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Atari 410


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I have this tape drive but not the computer. I plugged it in and the rewind function kind of works. After rewinding a tape about 3/4 of the way, it stopped. It does nothing when the advance or play buttons are pushed down. Is this a lost cause or is it possible that any parts of it could be salvaged?

Edited by mathwontmissyou
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Just get an XL or XE from eBay. $20-$30 will get a basic setup.


Don't chuck the 410 away - there's still collector value in them. Plus, if it's cactus it can still serve as the basis for modding into something else such as a HDD enclosure.


If it is the belt, they can still be sourced, or there's always the old fallback of dental floss.

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I, see.


I guess what I really want to know is if this is something that someone would find useful in any way. As neat as it would be to have an Atari 400, I doubt I'll ever get one.


I remember converting my Atari 410 into a normal tape recorder, but the tape speed was a bit off-- probably because the tape recorder wasn't functioning probably. If you look at sio jack:



2 4 6 8 10 12

1 3 5 7 9 11 13


1 = Clock in

2 = Clock out

3 = Data in (blue wire)

4 = Ground (GND)

5 = Data out (red wire)

6 = Ground (GND)

7 = Command

8 = Motor Control

9 = Proceed

10 = +5V/Ready

11 = Audio in

12 = +12V DC

13 = Interrupt


You can turn on the tape recorder by applying +5V to Motor Control line (and pressing play) and hear the audio by using Audio in + GND. Haven't played around with it since a long time ago since I simulated the relevant functions of the device in the Peripheral Simulator.

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