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Strange 1200xl Keyboard Issue


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I just finished cleaning the keyboard on my most recently acquired (i.e. third) 1200xl. All keys (including function keys) work 100% according to both the built-in keyboard test and actual test typing with AtariWriter. The only thing that doesn't work are the "control-f1" and "control-f2" keyboard disable and screen shut-off features. I know the "control" key is working because "control-f4" (int'l/graphics character set) works. And I know the f1 and f2 keys are working because I can drive the cursur around with them in BASIC. The "L1" led doesn't get power either when pressing "control-f1" which I believe it should. I tested the led, itself, and it works.


Also, if I run the following program: 10 pr.peek(764) 20 goto 10 I get values for the function keys, individually, and correct values for control-f3 and control-f4, but no independent value for control-f1 or control-f2.


Any thoughts?

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You're right, that's strange...


Probably I'd try swapping keyboards with one of the other 1200XLs, see if the problem follows the keyboard, or stays on the same machine with the new keyboard.


Also, maybe your new 1200XL has some mod(s) in it that are causing it to act weird...? Maybe the OS ROM has been replaced with the 800XL version? (not sure whether the 800XL OS supports the 1200XL ctrl-F1/F2 functions, though it *does* support the F1-F4 keys on the keyboard, for sure).

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actually, all of the f key functions are still supported in the 800xl and 130xe OSes. This includes the control-f-key funtions. What you may have is one of any number of custom OSes that have been available for the ATARI for years. Often' the coders of these OSes removed features thar they saw as useless in order to provide space for additional custom features. BOB PUFF's replacement OS completely removes f-key support, among other menial things, but the increased functionality that his ADDED features provide is tremendous. Check and see if the ROM chips are in fact EPROMS instead of masked ROMs. If its got a stick-on label, its most likely an EPROM. If its just black plastic with ATARI stamped on it, then its a factory ROM.

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