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Paypal payment through ebay checkout didn't register. Help.

Christophero Sly

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I purchased an item on ebay earlier today and went through the checkout process immediately after the auction ended and paid via Paypal. I noticed that the layout and formatting of the checkout process had changed since I had last used it, but everything appeared to be in order. I didn't think anything of the changes because ebay seems to constantly fiddle with these sorts of things. I just logged into Paypal as I was directed, paid for my item, and received the standard message telling me that my payment was successful and that I would receive an email receipt shortly.


Later in the day, I paid for another ebay win and, again, went through the checkout process. This time, the layout and formatting had returned to the style I was familiar with. Again, I didn't think anything of it. However, I checked my email shortly after paying for the second item, and saw that I had received a receipt for the second item, but not for the first. On further investigation, it appears that my payment for the first item never even registered. Ebay doesn't show that I've paid for the item and no record of the payment appears in my Paypal history. :?


I'm at a loss to explain this. Has anyone ever had this happen to them. Is it possible that somehow the ebay checkout process could have been hijacked, so that my Paypal account is now compromised? Obviously, trying to get help from Paypal and Ebay has proved useless. Not sure what to do here. Any advice?

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I'm at a loss to explain this. Has anyone ever had this happen to them. Is it possible that somehow the ebay checkout process could have been hijacked, so that my Paypal account is now compromised? Obviously, trying to get help from Paypal and Ebay has proved useless. Not sure what to do here. Any advice?


I haven't experienced that, but ebay & paypal both have been going through a lot of changes recently. I think the chance of hijackers is low. I wouldn't worry too much if it was me. Can you pull up the page again from your browser history and save the screen as an image? Just print screen on your keyboard and then save in paint. I would do this just for your own records. I would also wait before resending payment at least 24 hours or more just in case it's slow in registering. It may still go through possibly?


Was it a real auction or an ebay store item? Buy it now, or regular auction? And if it was BIN, was it a regular auction with BIN or fixed price BIN?

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I haven't experienced that, but ebay & paypal both have been going through a lot of changes recently. I think the chance of hijackers is low. I wouldn't worry too much if it was me. Can you pull up the page again from your browser history and save the screen as an image? Just print screen on your keyboard and then save in paint. I would do this just for your own records. I would also wait before resending payment at least 24 hours or more just in case it's slow in registering. It may still go through possibly?


Was it a real auction or an ebay store item? Buy it now, or regular auction? And if it was BIN, was it a regular auction with BIN or fixed price BIN?

It was a real auction, no BIN.


I think you're right. Ebay/Paypal is making changes to the formatting of various aspects of their site and the simplest explanation is that my payment got inadvertently routed through a channel that was experimental/temporary, and, consequently, it was lost in the ether. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in ebay, but, then again, nothing ever really did. I just went ahead and resent payment.

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