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Shark05's Blog - Disney World,FL Fast Track


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Disney World is ssoo cool. They have a bunch of cool rides. They have this 1 ride called Track. You're in this race type car. There's a back seat. It's like a convertible. There's a rowbar between the front & back seats. First,they test the wheels of the car. You ride over a series of puffed tile bumps,in the road. Then,they test for the brakes.They stop the car,ever 2 feet.Alot of jerking. Then they make you go around curves,checking for durability. Then this 18 wheeler log truck comes at you,with it's lights & horn.You almost crash into it. But you don't. You swerve & miss it. Then they test for weather proofing. They send you to a room,with light rain. Another room,with cold air,blowing.Another room with extreme heat lamps. Lastly, they test to see how tough the car is. There is a brick wall. You drive right up to the wall.You think,you gonna crash & get hurt.But you don't.They raise the wall & you drive around the building at top speed,which goes off the speedometer. It is a fun fun fun ride.



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