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Blue Print

Jess Ragan

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I just finished a review for Blue Print, so I thought I'd bring it up here in the 5200 section of the forum. What did you guys think of this Jaleco game, distributed in the United States by Midway and released for the Atari 5200 by CBS Electronics? Is the focus on memorization something that appealed to you, or are you more fond of good 'ol fashioned side-scrolling shooters? What's your highest score, and what strategies do you use to rack up those big points? Inquiring minds want to know.

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I like Blueprint on the 5200 a lot. I think it's nice mix of memory/puzzle and action with decent graphics and good sound. I'm a fan of quirky games like this though so perhaps I'm a little biased. You're right about the C64 and the VCS versions not being very good but I'd have to disagree with the arcade original. I think it's a lot of fun and definitely better than the 5200 port so it should have gotten at least an equal if not better score than the 5200.





On a side note, and this is really in general, not aimed at you in particular but I really prefer reviews I can read. Yours was pretty well done but most of the others on youtube are shining examples of why these people should never appear on camera, do voiceovers or try to write something funny. I just find the video reviews try WAY too hard to be "funny" and don't do a decent review job. Besides that, they are too long. I can read a couple of paragraphs in a minute or so. I hate watching 4 1/2 minutes of terrible jokes hoping for something useful in the video reviews.

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Fair enough. I do have a written review planned for my web site, but I really like the multimedia approach to reviewing games... it allows me to be more creative and express my opinion in ways that wouldn't be possible in a single paragraph. If a picture is worth a thousand words, just imagine how many words a five minute video is worth!

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Good review Jess.I like both the 2600 and 5200 versions myself for diffrent reasons.The 2600 because it controls better than its 5200 counterpart thanks to thoses wounderful controllers and the 5200 version because its just a better looking game than the 2600 version.


I like both because they are abit diffrent than what was being offerd at the time from Atari and other 3rd party companies(death from above shooters,Pac-Man clones,ect).

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