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Does anybody use atari 800 emulator


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Hi there i trying to use the atari 800 emulator, i get the emulator to run games, but cannot get it to work with joysticks, does anybody know how to use it, i know there is Atari 800 win +, but i thought i would try this one, but as i said i can not get the joystick to work


here is a link to the emualtor


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I use Atari800Win, but I have gone through the sources for Atari800. Atari800 has a lot of potential, because of it's platform independent sources, and it's many configuration options.


I suggest downloading the Platform-Independent Sources, and reading through both the docs & the code, to find answers.


There are extensive startup switches available as start options, for example:


-mouse joy Emulate joystick using mouse

-LPTjoy1 Read joystick connected to LPT1


Here are all of the switches, this doc includes the keyboard mappings for the joystick:

Up-to-date list of command line parameters and key mappings

atari800 [options] [filenames]

"filenames" are names of files supported by the emulator.
The following file types are currently supported:
- disk images: ATR, XFD, ATR.GZ/ATZ, XFD.GZ/XFZ, DCM
- programs: COM/EXE/XEX, BAS, LST
- cartridge images: CAR/CART, ROM (raw)
- tape images: CAS, raw bootable programs
- Atari800 state files: compressed and not compressed
Disk images are mounted in order, i.e. the first file is mounted
to the drive 1, next one to the drive 2, etc.

Cassette operation

As there is no possibility to create a new tape from the UI yet, create a file
of zero size (e.g. with 'touch' command or a text editor) and Select that
as tape if you want to save to tape.
Appending to existing tapes is not allowed. You have to re-insert (select
again in the tape dialog) a just saved tape when you want to load from it
in order to rewind it.

Command line options

-help                 Display list of options and terminate
-v                    Display version number and terminate
-verbose              Display framerate when exiting

-config <filename>    Use specified configuration file instead of default
-osa_rom <filename>   Use specified OS/A ROM image
-osb_rom <filename>   Use specified OS/B ROM image
-xlxe_rom <filename>  Use specified XL/XE OS ROM image
-5200_rom <filename>  Use specified 5200 OS ROM image
-basic_rom <filename> Use specified Atari BASIC ROM image

-atari                Emulate Atari 800
-xl                   Emulate Atari 800 XL
-xe                   Emulate Atari 130 XE
-320xe                Emulate Atari 320 XE (Compy Shop)
-rambo                Emulate Atari 320 XE (Rambo)
-5200                 Emulate Atari 5200

-emuos                Use EmuOS
-a                    Use OS/A for Atari 800
-b                    Use OS/B for Atari 800
-c                    Enable RAM between 0xc000 and 0xcfff in Atari 800

-pal                  Emulate PAL TV mode
-ntsc                 Emulate NTSC TV mode

-nobasic              Turn off Atari BASIC ROM
-basic                Turn on Atari BASIC ROM

-cart <filename>      Insert cartridge (CART or raw format)

-run <filename>       Run Atari program (EXE, COM, XEX, BAS, LST)

-state <filename>     Load saved-state file

-tape <filename>      Attach cassette image (CAS format or raw file)
-boottape <filename>  Attach cassette image and boot it

-nopatch              Don't patch SIO routine in OS
-nopatchall           Don't patch OS at all, H: and P: devices won't work
-H1 <path>            Set path for H1: device
-H2 <path>            Set path for H2: device
-H3 <path>            Set path for H3: device
-H4 <path>            Set path for H4: device
-hreadonly            Enable read-only mode for H: device
-hreadwrite           Disable read-only mode for H: device
-devbug               Put debugging messages for H: and P: devices in log file

-rtime                Enable R-Time 8 emulation
-nortime              Disable R-Time 8 emulation

-mouse off            Do not use mouse
-mouse pad            Emulate paddles
-mouse touch          Emulate Atari Touch Tablet
-mouse koala          Emulate Koala Pad
-mouse pen            Emulate Light Pen
-mouse gun            Emulate Light Gun
-mouse amiga          Emulate Amiga mouse
-mouse st             Emulate Atari ST mouse
-mouse trak           Emulate Atari Trak-Ball
-mouse joy            Emulate joystick using mouse
-mouseport <num>      Set mouse port 1-4 (default 1)
-mousespeed <num>     Set mouse speed 1-9 (default 3)
-multijoy             Emulate MultiJoy4 interface

-refresh <rate>       Set screen refresh rate
-artif <mode>         Set artifacting mode 0-4 (0 = disable)
-palette <filename>   Read Atari colors from ACT file
-black <num>          Set black level 0-255
-while <num>          Set white level 0-255
-colors <num>         Set color intensity
-genpal               Generate artifical palette
-colshift <num>       Set color shift (-genpal only)
-screenshots <pattern>Set filename pattern for screenshots

-sound                Enable sound
-nosound              Disable sound
-dsprate <freq>       Set mixing frequency (Hz)
-snddelay <time>      Set sound delay (milliseconds)

Curses version options
-left                 Use columns 0 to 39
-central              Use columns 20 to 59
-right                Use columns 40 to 79
-wide1                Use columns 0 to 79 (spaces between characters)
-wide2                Use columns 0 to 79 (as above but normal/reverse spaces)

DOS/VGA version options

-interlace            Generate screen with interlace
-video <mode>         0=320x200, 1=320x240, 2=320x480 interlaced with black
                     lines, 3=320x480 interlaced with darker lines
-novesa               Do not use VESA 2 video modes
-vretrace             Use vertical retrace control

-LPTjoy1              Read joystick connected to LPT1
-LPTjoy2              Read joystick connected to LPT2
-LPTjoy3              Read joystick connected to LPT3
-joyswap              Swap joysticks

-keyboard 0           PC keyboard layout
-keyboard 1           Atari keyboard layout

Falcon version options

-interlace <x>        Generate Falcon screen only every x frame
-videl                Direct VIDEL programming (Falcon/VGA only)
-double               Double the screen size on NOVA
-delta                Delta screen output (differences only)

-joyswap              Swap joysticks

SDL version options

-fullscreen           Start in fullscreen mode
-windowed             Start in windowed mode
-rotate90             Useful for devices with 240x320 screen (handhelds)
-width x              Set mode width
-height y             Set mode height
-bpp b                Set mode bits per pixel

-audio16              Enable 16-bit sound

-nojoystick           Do not initialize joysticks
-joy0 </dev/lp0>      Define the device for LPTjoy
-joy1 </dev/lp1>      --""-- only when LPTjoy support compiled in

-ntscemu              Emulate NTSC composite video (640x480x16 only)
-ntsc_hue <n>         Set NTSC hue -1..1 (like TV Tint control)
-ntsc_sat <n>         Set NTSC saturation (like TV Colour control)
-ntsc_cont <n>        Set NTSC contrast (also called white level)
-ntsc_bright <n>      Set NTSC brightness (also called black level)
-ntsc_sharp <n>       Set NTSC sharpness
-ntsc_burst <n>       Set NTSC burst phase (artificating colours)
                     (CTIA?) Drol, Choplifter, Ultima: 0.70
-ntsc_gauss <n>       Set NTSC Gaussian factor 
                     (can affect artifacting colours, sharpness and ghosting)
-ntsc_gamma <n>       Set NTSC gamma adjustment
-ntsc_ramp <n>        Set NTSC saturation ramp factor (amount by which
                     bright colours become desaturated or washed out)
-scanlines <n>        Set scanlines percentage (ntscemu only)

SVGALIB version options

-interlace            Generate screen with interlace

X11 options

-small                Single size window
-large                Double size window
-huge                 Triple size window
-clip_x <n>           Left offset for clipping
-clip_y <n>           Top offset for clipping
-clip_width           Width of the clipping area
-clip_height          Height of the clipping area
-private_cmap         Use private colormap

-fps                  Show framerate
-sio                  Show SIO monitor
-x11bug               Enable debug code in atari_x11.c

-keypad               Keypad mode

Keyboard, joystick and other controllers

Unlike PC Xformer, I have not tried to emulate the exact keyboard layout,
instead, I have tried to make your native keyboard work as normal.

F1         Built in user interface
F2         Option key
F3         Select key
F4         Start key
F5         Reset key ("warm reset")
Shift+F5   Reboot ("cold reset")
F6         Help key (XL/XE only)
F7         Break key
F8         Enter monitor
F9         Exit emulator
F10        Save screenshot
Shift+F10  Save interlaced screenshot
Alt+R      Run Atari program
Alt+D      Disk management
Alt+C      Cartridge management
Alt+Y      Select system
Alt+O      Sound settings
Alt+W      Sound recording start/stop
Alt+S      Save state file
Alt+L      Load state file
Alt+A      About the emulator

Paddles, Atari touch tablet, Koala pad, light pen, light gun,
ST/Amiga mouse, Atari trak-ball, joystick and Atari 5200 analog
controller are emulated using mouse on ports that support it.
See the options above for how to enable mouse.

Amiga keyboard, joystick and other controllers

Please look into the supplied Atari800.guide.

BASIC keyboard, joystick and other controllers

No function keys or Alt+letter shortcuts.
Use Ctrl+C to enter the monitor.
Controllers not supported in this version.

Curses keyboard, joystick and other controllers

F10 (Save screenshot) does not work in the default CURSES_BASIC build.
Shift+F5 and Shift+F10 don't work at all.
Avoid Ctrl + C, H, J, M, Q, S and Z. The remaining control characters
can be typed. Control characters are displayed on the screen
with the associated upper case character in bold.
Controllers not supported in this version.

DOS VGA keyboard, joystick and other controllers

F7         Switch between Emulated joysticks mode and Normal keyboard
`          Atari/Inverse key

Joysticks can be either real one connected to game port, or old 8-bit
digital CX-40 joysticks connected to parallel port or keyboard joysticks
(try out JOYCFG.EXE).

Falcon keyboard, joystick and other controllers

Help       Help key (XL/XE)

Joystick 0 is operated by the numeric keypad (make sure that the numeric
keypad has been enabled).

       7 8 9
       4 5 6
       1 2 3

       And 0 is the fire key.

Mouse not supported in this version.

SDL keyboard, joystick and other controllers
`          Atari/Inverse key
LSUPER     Atari/Inverse key (unusable under Windows)
RSUPER     CapsToggle (+Shift = CapsLock)

LAlt+F     Switch fullscreen (probably doesn't work in Windows)
LAlt+G     Switch WIDTH_MODE (so you can set 320x240)
LAlt+J     Swap _keyboard_emulated_ joysticks
LAlt+E     Switch bpp (for debug only, will be removed soon)

These keys work with the NTSC composite video emualtion (-ntscemu):
(This interface should be considered experimental and is subject to change)
LAlt+1     Decrease NTSC sharpness 
LAlt+2     Increase NTSC sharpness 
LAlt+3     Decrease NTSC saturation (like TV Colour control)
LAlt+4     Increase NTSC saturation
LAlt+5     Decrease NTSC brightness (also called black level)
LAlt+6     Increase NTSC brightness
LAlt+7     Decrease NTSC contrast (also called white level) 
LAlt+8     Increase NTSC contrast
LAlt+9     Decrease NTSC burst phase (use this to change artifacting colours) 
LAlt+0     Increase NTSC burst phase
LAlt+-     Decrease NTSC Gaussian factor (ghosting, sharpness, artif colours)
LAlt+=     Increase NTSC Gaussian factor (ghosting, sharpness, artif colours)
LAlt+[     Decrease scanlines percentage (NTSC mode only)
LAlt+]     Increase scanlines percentage (NTSC mode only)
LAlt+;     Decrease NTSC hue (like TV Tint control)
LAlt+'     Increase NTSC hue (like TV Tint control)
LAlt+Ins   Decrease NTSC saturation ramp(reduce saturation for bright colours) 
LAlt+Ins   Increase NTSC saturation ramp(reduce saturation for bright colours) 

Apart from standard joysticks (handled by the SDL) two keyboard joysticks
are supported.

Keyboard joystick 0 is operated by the numeric keypad.

       7 8 9
       4 5 6
       1 2 3

       And left control is the fire key.

Keyboard joystick 1 is by default mapped on the following keys:

       q w e
       a s d
       z x c

       And Tab is the fire key.

Keyboard joystick emulation can be enabled/disabled in the Controller Config.
By default, joy 0 is enabled and joy 1 is disabled (to not steal normal
qweadzxc keys in the emulator).

To redefine keys for joystick emulation edit the Atari800 config file and
modify the SDL_JOY_* options (see FAQ). You can also edit the default values
in the atari_sdl.c, then recompile Atari800. In source you can also turn
off sound or change defaults (FULLSCREEN, BW, SWAP_JOYSTICKS, WIDTH_MODE).

SVGALIB keyboard, joystick and other controllers

F11        Joystick autofire on/off
`          Caps key

The Ctrl+Shift keyboard combinations are implemented using the left Alt key.

Joystick 0 is operated by the numeric keypad (make sure that the numeric
keypad has been enabled).

       7 8 9
       4 5 6
       1 2 3

       And 0 is the fire key.

Mouse not supported in this version.

X11 keyboard, joystick and other controllers

Alt        Atari/Inverse key (either Alt key will work)

Joystick 0 is operated by the mouse position relative to the center of the
screen. The mouse button acts as the trigger. On Linux, standard joysticks
are also supported.

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Yeah, I find Atari800 (win32 compile) to be the best, most accurate emulator to use. It syncs perfectly to my monitor at 60hz and never misses a beat (smooth scrolling in River Raid, Boulder Dash, Rally Speedway, like a real 8-bit). I believe it detects windows joysticks, if connected. Not sure how to 'emulate' a joystick if one is not connected.


Atari800Win, seems to be more user friendly in this regard, but is generally lacking in 'look and feel' but others' experiences may vary...

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I typically use Atari800MacX, but sometimes when I modify the emulator for some reason, I use atari800.


For joystick, you might try the keyboard emulation: F1->Controller Configuration.


btw, I think Atari800Win/Atari800MacX, besides GUI, are 95% (or more) identical with atari800 :)

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I have been using Atari800Win Plus since it was able to properly emulate the Antic/GTIA properly. I tried Atari800 for windows, but could not get the Unix/Linux to run in PC Linux OS nor could I find some good documentation on setting it up. Also there aren't any Atari Emulator Packages in the Repositories.

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All of my boxes around here run varying flavors of Linux except for my one M$ gaming box. Atari800 works most excellently on all my tux boxes, but it drives me bonkers on my XP machine. The XP box has a multi-head video card, and since Atari800 only runs full-screen, it causes all sorts of problems with the other displays. Atari800win+ behaves better in windowed mode, but causes the exact same problems in full screen.


I have one dedicated Linux box that is nothing but my Atari's file slave, emulator, & gateway to the www.


AtariSIO + Atari800. Can't go wrong.


I really only use Atari800win+ for high speed compiling/assembling.

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...and since Atari800 only runs full-screen, ...


Not so... you can run "atari800 -windowed" to get it running in a (small) window. There's no way to put that in the config file though (I checked the source)... but on windows, or on something like KDE or Gnome, you could edit the "shortcut properties" and add the -windowed parameter there, to get a clickable icon for atari800 in a window. Or, you could write a shell script or batch file wrapper that runs it for you.


You might also add -ntscemu, it doubles the size of the window (to 640x480) and gives you a nice fake-scanlines effect.


Also, something that might help you get fullscreen working: atari800 uses SDL for its graphics... SDL supports an environment variable, SDL_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN_HEAD, that (if set) chooses which monitor to display on. On my Linux dual-head (Xinerama) setup, I use SDL_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN_HEAD=0 for left monitor, 1 for right monitor, or don't set it and it stretches across both. The same thing probably works on Windows... though I have no idea how to set environment variables in modern Windows (maybe the shortcut properties again?).


Also (you may already know this), Atari800win+ works pretty well on Linux with Wine. Only thing that doesn't work is the debugger window.

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atari800 uses the numpad as it's joystick...


Yeah, and I really wish it could be remapped... for one thing, I use WASD and Control for everything else (MAME, Quake, etc), and for another thing, my favorite keyboard has no numeric keypad.


(Yah, it's open source, and I've changed the key mapping in the source... would be nice to remap without a recompile though)

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