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WOW 18,000 for Atlantis II


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No Sega is not better than Atari no matter which way you look at it. You do know I have a point with that game. Atari items sell better than Sega and they always will. Also Sega is a dead system and I don't see any new system in their future. Again if someone is willing to pay $2,500 for Sega Genesis Competition cart. I see no reason why they would not pay more for an Atari 2600 competition cart. End of story.


Edit: Nicola does collect competition carts by the way.



WHat the heck does this mean? Sega is a dead system. SO is the 2600. If you are talking about new releases, homebrews are released for Genesis as well. "They" would not pay more because "they" already know how much that cart is worth. You have been trying to sell/pawn/show off this cart to anyone who cares. The issue is no one really is going to go ballistic over what you say as opposed to what everyone already knows. I've got a one-of-a-kind Nintendo Campus Challenge NES cart. Is that worth $100,000? No, of course not. Is that what it would take to get it from me? Sure, but I know on the open market it's not worth that and it never will be because it's a lesser known comp cart for NES, but it will hit close to NWC gold levels because of the fact that NES collectors do want it.


I am sure Atari collectors want this item, but you listing it numerous times trying to cash out/win the lottery as you say is not going to do it. Shows you don't believe in this cart like you claim you do. How many times have I put my personal high end games up for auction to "show" off? I put a Zelda I proto up on a 10 cent listing day once, but that's about it...not like this.


And Buy Atari was referring to someone specifically collecting ONLY comp carts. Nicola collects for more than that.

Edited by DreamTR
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To me a loose Atlantis II is worth $750. I'm not to sure where you're getting this $18,000 stuff. I've seen enough to know that yeah Decypher put a big bounty out there when he came on the scene, but that is not the norm. The price always goes back down, and it's just a hack.


Just to clarify on this, I didnt pay my quoted price, I got it for much less than I had offered.



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homer, you're just putting on a show. The only person I know of who's been looking for this cart is Palmer Eldritch, and I don't even know if he's still looking for one of if he's in the position to buy it right now, financially or otherwise. If you want to sell it, offer it to him...but I can tell you he's not going to pay anywhere near what you're asking, nor is any other sane person on this planet.

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To me a loose Atlantis II is worth $750. I'm not to sure where you're getting this $18,000 stuff. I've seen enough to know that yeah Decypher put a big bounty out there when he came on the scene, but that is not the norm. The price always goes back down, and it's just a hack.


Just to clarify on this, I didnt pay my quoted price, I got it for much less than I had offered.



Very happy to hear that. :cool:

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homer, you're just putting on a show. The only person I know of who's been looking for this cart is Palmer Eldritch, and I don't even know if he's still looking for one of if he's in the position to buy it right now, financially or otherwise. If you want to sell it, offer it to him...but I can tell you he's not going to pay anywhere near what you're asking, nor is any other sane person on this planet.

reread post 25 carefully. I am not going for the sane. I am going for the crazy rich guy. :)


Edit: The only reason I posted in this thread was because Zack was making it sound like I was turning down crazy high offers. The highest offer I have turned down was $3. Sorry I am not selling this thing for $3. Again I have best offer for a reason.

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See I don't have to convince 80 percent of the people who look at this. I don't have to convince 10 percent. Heck I don't have to convince 1 percent. All I have to do is convince the 1 in a 1000 that look at this that it is worth something to that amount. Again I realize it is probably a 1 in a 100 shot. But it sure beats the lottery. And the worst that could happen is that a few more people are cognizant of the cart.


Good luck on your ticket Homer. I just you honestly are being funny HA HA about all this. I think your trying to rile everyone up. ;)

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Well thanks. You know the funny thing is. No one blinked an eye when Buyatari put a $77,000 price tag on his NWC Gold cart on Ebay. At the time the highest price paid for one of those carts was $7,500. Where was the outrage there. :ponder:


I think everyone was in more shock and said ....OH well, if someone is going to pay that. Hooray for the seller. Now I think Atari on eBay has really put the strain right now. I have noticed alot of games coming out of the closet the past few years that some thought would never show up on eBay but only for private sale. eBay is either a cruel or very generous monster. A nice catch 22 for society. Things will get back to the way they were. I hust want to soak it up for now. I only have the best of intentions in what I say. That's all. Again Good luck. ;)

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As far as crazy rich guy. Marc Cuban seems pretty kooky. Also I did not go for the $1 million because even the crazy rich guy has their limits. And the odds of that happening would be more like 1 in a trillion. And the lottery has better odds than that.

LOL @ Mark Cuban. Didn't even think of him...you should contact him.

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As far as crazy rich guy. Marc Cuban seems pretty kooky. Also I did not go for the $1 million because even the crazy rich guy has their limits. And the odds of that happening would be more like 1 in a trillion. And the lottery has better odds than that.

LOL @ Mark Cuban. Didn't even think of him...you should contact him.

Trust me I would if I could :cool: :D

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Well thanks in regards to the ticket. You know the funny thing is. No one blinked an eye when Buyatari put a $77,000 price tag on his NWC Gold cart on Ebay. At the time the highest price paid for one of those carts was $7,500. Where was the outrage there. :ponder:


I've had many items listed at 5 figures. I did it on 10 cent day to get attention to the other auctions I was running. I had different items each time. No one thought I was serious with my prices and I didn't fill up every post I ever made talking about the same game over and over. I also didn't make up "rumors" about offers 18X going rate.


I guess the big difference is that this is Atlantis II. Its not even the rarest or most wanted Atari game. So to list it at a high price when you can buy a better Atari game for less takes any chance in our minds someone might bite. Every item I have listed for crazy numbers is either 1 of a kind or the rarest or most wanted item for that system. So its hard to judge the value. In your case the value of Atlantis II is dependant on the value of other Atari 2600 games that are more desirable. Video Life seems to be in the 5k range for a nice complete copy and you really can't expect much more than that for any Atari 2600 game. This is Atlantis II not a PGP-1.


As for your main argument with Sega. 99% of the people here would rather have a loose Coke Wins over a complete Neo Geo European Kizuna Encounter. Coke wins is worth about 1k Kizuna 15K+. Historical value of Kizuna is about nil. It just happens to be rare in European format. Neo Geo sales have nothing to do with Atari sales. Sega sales have nothing to do with Atari sales. Sega collectors saving every penny to buy that 1 Sega game thats rarer than all the rest does not make an Atari 2600 game any more desirable.


Yes you have the best offer and you STILL wouldn't get so much flack for this if it didn't seem like yet another chance to tell us you have this game. You go into detail about your box and paperwork in this auction and its not even for sale. To be honest I think you bought a game you couldn't afford hoping to get some love and attention for it. When people say you are in it for the wrong reasons that is what they are talking about.


Thinking this guy is doing this to rile anyone up (being a troll) is overestimating him.

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Well thanks in regards to the ticket. You know the funny thing is. No one blinked an eye when Buyatari put a $77,000 price tag on his NWC Gold cart on Ebay. At the time the highest price paid for one of those carts was $7,500. Where was the outrage there. :ponder:


I've had many items listed at 5 figures. I did it on 10 cent day to get attention to the other auctions I was running. I had different items each time. No one thought I was serious with my prices and I didn't fill up every post I ever made talking about the same game over and over. I also didn't make up "rumors" about offers 18X going rate.


I guess the big difference is that this is Atlantis II. Its not even the rarest or most wanted Atari game. So to list it at a high price when you can buy a better Atari game for less takes any chance in our minds someone might bite. Every item I have listed for crazy numbers is either 1 of a kind or the rarest or most wanted item for that system. So its hard to judge the value. In your case the value of Atlantis II is dependant on the value of other Atari 2600 games that are more desirable. Video Life seems to be in the 5k range for a nice complete copy and you really can't expect much more than that for any Atari 2600 game. This is Atlantis II not a PGP-1.


As for your main argument with Sega. 99% of the people here would rather have a loose Coke Wins over a complete Neo Geo European Kizuna Encounter. Coke wins is worth about 1k Kizuna 15K+. Historical value of Kizuna is about nil. It just happens to be rare in European format. Neo Geo sales have nothing to do with Atari sales. Sega sales have nothing to do with Atari sales. Sega collectors saving every penny to buy that 1 Sega game thats rarer than all the rest does not make an Atari 2600 game any more desirable.


Yes you have the best offer and you STILL wouldn't get so much flack for this if it didn't seem like yet another chance to tell us you have this game. You go into detail about your box and paperwork in this auction and its not even for sale. To be honest I think you bought a game you couldn't afford hoping to get some love and attention for it. When people say you are in it for the wrong reasons that is what they are talking about.


Thinking this guy is doing this to rile anyone up (being a troll) is overestimating him.

Ok, I see so you can only offer inflated prices for a PGP-1 or a NWC Gold. Sure man what ever floats your boat. :roll: Still no matter how you slice it the Atlantis II is one of the rarest games for the Atari 2600. It also has historical value. Also again the NEO GEO beats SEGA in prices across the board. Many NEO GEO games go for over what SEGA goes for. NEO GEO was for rich people. It was a system that began with high prices. Hence the main collectors of this system would happen to be rich people. Hence the high prices. Also I love the last quote. You almost make it sound like being a troll is a good thing.

One final thing. Remember

1. Atlantis II was the very first competition cart given to contestants.

2. A flier for the contest was put into every Atlantis box. There were over a million boxes made

3. Atlantis II is a game intentionally made with small numbers by a very large company.

4. Atlantis II is a competition cart. Competition carts tend to go for very high prices.

5. They even advertised this contest in video game magazines.


If you guys don't understand why any of those five things would effect a value of a cart than you don't get it. Also, BuyAtari, you mentioned that you had this game and sold it. Have you ever heard of sellers remorse :ponder: The way you seem to be the main person going against me every time seems to validate what I am saying.

Edited by homerwannabee
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Ok, I see so you can only offer inflated prices for a PGP-1 or a NWC Gold. Sure man what ever floats your boat. :roll:


If this had been a PGP-1 listed at 18k you would have more droll comments and many serious offers. You might just maybe even get a buyer at that price. Again you'd have to understand the market.


Still no matter how you slice it the Atlantis II is one of the rarest games for the Atari 2600. It also has historical value.


This isn't the Declaration of Independence. Adventure has more historical value than Atlantis II.


Also again the NEO GEO beats SEGA in prices across the board. Many NEO GEO games go for over what SEGA goes for. NEO GEO was for rich people. It was a system that began with high prices. Hence the main collectors of this system would happen to be rich people. Hence the high prices.


You missed the point yet reaffirmed it at the same time. Neo Geo pricing has no bearing on the pricing of Atari games. Sega pricing has no bearing on the pricing of Atari games.


Also I love the last quote. You almost make it sound like being a troll is a good thing.

Well you are close is one respect you are doing this for the attention.


One final thing. Remember

1. Atlantis II was the very first competition cart given to contestants.

2. A flier for the contest was put into every Atlantis box. There were over a million boxes made

3. Atlantis II is a game intentionally made with small numbers by a very large company.

4. Atlantis II is a competition cart. Competition carts tend to go for very high prices.

5. They even advertised this contest in video game magazines.

1. minor trivia. no one cares.

2. I don't remember it. It wasn't swordquest.

3. PAL Atlantis II carts? never heard of em.

4. Rare carts tend to go for high prices.

5. How old are you? Did you grow up during this period? When I first started collecting in the mid 90's I met other collectors from all over. No one ever mentioned this contest. The cart wasn't included on the first rartiy lists and no one talked about the contest. They did talk about hopefully one day finding a Swordquest competetion cart.


If you guys don't understand why any of those five things would effect a value of a cart than you don't get it. Also, BuyAtari, you mentioned that you had this game and sold it. Have you ever heard of sellers remorse :ponder: The way you seem to be the main person going against me every time seems to validate what I am saying.


I understand those 5 things happened. I can name 5 tid-bits about Coke Wins.


Yes you got me I'm jealous. I wish I had something so rare and special like an Atlantis II. :ponder:


I've had remorse selling some things but not this one nor the Coke Wins. Both can be rebought and they are pretty much equal in price and in demand. If I wanted an Atlantis II I'd just go get one. I'm fighting you because I just sick of hearing about this game every time you post. I think others are just numb.


Why don't you a do a poll and ask if people are sick of you talking about your Atlantis II yet.

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Ok, I see so you can only offer inflated prices for a PGP-1 or a NWC Gold. Sure man what ever floats your boat. :roll:


If this had been a PGP-1 listed at 18k you would have more droll comments and many serious offers. You might just maybe even get a buyer at that price. Again you'd have to understand the market.


Still no matter how you slice it the Atlantis II is one of the rarest games for the Atari 2600. It also has historical value.


This isn't the Declaration of Independence. Adventure has more historical value than Atlantis II.


Also again the NEO GEO beats SEGA in prices across the board. Many NEO GEO games go for over what SEGA goes for. NEO GEO was for rich people. It was a system that began with high prices. Hence the main collectors of this system would happen to be rich people. Hence the high prices.


You missed the point yet reaffirmed it at the same time. Neo Geo pricing has no bearing on the pricing of Atari games. Sega pricing has no bearing on the pricing of Atari games.


Also I love the last quote. You almost make it sound like being a troll is a good thing.

Well you are close is one respect you are doing this for the attention.


One final thing. Remember

1. Atlantis II was the very first competition cart given to contestants.

2. A flier for the contest was put into every Atlantis box. There were over a million boxes made

3. Atlantis II is a game intentionally made with small numbers by a very large company.

4. Atlantis II is a competition cart. Competition carts tend to go for very high prices.

5. They even advertised this contest in video game magazines.

1. minor trivia. no one cares.

2. I don't remember it. It wasn't swordquest.

3. PAL Atlantis II carts? never heard of em.

4. Rare carts tend to go for high prices.

5. How old are you? Did you grow up during this period? When I first started collecting in the mid 90's I met other collectors from all over. No one ever mentioned this contest. The cart wasn't included on the first rartiy lists and no one talked about the contest. They did talk about hopefully one day finding a Swordquest competetion cart.


If you guys don't understand why any of those five things would effect a value of a cart than you don't get it. Also, BuyAtari, you mentioned that you had this game and sold it. Have you ever heard of sellers remorse :ponder: The way you seem to be the main person going against me every time seems to validate what I am saying.


I understand those 5 things happened. I can name 5 tid-bits about Coke Wins.


Yes you got me I'm jealous. I wish I had something so rare and special like an Atlantis II. :ponder:


I've had remorse selling some things but not this one nor the Coke Wins. Both can be rebought and they are pretty much equal in price and in demand. If I wanted an Atlantis II I'd just go get one. I'm fighting you because I just sick of hearing about this game every time you post. I think others are just numb.


Why don't you a do a poll and ask if people are sick of you talking about your Atlantis II yet.

1. Minor trivia. :ponder: Do you realize how huge competitive gaming has become. :ponder: People actually make a living playing in competitive gaming tournaments. I am sure those gamers who do such would have appreciation for the first competition cart ever made.

2. Well, tell you what look at our complete Atlantis box if you have not sold that already and you will see plain as day the contest form.

3. What the heck are you talking about with this. I never said anything about a PAL Atlantis II cart. It is like you totally ignored the statement.

4. Exactly on that. Atleast you get the fact it is extremely rare and would tend to go for a high price on that fact alone.

5. Again it is unfortenate that Atari did not give the Swordquest competition carts to the contestants. I think that was a huge mistake on their part. Trust me if they had I would definetly would of tried very hard to get one of those.


Also, thank you for bringing up the Pepsi Invaders cart that I bought from you. There is something that I have been wanting to get off my chest about that. You know you mentioned nowhere in your auction that this was missing the dust cover and the screw. I really wish that you mentioned that, but instead you happily took my money without thinking twice. What type of salesman are you to do that kind of crap of not mentioning in full detail everything wrong with the game. Have you noticed my ebay rating. Not only is it 100 percent it is a perfect 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. You know how I got that rating? I got it by being completley honest with my auction. And in sometimes being conservative with my statements. So yeah thanks for selling me the incomplete Pepsi Invaders cart I really appreciate that. :x What is with you still having a name BuyAtari. It is obvious you are more SellAtari or BuyNintendo now. You handle does not fit you in the slightest. So again I can perfectly understand why you had no problems selling your "Coke Wins" cart.

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Also, thank you for bringing up the Pepsi Invaders cart that I bought from you. There is something that I have been wanting to get off my chest about that...

If you have a problem with something Adam sold you, I suggest you take it up with him via PM.


I think it's about time for this pissing contest to get locked.

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Also, thank you for bringing up the Pepsi Invaders cart that I bought from you. There is something that I have been wanting to get off my chest about that...

If you have a problem with something Adam sold you, I suggest you take it up with him via PM.


I think it's about time for this pissing contest to get locked.

I agree with you.

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