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What's wrong with 5200 controllers?


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The problem people complain about is that because the controllers don't self center, it makes games like PacMan difficult. On the 2600 controllers for example if you push the stick left, when you let off the stick returns to the middle. With the 5200 sticks when you push left, the stick stays there until you move it back.

Really all it takes is a bit of practice. I've said it a thousand times, but myself and several of my friends had a 5200 back in the day. I never had a problem with the lack of self centering, neither did any of my friends. The first few times you play sure it will take some getting used to. Just like going from say an NES style directional pad to a thumbstick on an xbox. Awkward at first, but over time you get used to it, and eventually love it.

I can't play 5200 PacMan (or Ms PacMan, Jr, Super, etc...) with anything BUT the stock controller. once you practce a bit you get to "anticipate" so to speak where to go next...It's really not that hard.


Now, for games like PacMan you're ok, but honestly the problem with 5200 sticks are the fire buttons. theyre positioned perfectly, (as opposed to the Colecovision and 7800 ccontrollers, which have the #1 and #2 buttons on opposite sides) but they tend to wear out pretty easily and over time stop working. THAT aspect of the 5200 controllers sucks no doubt. There are ways to fix that, which initially are not easy, but once you've done it to one controller you can do a thousand, and it will last forever. It unfortunately involves taking the controller apart, gluing a small sliver of tin foil on the inside of the fire buttons and putting them back together. I did that with all 4 of my controllers, and to this day they all still work (well definetly 2 of them that I use all the time, the other 2 are never used).


What, did you win/buy a 5200 off Ebay?

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Nah. The self centering issue just takes a little getting used to. And for most of the really great games (and there are a ton for the 5200) you'll fast wonder what the fuss is about.

igg1na is a good seller, I bet the fire buttons will work fine. did you buy just the unit or any games?

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He packed me in some games, don't know which ones, precisely. Also shelled out for some 2600 games. I think I told him to mix it up a bit however he felt was fair. He's sending along mylar replacement things for the controllers, too, which I shouldn't have much trouble with, I don't think. I'll check how they work before I get to that, though. All in all, this will be a great Christmas present. Thanks for filling me in on the controllers. I'm sure other people have differing opinions, too, but I honestly just hear general things mentioned and I don't REALLY know what they mean, so I figured since I have some on the way, I may as well start asking more specific questions. Or something.

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i just got my 5200 nearly 2 weeks ago with two rebuilt controllers. the whole controller thing was a bit unsetteling at first, but dont worry, you'll quickly get used to it. now i really dont have a problem with using them at all.


btw, on friday i ordered two modified 2600 paddles (for use on the 5200), two y cables and a spare keypad controller from krishnasoft. cant wait to try them out with super breakout. gotta go find kaboom now too! anyway, i'm awaiting there arrival and i'll let you know how it turns out

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I assumed that the problem with 5200 controllers was more the fact that the damn things break down even if you aren't using them!


That can be an issue, but once rebuilt they usually don't have that problem.


The self centering issue can be a problem for some people on games like Pac-Man. Personally, I have only had real trouble on games like Donkey Kong and Beef Drop where I need to pause at the bottom of a ladder to let a baddie pass by.

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I never understood why Atari decided to ship non-centering joysticks with the 5200. It's not like any hot arcade games of the time had one.


A working solution, in my mind, would have been to include a switch that made them self-center. Yes, yes, just another thing to break on already fragile controllers, I know...

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Purchased one from igg1na. Should be here soon.


Okay... that whole not-centering thing doesn't seem like a huge problem. People had me worried.


You should be worried.


It's not so much the self-centering alone. Yes, that's part of it. The bigger part, I think, is that with a digital controller, the action is instant - push left, the character goes left. With the 5200, that isn't the case. And because it's 360 degrees, you may think you're pushing left, but could be pushing up or down.


A 2600 stick is like pushing a button. The 5200 controller "travels." And having to move it a distance in the direction you want to go, then having to move it back to center to make sure your next input is correct, will become irritating.


It will become an increasing problem as the speed of the gameplay increases.

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The only game the 5200 controllers work well for are Space Dungeon and Robotron.

And that is only if you have 2 working controllers and a dual joystick holder.


The rest of the games you will want to get a Track Ball and a different joystick.

(Wico or Competition Pro, which are both a bit pricey.)


There are great games (like Montezuma's Revenge) that you will hate because of those sticks.

Switch to a good controller and you are in heaven.


It's not only the self centering issue. Or even the bad sensitivity.

There is also the fact that the fire buttons are in the most uncomfortable ridiculous spot in the world.

They are truly the worst joystick for any system.


And if you have ever tried an Intellivision, you know that is saying a lot.


(That said, I love my 5200. Crazy big old beast. :cool: )

Edited by therealred5
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They are truly the worst joystick for any system.


They can't be worse than the Sears Video Arcade II ones. In paddle mode, you push the stick to the far right to use the fire 'button'. Ahhhh the 80s.


Back to the 5200. Never had a console or controller, but I'll be getting one soon. I hope they don't work too bad with Adventure II :?

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Purchased one from igg1na. Should be here soon.


Okay... that whole not-centering thing doesn't seem like a huge problem. People had me worried.

Just have some money set aside. You are going to have to rebuild the controllers(35.00 per controller), if you get frustrated with the controllers, IF, you might want to pick up a 5200 Redemption(55.00 if they are still available) and a Wico or Epyx XJ500 or a Sega 6 button controller( at least another 25 to 50 dollars depending on which brand you select) then you might be happy with the 5200. Good Luck!

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I didn't have a 5200 back in the day, and I don't have any problem with 5200 sticks for most games - even Pac Man. I've never missed a turn due to the 5200 controllers (unlike, say Pac Man CE on the 360, or Pac Man on the Inty). There are certainly some games that play really poorly w/ the sticks, but I don't know if it's the majority. You get used to the non-centering after a little while.


I tend to think it's the poor reliability (and a few particularly poor/unplayable games) more than the actually functionality that gets then bashed so much. The sensitivity can definitely be a problem - I find I have to adjust the system's pot every so often to make some games play their best (i.e. Missile Command). They're not the best, but they're more comfortable to me than the CV's. Even though I grew up with the Inty and I don't mind those controllers at all, I like the 5200's better. Just my 2c.

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I never understood why Atari decided to ship non-centering joysticks with the 5200. It's not like any hot arcade games of the time had one.


A working solution, in my mind, would have been to include a switch that made them self-center. Yes, yes, just another thing to break on already fragile controllers, I know...



The WICO Joystick has a switch that does that but its not perfect either. Sometimes when I am playing Pac Man the switch unlocks and the joystick goes into non-self centering mode. Very frustrating when it happens during a game.

What Atari should have done was simply sell a "Self- Centering" joystick. Never understood why they didn't sell one. 5200 owners would have lined up to buy one back in the 1980's.

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My Wico has never unlocked during gameplay.


And it's funny. Whenever these conversations come up, I always forget about the joysticks other faults, the side mounted mushy fire buttons and the unresponsive keypad. You got to love a design where if one button breaks - the start button - and it's prone to not working, you can't use the system at all.

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Now I'm curious... is it at all possible to put some springs in around the plastic moving bits to make it kinda self-center?


Someone once used rubber bands and posted a pic, but I don't know that it worked.

Wait until you get the system and judge for yourself before you panic. It's all in how good of a gamer you are really. If you can adapt and practice a little, 95% of the games are just fine. ;)

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My Wico has never unlocked during gameplay.


And it's funny. Whenever these conversations come up, I always forget about the joysticks other faults, the side mounted mushy fire buttons and the unresponsive keypad. You got to love a design where if one button breaks - the start button - and it's prone to not working, you can't use the system at all.

And of course, there's the 2600's ability to blow up power supplies when you plug/unplug them.


Maybe Atari just wasn't destined to make reliable hardware.

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Back to the 5200. Never had a console or controller, but I'll be getting one soon. I hope they don't work too bad with Adventure II :?


I really like the analog CX-52 for Adventure II. The non centering thing doesn't affect the gameplay & the game utilizes the 2 fires buttons perfectly. It's nice to have the ability to switch the position of the sword. Especially on the later/more difficult levels where the dragons come back stronger & stronger.


Also, back to the Donkey Kong 5200 conversion, how does one get their hands on that?



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