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Combat II and Haunted House II for Atari 5200


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Can anyone tell me where I can find these roms? And please dont go into the whole support the programmer thing, because these games have been cancelled. So why cant they be downloaded? Its not like I would make money off of it since owning the actual cart is what makes it worth money. I bought the 128 in 1 multicart and would like to add these games.


Thank you

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I did buy my copy of Adventure II. But Combat II and Haunted House II are not for sale at a resonable price. In other words... somebody other than the programmer will making a profit!

What's your problem with people making money. If I bought a combat II cart and decided to sell it 3 years later for 100 dollars what's the big deal with that?

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I have a Haunted House II up on ebay :twisted:


That's the same one I have sans the box. How much is the multi-cart going for that they put out?


Yeah I had a loose one first then purchased it again to get the box. Not sure about the labels though (they had several different versions of some of his games) I have the multi-cart too, I'd gladly sell, although I think mine is broken. The selection screen comes up, but I cannot select any of the games. Selecting any of them only takes me to a blank screen. I don't know if this is my 5200 or the multi-cart. :(

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It's simple. You can't. The author does not want the roms distributed and the only way to get the carts is to buy them from other owners who no longer want them.








Dont get me wrong, I think the creators should be making the money. But there not selling it anymore. I dont want to buy the carts because they are too expensive for something not that great. I know for a fact the roms are leaked out. I just have to find them. And I will! :P

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I did buy my copy of Adventure II. But Combat II and Haunted House II are not for sale at a resonable price. In other words... somebody other than the programmer will making a profit!

What's your problem with people making money. If I bought a combat II cart and decided to sell it 3 years later for 100 dollars what's the big deal with that?



Look dude.... I dont have a problem! If you want to sell those games for 100 dollars to somebody, thats your business. I am not going to spend 100 dollars on a game that is not worth it! I collect for Sega Saturn and have games that are all over Ebay and worth alot more. But if my friend wanted a copy I would give him a copy. Because only the original is worth money. I just want to see how they look through emulation or maybe on my USB cart. Besides I know they are leaked. Its not like none of you have ever emulated a game you dont have! You dont have to lie to me!! :twisted:

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I did buy my copy of Adventure II. But Combat II and Haunted House II are not for sale at a resonable price. In other words... somebody other than the programmer will making a profit!

What's your problem with people making money. If I bought a combat II cart and decided to sell it 3 years later for 100 dollars what's the big deal with that?



Look dude.... I dont have a problem! If you want to sell those games for 100 dollars to somebody, thats your business. I am not going to spend 100 dollars on a game that is not worth it! I collect for Sega Saturn and have games that are all over Ebay and worth alot more. But if my friend wanted a copy I would give him a copy. Because only the original is worth money. I just want to see how they look through emulation or maybe on my USB cart. Besides I know they are leaked. Its not like none of you have ever emulated a game you dont have! You dont have to lie to me!! :twisted:


So how much would you pay for the games? Just curious. Although a few people may have them, they are not leaked all over the place like you seem to imply. I have just every available 5200 rom and I've never seen them traded with anyone.



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As I learned from the blurb on that auction listed above, Haunted House II was once re-released "with Atari2600.com's help". Why isn't he making more of these? Was it a limited release? Too costly to put together? Stopped at the author's request?


Just curious.


I am starting wonder if these games get relesed and then stop to up the value of these games. I even wonder if some of the authors are up to this...


I have the cartridge and I plan on dumping it!!! Just because its mine and I want to share!

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I am starting wonder if these games get relesed and then stop to up the value of these games. I even wonder if some of the authors are up to this...


I have the cartridge and I plan on dumping it!!! Just because its mine and I want to share!


Well, there's a reason I never thought of.

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As I learned from the blurb on that auction listed above, Haunted House II was once re-released "with Atari2600.com's help". Why isn't he making more of these? Was it a limited release? Too costly to put together? Stopped at the author's request?


Just curious.


I am starting wonder if these games get relesed and then stop to up the value of these games. I even wonder if some of the authors are up to this...


I have the cartridge and I plan on dumping it!!! Just because its mine and I want to share!


Well that makes no sense since he doesn't sell them anymore. How could he make anymore money on them? From what I understand he did a few games and then decided he just didn't want anything more to do with writing or selling classic system games. He is a member of this forum though and does respond occasionally when he or his games are mentioned.


95% of the homebrewers give the roms out freely of their games as well as selling cartridges but we have to still respect the wishes of that 5%. I'd be a little more careful what you say in public about pirating other homebrewer's games. I know I wouldn't be to happy if I wrote a game and didn't want the rom distributed. Also the moderators generally frown upon such things on this board not to mention other homebrewers. But that's your choice.



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There's a sticky thread on the Homebrew forum about taboo trademarks, where Combat and Haunted House are listed. I have no knowledge of the situation, but that might imply that Atari sent a C&D letter.


There's little reason for an author to try and pump up aftermarket demand, especially when it's such a niche market to begin with. It frustrates legitimate buyers (who wish to play the game vs speculative collecting) and if the price is too high then some people just won't bother with it at all. In general if you make a limited product, you don't want it to go up in value afterwards. That either means you underproduced it or priced it too low. To some degree there's limited editions are done to reward the people who preordered first or had a part in making the game, but rarely is the full production limited by anything except demand.


As an aside, it's the same logic against the Nintendo purposely limiting sales of the Wii. There might be a few people who are following the hype, but Nintendo isn't getting any of the aftermarket revenue from the thousands that go straight to eBay and local scalpers. Much more serious is the very real fact that people who can't buy them will buy a different system at Christmas as well as the games for that system. There's no way the shortages are intentional.

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From what I understand he did a few games and then decided he just didn't want anything more to do with writing or selling classic system games. He is a member of this forum though and does respond occasionally when he or his games are mentioned.



I thought he was still involved with the homebrew scene converting those First Star releases to the 5200? Or is that all Classic's work now?

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From what I understand he did a few games and then decided he just didn't want anything more to do with writing or selling classic system games. He is a member of this forum though and does respond occasionally when he or his games are mentioned.



I thought he was still involved with the homebrew scene converting those First Star releases to the 5200? Or is that all Classic's work now?


I believe he was just a middle man. Joe did the boxes/manuals and Classics did the conversions.



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You, sir, are a paranoid idiot. I'm outta here. Christ.



I guess will all see who is a hypocrite if the roms magically appear here! By seeing who will actually download it! I bet everybody does! I admit I maybe wrong for saying that these games are made in small quantaties on purpose to make these games go up in value. That was just a theory! But what about those who just want to play a game that is not even made anymore? And have no other means to play it except maybe emulation! Adventure 2 for example can still be bought. So no point in dumping that. What I am talking about is 2 games not for sell anymore by the creators. They made all the money they could off of them until they closed shop and did not want anything to do with it anymore. And has not been sold by them in years! I am not making a cart and selling it. Just dumping it. If not here... it will be.... if not by me.... then somebody else. Arcade roms get dumped all the time and are played on emulators by people who do not own any of the machines, nor by the authors permission. WE ARE ALL GUILTY OF THAT! Including people who make these games. I am not an IDIOT! I have a good point! You are the idiot! Your name says it all.... Tom....EXPLODES... by being irate with nothing even remotely good to say and then he is "outta here"! Well goodbye Mr Explodes! And as for those who say I should watch myself....huh huh huh....what am I suppose to be scared? For what we are all guilty of? The cartridges themselves are worth money...not the dumped roms.

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You DON'T have a good point, that's the thing. Everyone here is trying to help you out and tell you how it is, but you're just going off on really bizarre tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with, well, ANYTHING. I repeat, you are an idiot, a moron, pick your word. I'm not irate, I just think you're stupid and you are not, apparently, capable of reading anything and actually comprehending it. The whole point people, I think, are trying to make, is not that you can't have the rom. It's not that you can't play the game. I took an instant dislike to you because you showed up and began demanding that people give you things for free. You have no idea how much hard work some of these folks put into their games and the things they do. You have absolutely no right whatsoever to come and demand that anyone give you anything, whether or not it is still sold/supported/etc. People here are very friendly and tolerant, I should know. I act like a dick on many an occasion and they put up with it, because I can be inept. But you are just behaving, to coin a phrase, like a twat.


So I will repeat myself YET AGAIN.


You are an idiot, and you missed the point.

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I guess will all see who is a hypocrite if the roms magically appear here! By seeing who will actually download it! I bet everybody does! I admit I maybe wrong for saying


Look, copyright infringement via unauthorized duplication is a loaded subject anywhere on the net. Some people will, some people won't. Some people follow their own ethics rather than strict interpretation of the law. Using flash carts for private use to duplicate carts you own is probably illegal, but unlikely to be noticed or enforced for example. Not the point.


I don't know the details of those games, but if the theory I mentioned about the trademarks is what happened, and the author's name is on them, you could just be causing more problems for people who don't need them.


Furthermore, with the homebrew community being as small as it is and most of whom read and develop openly on the boards here...... have a little bit of fucking respect. Just because you want the game doesn't mean you're entitled to it. Most of the authors have been generous enough to post roms, and it makes you seem ungrateful by expecting it. If there's a way to get the game, I'm sure you'll get it. But if you don't, just cope with it. There will always be stuff you'll never see that others got to play. Prototypes that were destroyed, games that were developed and then canned. It's not that important and the negative attitude actively discourages authors from creating new games. You want more 5200 games? Try being polite and respectful to the authors, and patient when they're not around. They don't live to serve you, and threatening to openly pirate their games when they don't respond quickly isn't going to make them want to help you.


Sorry for the rant, but this isn't about piracy it's about maturity and inappropriate behavior. It's *awesome* that any new games exist at all, don't take that for granted by whining about the means in which they are or aren't provided.

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You DON'T have a good point, that's the thing. Everyone here is trying to help you out and tell you how it is, but you're just going off on really bizarre tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with, well, ANYTHING. I repeat, you are an idiot, a moron, pick your word. I'm not irate, I just think you're stupid and you are not, apparently, capable of reading anything and actually comprehending it. The whole point people, I think, are trying to make, is not that you can't have the rom. It's not that you can't play the game. I took an instant dislike to you because you showed up and began demanding that people give you things for free. You have no idea how much hard work some of these folks put into their games and the things they do. You have absolutely no right whatsoever to come and demand that anyone give you anything, whether or not it is still sold/supported/etc. People here are very friendly and tolerant, I should know. I act like a dick on many an occasion and they put up with it, because I can be inept. But you are just behaving, to coin a phrase, like a twat.


So I will repeat myself YET AGAIN.


You are an idiot, and you missed the point.





New Game!!!


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You DON'T have a good point, that's the thing. Everyone here is trying to help you out and tell you how it is, but you're just going off on really bizarre tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with, well, ANYTHING. I repeat, you are an idiot, a moron, pick your word. I'm not irate, I just think you're stupid and you are not, apparently, capable of reading anything and actually comprehending it. The whole point people, I think, are trying to make, is not that you can't have the rom. It's not that you can't play the game. I took an instant dislike to you because you showed up and began demanding that people give you things for free. You have no idea how much hard work some of these folks put into their games and the things they do. You have absolutely no right whatsoever to come and demand that anyone give you anything, whether or not it is still sold/supported/etc. People here are very friendly and tolerant, I should know. I act like a dick on many an occasion and they put up with it, because I can be inept. But you are just behaving, to coin a phrase, like a twat.


So I will repeat myself YET AGAIN.


You are an idiot, and you missed the point.



Here is a new game Tom EXPLODES!!!



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I guess will all see who is a hypocrite if the roms magically appear here! By seeing who will actually download it! I bet everybody does! I admit I maybe wrong for saying


Look, copyright infringement via unauthorized duplication is a loaded subject anywhere on the net. Some people will, some people won't. Some people follow their own ethics rather than strict interpretation of the law. Using flash carts for private use to duplicate carts you own is probably illegal, but unlikely to be noticed or enforced for example. Not the point.


I don't know the details of those games, but if the theory I mentioned about the trademarks is what happened, and the author's name is on them, you could just be causing more problems for people who don't need them.


Furthermore, with the homebrew community being as small as it is and most of whom read and develop openly on the boards here...... have a little bit of fucking respect. Just because you want the game doesn't mean you're entitled to it. Most of the authors have been generous enough to post roms, and it makes you seem ungrateful by expecting it. If there's a way to get the game, I'm sure you'll get it. But if you don't, just cope with it. There will always be stuff you'll never see that others got to play. Prototypes that were destroyed, games that were developed and then canned. It's not that important and the negative attitude actively discourages authors from creating new games. You want more 5200 games? Try being polite and respectful to the authors, and patient when they're not around. They don't live to serve you, and threatening to openly pirate their games when they don't respond quickly isn't going to make them want to help you.


Sorry for the rant, but this isn't about piracy it's about maturity and inappropriate behavior. It's *awesome* that any new games exist at all, don't take that for granted by whining about the means in which they are or aren't provided.



Look dude,



The definition of Piracy is to steal and to sell. Who said anything about selling? Or stealing? Just copying and giving! I am making a point that is all. I have not done anything illegal!

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