as Galahad (IMHO).



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Did this game ever make it to cartridge?


Can anyone recommend other games that are similar/as good as Galahad to me? I really liked how it seemed like a logical 8-bit progression of 2600 Adventure.... First person shooter type adventures are great and all - but something about Galahad was really special to me and I've never found anything other than 2600 Adventure that comes close to it....





What about Adventure II for the 8bits? LINK

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wow... i think i had seen an adv 2 for the 2600 that was a homebrew, but i had never seen the 8 bit version... graphics look good - and while its certainly "beyond galahad" in graphics, it looks like it might still be a fun play depending on how it was developed and how game play was designed.


thanks for the reply - i'll have to check this out..

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I agree about 2600 Adventure being one one of the greatest games of all time. A true testament to the fact that good gameplay can overcome just about any other limitation. I just downloaded Joust for my 1200xl and though it looks great, the 2600 version plays 100% better.


I'm curious about Galahad- what was it like? I've never heard of it before.

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galahad is the same perspective and same style as Adventure... as a matter of fact the author (Chris Crockford?) wrote it simply because he DID want something like adventure for the 8 bit line - and he succeded greatly.


At the same time - somehow either his shortcomings as a graphic artist, or his deliberate attempt at not trying to create mindnumbing graphics (or possibly the fact that he COULDNT because the game is just so huge that memory would not allow him to) actually made the game cooler than if it had of been 1/2 the size that it is but with great graphics.... Just like the original.


You basically explore landscapes, fight knights spiders a rabbit (that rabitt is DYNAMITE!!!), butterflies, and I assume eventually dragons... You use swords, shields, hidden doors in walls, and more while visiting castles, dungeouns, hidden rooms, and so much more....


If you love adventure - you are going to pee yourself when you play Galahad...

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galahad is the same perspective and same style as Adventure... as a matter of fact the author (Chris Crockford?) wrote it simply because he DID want something like adventure for the 8 bit line - and he succeded greatly.


At the same time - somehow either his shortcomings as a graphic artist, or his deliberate attempt at not trying to create mindnumbing graphics (or possibly the fact that he COULDNT because the game is just so huge that memory would not allow him to) actually made the game cooler than if it had of been 1/2 the size that it is but with great graphics.... Just like the original.


You basically explore landscapes, fight knights spiders a rabbit (that rabitt is DYNAMITE!!!), butterflies, and I assume eventually dragons... You use swords, shields, hidden doors in walls, and more while visiting castles, dungeouns, hidden rooms, and so much more....


If you love adventure - you are going to pee yourself when you play Galahad...


Actually it was Douglas Crockford. According to the rather sparse documentation the use of Graphics mode 3 (BASIC) allowed him to stuff nearly 100 screens and a program into 32K of memory.



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It mixes in some of the Monty Python movie humor into the story as well - I used the 'holy grenede' to my advantage a few times :) - I could never make it to the ship - but if you dropped the grenade it would mix the graphics up just enough that your sprite could touch the entrance to the ship :)

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