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does anyone know why?


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Hi, I just recently picked up one of those Sio2SD devices... i absolutely love it!! It works great... however, there are a few hitches, and I think I have it somewhat narrowed down to something very basic. I have been getting load errors with certain games that have some kind of interesting introduction. Archon has that ECA screen that changes colors as it loads... Ball Blazer has that screen that says Lucasfilm and has the vehicle and ball going back and forth... Rescue on Fractalus has the jet launch movie... all of these go on as the program is loading... I do have versions that exclude these introductions, but I would much rather keep them... however, the system will either freeze or display "Load Error" during these introductions... is there a work-around? I have heard that this has something to do with the OS RAM being turned off by the program or being reset... but I don't know how to fix it... If you need the images, I can email them... thanks in advance for any help!

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It's either your ATR images or the OS in your machine. I've loaded all of them successfully from SIO2SD if I'm not mistaken.


Do you have these disk images complete with intros in .ATR format? I found the VAPI/ATX versions on atarimania, but they do me no good since Sio2SD doesn't work with them...

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Do you have these disk images complete with intros in .ATR format? I found the VAPI/ATX versions on atarimania, but they do me no good since Sio2SD doesn't work with them...

Possibly, I have tons of ATRs, I'll take a look.


AFAIK, nobody yet has made a version of APE or SIO2PC (or equivalent) software which includes emulation of the various protection methods like duplicate sectors, missing sectors etc.

APE supports the VAPI .dll plugin and will allow you to load ATX images to actual hardware. I use it all the time with my SIO2PC USB. :cool:

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Possibly, I have tons of ATRs, I'll take a look.


That would be cool... like i said, I have ATR's that boot directly into the games, but those intros were cool, and I'd like to have them as well if I can... I actually found a Fractalus ATR with the intro that works... so that's one down... any help at all would be appreciated... does anyone know of any way to make atx/vapi images INTO regular atr's?

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OK one last request... does anyone have working ATR's or .COM's of the following?


Math Blaster sides A and B

Reader Rabbit

Don't have those in the archives, and it appears that Atarimania doesn't either.


Here's a copy of Archon II that displays the EOA logo. Doesn't color cycle like the original did during the protection check, but it's the closest one I have. ;)



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WOW!! Hey thanks a ton for that! that's pretty sweet... I'm finding that the Math Blaster and Reader Rabbit disks are going to be really hard to find... harder in fact than it was to find the koalapad art program... I somehow managed to find a .bin cartridge image of it... don't ask me where, I can't even remember... if only I could find a way to convert it to .ATR or .XEX haha... ya right... Somehow I would have thought that math blaster and reader rabbit would have been easier to find... oh well...

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Sweet!! That would be fantastic! you know... I've always wanted to learn how to crack those things... but I just don't have any idea where to begin... I was just a tad too young to understand any of that when the 8-bits were popular... about as far as I got programming was inputting basic code from the magazines we got... I understand that it requires some sort of sector editor or hex editor... but i have no idea what to look for or what to change or how...

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Here's Reader Rabbit in VAPI format, someone should be able to crack it: http://www.atarimania.com/detail_soft.php?...VERSION_ID=4302


This is V1.0 of the game, has anybody seen a later release for the Atari (there's a V1.2 for the C64 at least)?


Wanner251, I didn't realize you had both Math Blaster! and Reader Rabbit. Are these cracked copies? If you have them in ATR format, could you send them over please?


Additionally, do you have a list of all your other personal disks (not taken from the Internet)? If you had these two in your collection, maybe there are some other titles that haven't been archived yet...


Thanks in advance!



Atari Frog


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Hey thanks for that... I'll go grab them right away...


I do have Math Blaster and Reader Rabbit, but they're not cracked, so there was no way I could use them aside from just the disks themselves... however... I do have an .ATR of math blaster that doesn't work properly... it gets to the title screen and then keeps rebooting itself... I'll include it...


Also, I'll go through what I have and check to see if you have it on Atarimania, and upload anything that I may have that you don't...


Oh, one more thing... how can i do those ATX/VAPI things on a mac??


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OK... I went through a bunch of stuff... and this is what I came up with... the first file has quite a bit of stuff... some of which you might have, some you may not...


the second is a disk that you can access from MyDos that I set up for myself that has a bunch of games for basic, as well as some programs that I copied out of magazines when I was a kid... I don't know which magazines or issues, as I don't have them anymore... but the programs are there... they're pretty simple things, but would be kind of neat to have on your site...


hope this helps with your database...



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