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Aww Geez!

lost child

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Generally I have a few rules that I follow pretty closely when buying on eBay.


1) Always read the description all the way through.

2) Check feedback and try to buy only from sellers with 100% rating or those who have been on eBay for years with 100+ (No super-sellers with 10,000s of sales) sales with feedback of 99% +.

3) Shop around before hastily placing a bid.


Even while following these rules, I've found that I am rarely 100% satisfied with the transactions on eBay - usually due to conveniently unlisted flaws in an item's description, slow shipping, crappy handling, or items never showing up at all. I honestly don't know why I go back... but I do.


So, what the hell happened tonight?


I saw an item listed on eBay earlier tonight and thought, "hmm that's not a bad BIN." I recognized the seller's name - less than a 99% rating, but somehow I guess that recognition made me feel more comfortable. I hastily clicked through the BIN process, completely forgetting to read through the item's description.


As soon as I finished confirming the BIN, I realized I'd broken my own rules. I went back and checked the item description. Not only is listed as having parts missing, it is completely loose - no box! So how exactly can the item be listed as "new" in the auction title?


I realize that this is my error, but it still pisses me off. I feel like I was mislead.


So to recap, and pour lemon juice over my open and festering wounds, I am now the proud owner of an electronic device that I won't be able to use till I track down and find the missing parts. Oh, and I wasn't really seeking out this particular product... it was sort of an impulse buy, so it will probably end up in my drawer of other orphaned junk and will never get any use at all. Best friggin' 20 bucks I ever spent. GAWD, I'm a moron! Meh, I haven't even bought a game in a long time, but out of nowhere I thought, "I need a diversion, maybe I'll splurge just this once..." and then - I mess it up.



Anyone gotta spare binky they'll lend me?


So, I know there are probably about 1000 stories like this in this forum already, but I needed to vent. Thanks for listening. Feel free to rant at or with me. I'm a friggin' stupid monkey dork freak - I know. kthx... and have a nice day.




Usually these sorts of things don't wind me up so much, but I'm already bombarded with a load of other issues in my life right now. It's as though nothing can go right.


Heck, I don't even know why I'm writing this. I feel like an attention whore. I guess the angry sensation of the keys pounding underneath my fingers is helping some. I think I need some Zanax. My blood pressure is up - I feel a headache coming on.


Oh and by the way, I'm really lonely, so even if you don't have anything to add to the thread, please say Hi anyways because if you don't, I fear I'm going to go nuts and go drop some silverware down the garbage disposal to relieve some tension.


Think of the innocent kitchen utensils! :o

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Thanks for your responses - I won't have to pay a repairman for the garbage disposal and I don't have to replace my kitchenware.


I paid for the item immediately. Regardless of the auction's title, the description of the item was clear in the listing. I can admit that I made a mistake. That's not to say that I think it is okay that the auction was listed as "new" - I don't.


I've decided to add a new rule: 4) Avoid eBay altogether. Most smooth online transactions that I have had have been outside of eBay anyway.


I apologize for my rant and mad ravings last night. There is just so much going on in my life right now... I've been a bit stressed out. Looking back on it, I really wasn't nearly as frustrated with last night's eBay experience as I am feeling overwhelmed by life in general.

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