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Swan Demo re-programming


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I want to change the spinning atari 130xe logo in the swan demo. I used dis6502 and found the data maps for the 32 (i think) different gr. 8 animation pages. I read in the dis6502 docs that there was a sprite type editor but it is not in the newest version. What are y'all using to do this kind of graphics editing.

Edited by Webzz
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If it's just raw screen data, unpacked, then it would probably be easiest to work out the start offset within the file for each screen image.


Use the emulator in turbo mode.


Just do a BASIC program which reads X bytes from the file (skipping), then POKEs the remaining bytes to a screen which you've set up.


Then, create your own and insert them into the file using OPEN #1,12,0,"D:SWANDEMO.XEX"


Alternatively, you could just sieze control of the program in the emulator and work it out from there.


The Monitor in A800Win+ has a command to load a file into the area of RAM you specify.



If the demo can survive a System Reset, it would be pretty simple to just export the relevant areas of RAM and rebuild into a binary.

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Yes, it's raw screen data and I have the offsets worked out already. I know I could build a screen in BASIC, but I guess I was looking for a gr.8 screen editor program. Figured there was something out there for windows that would do it... What do the demo coders use? Usually I use a combo of atari800winplus4, dis6502 and Ultraedit to actually do the code changes right in the xex file, but it still doesn't help in changing the graphics.

Edited by Webzz
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You could just use MS Paint.


Save your work as a monochrome bitmap.


The Paint file format is reasonably simple - although by default the data is stored in raster format, starting at the last line and working up (so, it's kind of backwards).


Then, you just have to skip the first part of the file to get your screen data. Just use the H: device in the emulator to read it back.

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Design Master, the Gr.8 painting/drawing program was originally done by Peter Finzel (Germany)... and sold commercially. Today you can find it in various languages, file versions, etc. - Andreas Koch.

Cool, Peter Finzel, I really enjoyed his work. Schreckenstein is one of my all time favorite games.
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