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She Came From Planet SGI


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I've got a kickass four Xeon SGI 540 & 1600SW combo that is completley set up hardware-wise, with 18GB LVDs, ready to go... except for one MAJOR hitch...


The 320 & 540 were the only systems that Micro$loth released specialized versions of NT for (the systems can be upgraded to W2000 once the original NT is booting). The problem that I have is that I don't have the damned SGI restore disks (I do have the ones for the 320, but, of course they are incompatible with the 540...). Regular Windows Installs DO NOT work with these exotic systems.


As a result this beautiful system sits, collecting dust, awaiting a rare operating system that seems nearly impossible to find.


Aside from all of the WONDERFUL things that this system is capable of, it also has integrated S-video & Composite in, which would be perfect for running my Atari hardware into.


A braindead version of Linux exists for the system, but you lose all of the special features of the system... not what I want.


I would Imagine that there must be other Atari to Amiga to SGI users here... Can anyone get a hold of the Original Restore Disks for the SGI Visual Workstation 540 (.iso images are fine.)?


I would be happy to exchange the SGI 320 CDs, as I have no use for them.


Any help would be ultra appreciated, as SGI Supportfolio can't help, and there is nothing on the web, that I could find, after numerous attempts.



Thanks, in advance.



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Hey you "oi! oi! oi!" one.


You're writing in Atari 8-bit section and what do ya have to say in this topic???


Putting Atari word in this one doesn't make it Atari-related. :P




To the Moderators - please put this topic in correct place (and delete my babble as well ;) ).



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Yeah, as I had alluded, this is a non-IRIX box. The 320 & 540 Visual Workstations were SGI's first machines that didn't use IRIX. The versions of NT for these machines are very different than other common versions.


I suppose that I could have posted this in one of the existing S-Video, Composite video, or PC video-in hardware peripheral threads, but it seemed that it was different enough to warrant it's own post, due to the nature of the integrated hardware.


As it stands, I do have a lot of "Monitor Clutter" going on, and would like to integrate the 540 into my network. It has a lot of unique features that allow it to easily act as a bridge between IRIX boxes & modern PCs. The threads here on PC capture cards being used for Atari hardware video input got me thinking about running the Atari signal into the 540, then having the option of distributed network video windows, which would be cool on the video-wall.


The success of something like that would be enough, on it's own, to recommend the 540 to other Atari retro enthusiasts.


Besides, ThomSW, I need something to plug in that "RARE ATARI CART"...


= )



Oi, Oi, Oi Vey.

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