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Think someone can sue you because you left them negative feedback?


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Long story short, someone left me a negative claiming goods not received, but I explained to them a problem with PayPal and what the PayPal rep told me is to let the claim be awarded to the buyer and it'll automatically refund them the money and make me negative balance. Don't ask like I said long story.


So, I left the buyer two emails. Explained this to them. No reply. They leave me negative feedback and I did the same for them. The moment I leave a negative they emailed me. It's like a typical eBayer. They were waiting by the keyboard for a response.


They said:


"I've gotten your contact info from ebay and I'm calling the family attorney to sue your lame ass for damage to

my ebay rep."


I laughed, because I doubt it's possible. Do you know how many people would be suing other people then? Shoot! I'd be able to sue people. I had someone leave me a negative feedback because THEY didn't pay for something THEY bought off me.

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I would write back:


And I am talking to my attorney about suing you for undue stress and trauma.


It is soooooooooo not worth worrying about.


Technically, anyone can sue anyone for anything.

If they want to spend all that money on an attorney only to have the case never seen in court because

of the fact that no judge in his right mind would hear it, then let them go nuts.


However, 99.999999999% of the time, its an empty threat.

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I would write back:


And I am talking to my attorney about suing you for undue stress and trauma.


It is soooooooooo not worth worrying about.


Technically, anyone can sue anyone for anything.

If they want to spend all that money on an attorney only to have the case never seen in court because

of the fact that no judge in his right mind would hear it, then let them go nuts.


However, 99.999999999% of the time, its an empty threat.


I am contemplating suing you over this post.

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In my experience, people who are most quick to threaten to sue you are usually in the weakest position to actually do so. This is the typical internet bully, just ignore him. Save any emails he sends you (including the one where he threatens to sue you), and if he keeps sending them, forward them to eBay.


Out of curiosity, what was the feedback you left him?



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I just looked at this person and this is the 2nd negative they received this month. The other one looks like virtually the same situation as me!


I do have a thing in with SquareTrade, but will only remove their neg if they remove mine AND if they pay for the mediator.


The feedback I wrote was:


"Buyer wanted a refund and has been issued one via PayPal. That's why not sent."


Person told me they didn't want the item. I got it from a wholesaler. A computer processor. I've sold a few before. In order for ME to get their money back I had to send it back and wait for the refund. PayPal won't let me refund the customer because I have to pay the money it put on hold which is -$110 PLUS the $142 I want to refund my customer. I don't have $252 on my credit card. I only have $142! So, the case will be decided in favor of the buyer in 10 days at which time it will let me "resolve negative balance" by paying with my credit card.

Edited by yuppicide
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They really can't sue you and win if you told the truth in your feedback.


Feedback is a reflection of your personal experience and in your eyes it was Negative. So just being negative isn't enough to sue you and have a winable case. If you defamed the other party in your words then I am sure a case could be heard but it does not appear to be the case here. You stated the facts and left the appropriate feedback on your personal experience of the transaction.

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They really can't sue you and win if you told the truth in your feedback.


Feedback is a reflection of your personal experience and in your eyes it was Negative. So just being negative isn't enough to sue you and have a winable case. If you defamed the other party in your words then I am sure a case could be heard but it does not appear to be the case here. You stated the facts and left the appropriate feedback on your personal experience of the transaction.



Agreed in full.

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I would write back:


And I am talking to my attorney about suing you for undue stress and trauma.


It is soooooooooo not worth worrying about.


Technically, anyone can sue anyone for anything.

If they want to spend all that money on an attorney only to have the case never seen in court because

of the fact that no judge in his right mind would hear it, then let them go nuts.


However, 99.999999999% of the time, its an empty threat.


I am contemplating suing you over this post.


Just try it and I will sue you back for writing 'I am' instead of writing 'I'm' which caused this page to load .000000000000001 nanoseconds slower.

Since I read this at work, it took away from my productivity. I will be suing for lost wages, lack of apostrophe and unnecessary wordiness.


If you would like to settle, I would consider a boxed Quadrun. Please PM me with your offer or contact my lawyer directly.

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Long story short, someone left me a negative claiming goods not received, but I explained to them a problem with PayPal and what the PayPal rep told me is to let the claim be awarded to the buyer and it'll automatically refund them the money and make me negative balance. Don't ask like I said long story.


So, I left the buyer two emails. Explained this to them. No reply. They leave me negative feedback and I did the same for them. The moment I leave a negative they emailed me. It's like a typical eBayer. They were waiting by the keyboard for a response.


They said:


"I've gotten your contact info from ebay and I'm calling the family attorney to sue your lame ass for damage to

my ebay rep."


I laughed, because I doubt it's possible. Do you know how many people would be suing other people then? Shoot! I'd be able to sue people. I had someone leave me a negative feedback because THEY didn't pay for something THEY bought off me.



Legally you can be sued for libel based on the feedback you leave. In order for it to hold up in court the other person needs to prove that your statements are false and that he or she has been harmed as a result. Of course, win or lose, you can end up wasting alot of time in the court system and alot of money on attorney fees.

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Long story short, someone left me a negative claiming goods not received, but I explained to them a problem with PayPal and what the PayPal rep told me is to let the claim be awarded to the buyer and it'll automatically refund them the money and make me negative balance. Don't ask like I said long story.


So, I left the buyer two emails. Explained this to them. No reply. They leave me negative feedback and I did the same for them. The moment I leave a negative they emailed me. It's like a typical eBayer. They were waiting by the keyboard for a response.


They said:


"I've gotten your contact info from ebay and I'm calling the family attorney to sue your lame ass for damage to

my ebay rep."


I laughed, because I doubt it's possible. Do you know how many people would be suing other people then? Shoot! I'd be able to sue people. I had someone leave me a negative feedback because THEY didn't pay for something THEY bought off me.



Legally you can be sued for libel based on the feedback you leave. In order for it to hold up in court the other person needs to prove that your statements are false and that he or she has been harmed as a result. Of course, win or lose, you can end up wasting alot of time in the court system and alot of money on attorney fees.


So can the plantiff. Plus they have to pay court costs as well.

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Just try it and I will sue you back for writing 'I am' instead of writing 'I'm' which caused this page to load .000000000000001 nanoseconds slower.

Since I read this at work, it took away from my productivity. I will be suing for lost wages, lack of apostrophe and unnecessary wordiness.


If you would like to settle, I would consider a boxed Quadrun. Please PM me with your offer or contact my lawyer directly.


LOL! Hilarious.

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