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Anyone have ... manual? (REQUESTS FILLED)


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It seems there are only 2 manuals missing in the 5200 collection here at AtariAge. Those are Gyruss and Activision Decathlon.

Does anybody have either of these and care to scan them? It would be nice to have a complete set...


I found Gyruss on this site




Thanks but I should have clarified....I would like to see scans of the original manual. Thanks anyway. :)




I do not understand why this was moved to the Marketplace...I do not want to buy, sell or trade anything.......

Edited by user42
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Here you go! By the way, I give Albert full permission to use this on the site as well, if he so chooses.



Thanks again.

(I have offered scans to AtariAge here a few times and no one seems to care.)


Edit: I attached the pdf for anyone that wants it. :)


Edited by user42
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Here's a scan of the Activision Decathalon manual. It's from color, printed manual (and not the photocopy one found in some boxes).


It's a single sheet of paper folded into three. I've just scanned one side and then the other side. I did not crop it. I figure you can do what you wish with the.pdf image. If you need it cropped, etc, let me know.


I also have some what I think are pretty rare manuals if you want them scanned. Things like the masterplay interface manual, wico joystick manual, dual controller holder sheet, etc. I also have a huge 8 bit computer collection. I've supplied scans of manuals many years ago (which I think ended up being used in some of the repro cart manuals). Again, anything you'd like, just request.



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Here's a scan of the Activision Decathalon manual. It's from color, printed manual (and not the photocopy one found in some boxes).


It's a single sheet of paper folded into three. I've just scanned one side and then the other side. I did not crop it. I figure you can do what you wish with the.pdf image. If you need it cropped, etc, let me know.


I also have some what I think are pretty rare manuals if you want them scanned. Things like the masterplay interface manual, wico joystick manual, dual controller holder sheet, etc. I also have a huge 8 bit computer collection. I've supplied scans of manuals many years ago (which I think ended up being used in some of the repro cart manuals). Again, anything you'd like, just request.

Thanks for the Decathlon manual, looks good. I already have on my "to do" list to post Gyruss today, so I'll do Decathlon while I'm at it. Will be nice to have a complete set of 5200 manuals online.


Hardware manuals would be nice, but don't have a place to stick them yet. I am slowly working on a new backend system that will let me post updates more easily, as well as some additional database changes to clean things up and add some new features, and once I get that online then it'll be much easier for me to post submissions.



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Here's a scan of the Activision Decathalon manual. It's from color, printed manual (and not the photocopy one found in some boxes).


It's a single sheet of paper folded into three. I've just scanned one side and then the other side. I did not crop it. I figure you can do what you wish with the.pdf image. If you need it cropped, etc, let me know.


I also have some what I think are pretty rare manuals if you want them scanned. Things like the masterplay interface manual, wico joystick manual, dual controller holder sheet, etc. I also have a huge 8 bit computer collection. I've supplied scans of manuals many years ago (which I think ended up being used in some of the repro cart manuals). Again, anything you'd like, just request.


Thank You soooo much!!!

And I would love to see any hardware manuals that you feel like scanning.



Also, seeing as you offered, do you have any rare 2600 manuals? In case you missed it I am also trying to get a complete US 2600 set.


You can see what I am missing there.


Thanks again.

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