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Custom ColecoVision Control Pad w/ Case


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This is the first one I've attempted to sell. I've started a few other designs, but haven't had a chance to finish up the cosmetic touches on those yet, thus haven't revealed them yet. I think the biggest problem with building them to sell is cost. I personally would prefer to sell a few high-end items versus a hundred cheap-o's.


I assume your custom controller is for the 5200? Definately a little easier to find a small analog thumb stick for that than a digital one for the ColecoVision.


It is indeed for a 5200. I just got the initial mockup put together largely from stuff I had laying around. The beige faceplate is hacked out the back of an old PC/XT keyboard. My thought was to do the face in black. I was surprised that I actually kinda like the beige.


Anyway, it's a heck of a long way from being functional but here's the first pass at it:



All positioning is based on my hand size and comfort, of course. I expect that once I get it workable I'll modify the ergonimics some before I build my final version.

(It's all crudely hacked with hand tools, so don't scrutinize too heavily.)

Edited by BigO
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