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CIB Quadrun and Boing!, loose Miner 2049er Vol. II


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I would remove the reserve if i were you ;)

Why? I won't sell it for a penny less.

Allow me... Because, reserves are a PITA, and they drive away most potential bidders. Either start it at your minimum, or let it be a real auction.


I can't tell you the times I've seen items with a reserve go unsold, while identical items allowed to be really auctioned go far beyond what the other ones' reserves could have possibly been.

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I would remove the reserve if i were you ;)

Why? I won't sell it for a penny less.

Allow me... Because, reserves are a PITA, and they drive away most potential bidders. Either start it at your minimum, or let it be a real auction.


I can't tell you the times I've seen items with a reserve go unsold, while identical items allowed to be really auctioned go far beyond what the other ones' reserves could have possibly been.


Exactly! Also, if this goes unsold now, its likely that another mexican copy will be listed before you are able to relist. Each new copy listed seriously diminishes the return you get. It happenend with the stash of Motorodeos that were found in venezuela. If you wait any longer and a couple more are listed, you'll be lucky to get $300 for it. In a couple of months this game may be selling for $150.

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Hhhmmm...can't seem to quote anybody without getting, "error report" and the 'ole boot.


Fast reply is the only way I can communicate...LOL!


So...Hello to my old friend, "CPU" and hello to my PAL NTSC Omega.



Quoting is working fine for me. I know Al was switching servers just recently so there are probably a few bugs.

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I am definitely happy you were able to sell your item. :cool: :)

I bet.

Sadly, I think you're happy more because Quadrun didn't 'lose its value' than because k8track actually got his price. :roll:

Actually I don't own a Quadrun. In fact I actually sold my Quadrun 6 months ago at a pretty good price on Ebay. Believe it or not I actually felt bad for him that a boxed Quadrun came up for auction at the same time his did 2 times in a row. That is really bad luck no matter how you cut it. I am just happy it did not affect his second sale. Perceptions are not always reality.

Edited by homerwannabee
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Just a reminder that the MTV2 (the Tigervision game, not the channel!) auction ends in less than 24 hours. Right now it's at $15.50. As the seller, I'm hoping it will go for just a bit more than that (I realize not many buyers will chime in with that).

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