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Boxed Rescue Terra I in this lot


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I'd rather have an Atlantis II than a girlfriend, lots more people have girlfriends than have AII's!


My wife, however, would probably prefer that I (continue to) have neither... ;)

Why not both, this is how me and my wife "spice it up"


:rolling: :rolling:

That is too good. :cool: :D And to BuyAtari. I think you are right. I have put too much emotional investment into this hobby. And I even transferred feelings of myself onto material objects in this hobby. In the end no matter what material possessions you have they are still objects.

Objects of Desire :lust:


jk. always important to remember that they're just games.

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I was looking for information on Rescue Terra I..........is there a mistake here????????


man, if I put importance on the ultra rare stuff I have over life, I would be in a mental institution by now.........


I mean I love Atari but sanity and life come before that.......


There is a very famous saying in Spanish..."Todo se puede resolver menos la muerte"...TRANSLATION "Anything can be resolved except for death." ...catch my drift.... ;)

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:rolling: :rolling:

That is too good. :cool: :D And to BuyAtari. I think you are right. I have put too much emotional investment into this hobby. And I even transferred feelings of myself onto material objects in this hobby. In the end no matter what material possessions you have they are still objects.


Doesn't take a psychologist to figure that one out ;)


Keep up the studies. I'm actually more impressed that you are going your degree than by any cart you may have purchased. You'll find other people feel the same way. While being a collector can make you a more interesting person its only a tiny aspect of who you are and who you can be.

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eing a collector can make you a more interesting person its only a tiny aspect of who you are and who you can be.


Yup, and dropping 30 to 50 grand or more on a boat or a sports car is no less silly than on a collection of Atari games or anything else, and everyone knows the stereotype of the guy who thinks he's all that because he has a boat or a sports car.


When someone getting to know you finds out about something interesting about you, they are impressed.

When you run around flaunting the exact same thing trying to impress people, the result is annoyance.

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