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Custom ColecoVision Control Pad w/ Case


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Well being sick of people complaining about the uncomfortableness and unreliability of standard and available 3rd party ColecoVision controllers I made one that all gamers should be able to appreciate. Its what we so commonly refer to these days as a control pad. No more hand cramping controller death grip required to hold onto whilst you muscle around the joystick, but a nice rectangular design with a directional pad and 2 independant fire buttons compatible will all games requiring 1 or 2 buttons. The layout and design should be familiar to those who enjoyed the re-rise of the video game phenomen of the mid to late 80's. The controller's label is laser printed and heat laminated for durability over even the longest of gaming sessions, and with a 6' straight wire cord you won't be forced to sit 2 feet away from your TV to play. The controller works great and makes the "ColecoVision Experience" a lot more enjoyable.


Please forgive the fuzziness of the picture. With the label and controller being gloss black using the flash on the camera creates a nasty white spot.





Edited by doubledown
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Yes it was originally an NES pad. The raised plastic surrounding the Start and Select buttons was shaved down, both of those buttons were removed, and said recessed area was filled and sanded smooth. The Nintendo logo and information on the bottom was also shaved off. The plastic was dyed gloss black and then the label was designed, printed, laminated, and permanetly adhered. It does work very nice and comfortably. I played 20 minutes of Pitfall and about a half hour of Donkey Kong with it last night.

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Yes it was originally an NES pad. The raised plastic surrounding the Start and Select buttons was shaved down, both of those buttons were removed, and said recessed area was filled and sanded smooth. The Nintendo logo and information on the bottom was also shaved off. The plastic was dyed gloss black and then the label was designed, printed, laminated, and permanetly adhered. It does work very nice and comfortably. I played 20 minutes of Pitfall and about a half hour of Donkey Kong with it last night.

Great job putting that controller together! I'm one of those who really can't stand the stock CV controller, and I often have a 2600 stick plugged into my CV. Do you plan on making more of these or was this a one-off?



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Did you start with a NES pad?

Nah...you think? ;)




I just use my 7800 compatible controllers like the RSI7800 and NES7800 pad. Some people have told me that they can interfere with the keypad during game play, but I haven't had any problems with the games I like to play.


The CV label on this pad does look cool though.

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Yes it was originally an NES pad. The raised plastic surrounding the Start and Select buttons was shaved down, both of those buttons were removed, and said recessed area was filled and sanded smooth. The Nintendo logo and information on the bottom was also shaved off. The plastic was dyed gloss black and then the label was designed, printed, laminated, and permanetly adhered. It does work very nice and comfortably. I played 20 minutes of Pitfall and about a half hour of Donkey Kong with it last night.

Great job putting that controller together! I'm one of those who really can't stand the stock CV controller, and I often have a 2600 stick plugged into my CV. Do you plan on making more of these or was this a one-off?




As of right now its a one-off custom. Its actually the only modding work of any kind that I've been able to do in quite a while. If enough people were interested I could possibly be persuaded to make more.

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As of right now its a one-off custom. Its actually the only modding work of any kind that I've been able to do in quite a while. If enough people were interested I could possibly be persuaded to make more.

Put me at the top of your list, dude! :D


Well on that note, if I were to make these controllers available does anybody have any other suggestions for the donor controller? Is the NES controller good or is there a better suggestion? Basically all it needs is a digital directional pad or joystick and at least 2 buttons. Keep in mind its obiviously better if the donor is common (which equals cheap) which will help to keep the cost down. Let me know what you guys think.

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Jaguar controllers would be great, especially since they also have a keypad. Not sure if they can be bought new, though, but I'd be willing to pay more for one transformed into a ColecoVision controller! :)




The Jaguar Pad is definately a natural choice because of the keypad, but I personally hate those controllers. Its definately possible from my understanding. I'm pretty sure the Jaguar's keypad uses discrete outputs versus a matrix output which would match that of the ColecoVision. I don't have one to verify though. Also with the semi-limited availability of those controllers they would need to be provided by the buyer and I would need to get one to check it out.

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Similarly, does a 7800 euro-joypad work with the Colecovision? I seem to remember trying to use the 7800 joypad for my CV once and it fried the controller router chips in the console.


I'm not sure. I use to have one, but I never tried it with the ColecoVision. I don't know if it was just the one that I had or not, but the directional pad on mine was so tight it wasn't comfortable at all to use.

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Why not a Sega pad? They're cheap and easy to find, they have enough buttons, the right connector, and they are already black! Maybe you could even use a 6 button and route at least some of the buttons to keypad buttons?


I thought about Sega controllers originally, but with 2-6 extra unused buttons, and a curved body which is a lot harder to attach a label to, I decided not to use it.

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Well on that note, if I were to make these controllers available does anybody have any other suggestions for the donor controller? Is the NES controller good or is there a better suggestion? Basically all it needs is a digital directional pad or joystick and at least 2 buttons. Keep in mind its obiviously better if the donor is common (which equals cheap) which will help to keep the cost down. Let me know what you guys think.

To me, the most important aspect of such a custom CV controller is the D-Pad, and the NES one is hard to beat in terms of confort and durability. I was going to suggest using the "dogbone" pad from the NES top-loader model, as it's slightly easier to find brand new, but I guess its curved edges don't fit your criteria very well. How about the SNES pad? It's curved, but flat... Too many unused buttons perhaps?

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I just use my 7800 compatible controllers like the RSI7800 and NES7800 pad.

Same here, plugged into a Champ or using a splitter or leaving a second CV controller in port 2. At the current price of this auction ~$90 (!) that's almost enough for me to make some RSI7800 sticks and put a Colecovision label on them. :D


The pad is a nice piece of work though. :cool:

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Well on that note, if I were to make these controllers available does anybody have any other suggestions for the donor controller? Is the NES controller good or is there a better suggestion? Basically all it needs is a digital directional pad or joystick and at least 2 buttons. Keep in mind its obiviously better if the donor is common (which equals cheap) which will help to keep the cost down. Let me know what you guys think.

To me, the most important aspect of such a custom CV controller is the D-Pad, and the NES one is hard to beat in terms of confort and durability. I was going to suggest using the "dogbone" pad from the NES top-loader model, as it's slightly easier to find brand new, but I guess its curved edges don't fit your criteria very well. How about the SNES pad? It's curved, but flat... Too many unused buttons perhaps?


Aside from functionality, cosmetics is always a big priority for me. I could have just as easily wired the controller, left it gray, left the start and select buttons, and left the Nintendo label on it. So any controller that can't be reasonably easily modded to work for and look like it belongs with the ColecoVision I'm not really interested in. As an example in rediculousness, just imagine wiring an N64 controller for the ColecoVision and not changing any of the cosmetics. There would be unused: an analog stick, 8 buttons, and an expansion slot. Not to mention the Nintendo logo. Now just about anybody can do that, which is how I think I set myself apart, its the whole package.

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