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Put an ad out for used systems, got a guy calling..


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I'm horrible at wheeling and dealing with people. I put an ad out in the bulletin at work for old systems, and I got a response back. I called they guy back he said he has got a working 5200. He also said that he has about 4 extra controllers and about 10 commons.


He said that he "knows what they are going for on ebay" and I kind of sighed. I don't know how much they even go for on ebay, because I don't really like ebay that much, and it would kill to ship such and item.



5200 is my favorite Atari and mine just broke recently.


What would be a fair price?


What should I offer him?


I wouldn't be surprised if he stumbles across this topic, researching the price himself.....

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I'd take 3 completed item auctions for system only and average them. If its a 2 or 4 port might be an issue in terms of -\= value.

10 commons? Offer equivalent of 5 commons.


I'd say $50-75 would be a great deal. $75-150 average to high average.


Could always just tell him "Gimme your no BS absolute lowest price you can take for it".

Don't overpay... Thats the main thing.


I'm horrible at wheeling and dealing with people. I put an ad out in the bulletin at work for old systems, and I got a response back. I called they guy back he said he has got a working 5200. He also said that he has about 4 extra controllers and about 10 commons.


He said that he "knows what they are going for on ebay" and I kind of sighed. I don't know how much they even go for on ebay, because I don't really like ebay that much, and it would kill to ship such and item.



5200 is my favorite Atari and mine just broke recently.


What would be a fair price?


What should I offer him?


I wouldn't be surprised if he stumbles across this topic, researching the price himself.....

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Quote him something that is good for you but not insulting for him. I would say quote him something definitely under the ebay price. There is no point in paying him what it would go for on ebay. If he tries to push ebay, then tell him to put it on ebay then.


The goal here is a local transaction that allows for him to dump something he isn't using and for you to acquire something that you want. If it comes down to ebay, the whole point of it is lost.

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It depends on the condition as far as the price goes. The fact that he said he 'knows what they go for on eBay' translate into I want a LOT of money for it. You know the controllers are going to need work as well. Frankly I think $50 - $75 is way to much. Also does it have the power adapter and switch box? Does it have the original box and what is it's condition? For an average condition 5200 with some commons and all the accesories I wouldn't pay more than $40. Personally with a statement like 'I knows what they go for on eBay', I would just not bother and wait for another one to come by but that's just me.



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The fact that he said he 'knows what they go for on eBay' translate into I want a LOT of money for it.


Exactly. That's why I wasn't really too stoked anymore. It would be nice to have another 5200, but I really don't want to pay over 50. 50 to me seems a little high. When you put an ad out, its almost like saying, "Hey, someone is interested in something you have, go look it up on ebay."


That's another reason I don't like ebay.


I just don't want to totally insult the guy, but I don't want to get burned.


And the fact I asked him what he wanted for it like 3 times, and he didn't give an answer. Then he turned around and asked me what I would pay. I told him I don't know.


He said he would get back to me.

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i must have got a hell of a deal on my 5200 then to get a 4 port with 4 controllers, only 1 that worked, and about 7 common games for $27 and some change shipped.


I accumlate 5200's. :) People know I like Atari, and 5200's have been dumped on me. (I am more a 400/800 fan before a 5200 fan).


Take a look at the system. Does it power up? What type is it? 2 or 4 port? Is it in nice shape? Does it have a box? Games? Controllers where the rubber is not not broken around the stick? If we want to quote ebay there are ways to knock this price down. :) I'm thinking start with $50, and work DOWN from there based on the above. :D


And I'm not sure, maybe everyone else can help me on this one... what 5200 console is the best to get?

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