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jboypacman's Blog - Colecovision HSC,Pac-Man Arcade,and Tatio Legends


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Just posted my score for Mouse Trap for the Colecovision High Score Club today.....A weak 74,890.I hope to improve this score but we will have to wait and see.


Speaking of the Colecovision HSC am really enjoying doing this as its giving me a excuse to go back and play some games i havent picked up in a while.


Got Pac-Man Arcade for the Atari 2600 in the mail today and i must say its a step above 2600 Pac-Man which makes me wonder what Atari was thinking when they released Pac-Man way back when kind of sad really.


I got Tatio Legends 2 yesterday in the mail(a early X-mas gift)and i really dig it it will make a nice bookend along with Tatio Legends 1 thats for sure.Good Stuff in both of thoses collections. :)



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