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Alternative to .PRO images


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I'm looking for an alternative to AtariMax PRO (which only works with APE, no other emulators afaik) to image protected floppies.


I'm aware that I could try and circumvent the protection, but I have a LOT (read: thousands) of diskettes that may or may not have copy protection. I'm not interesting in making a full time job of cracking. :(


I am basically testing all disks for bad sectors, trying to ATR if none exists, PRO if they are protected. I'm trying to use PRO as little as possible...


I have tried many times to make a ATR or PRO of Printshop, using different disks, with no luck...


So what are the imaging alternatives?



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Do you have a Happy (or compatible) disk drive? If so, please get in touch and we should be able to send you the VAPI imaging tools. You can read about the project here: http://www.atarimania.com/vapi.php?MENU=8&RUB=VAPI


If you have such a large disk collection, we'd also appreciate your help in finding titles that haven't been archived yet. More or less, here's what we're after: http://www.atarimania.com/MIA_11_2007_sort...habetically.txt



Thanks in advance!



Atari Frog


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Do you have a Happy (or compatible) disk drive? If so, please get in touch and we should be able to send you the VAPI imaging tools. You can read about the project here: http://www.atarimania.com/vapi.php?MENU=8&RUB=VAPI


If you have such a large disk collection, we'd also appreciate your help in finding titles that haven't been archived yet. More or less, here's what we're after: http://www.atarimania.com/MIA_11_2007_sort...habetically.txt



Thanks in advance!



Atari Frog


How come you don't have Underwater Cavern listed under ALA Software?




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Do you have a Happy (or compatible) disk drive? If so, please get in touch and we should be able to send you the VAPI imaging tools. You can read about the project here: http://www.atarimania.com/vapi.php?MENU=8&RUB=VAPI


If you have such a large disk collection, we'd also appreciate your help in finding titles that haven't been archived yet. More or less, here's what we're after: http://www.atarimania.com/MIA_11_2007_sort...habetically.txt



Thanks in advance!



Atari Frog



I have had the same issue as the original poster here. I do have a Happy 1050 drive and the Atarimax SIO2PC interface. I want to be able to back up all my software to images so I can enjoy them on PC emulators. I also have quite a variety of other disk drives: 1050 w/ ICD's US Doubler, XF551's (both 5 1/4" and a 3 1/2 upgrade), and a Indus GT.


I would be very interested in in this VAPI imaging tool to help me preserve my floppy collections (please PM me). I grateful the PRO image is there to help. But doesn't do me any good if I can't use it with an emualtor. I just don't have the room to have an 8bit machine setup for use near my PC.




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How come you don't have Underwater Cavern listed under ALA Software?

That's very simple: we were unaware of the existence of the title. Pretty sure there are a number of other ALA Software or K-Tek Software games missing but we don't have any reference lists to know what was actually released by the two companies.


Could you convert Underwater Cavern to ATR format so it can be preserved? It would be great to have the catalog number as well please (it should be VCGXXXXX).



Atari Frog


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How come you don't have Underwater Cavern listed under ALA Software?

That's very simple: we were unaware of the existence of the title. Pretty sure there are a number of other ALA Software or K-Tek Software games missing but we don't have any reference lists to know what was actually released by the two companies.


Could you convert Underwater Cavern to ATR format so it can be preserved? It would be great to have the catalog number as well please (it should be VCGXXXXX).



Atari Frog



I wish I could but I don't own it. It was up for auction on eBay and I emailed your site (which had I think five emails including yours linked to it.). Unfortunetly I got no response from any of you.



Edited by Allan
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  • 5 weeks later...
Can these VAPI .atx files be used with APE ?


Yes, add vapi.dll to the APE installation directory.





I'll have to try it out.....


I have a happy drive and will be going over my disks soon.... where do I get the vapi image stuff to make an image ?


I noticed that the .pro images do not always work is vapi more successful ?


For example I could not make a pro image of Gumball but I could of 50 mission crush.....


Does vapi keep the drive in happy mode because I think pro image turns it off.....



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Can these VAPI .atx files be used with APE ?


Yes, add vapi.dll to the APE installation directory.





I'll have to try it out.....


I have a happy drive and will be going over my disks soon.... where do I get the vapi image stuff to make an image ?


I noticed that the .pro images do not always work is vapi more successful ?


For example I could not make a pro image of Gumball but I could of 50 mission crush.....


Does vapi keep the drive in happy mode because I think pro image turns it off.....





I forgot to mention I am using SIO2USB can I use vapi to make images of protected disks ?

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I have a happy drive and will be going over my disks soon.... where do I get the vapi image stuff to make an image ?

Ijor has not publicly released the VAPI image creation tools yet.


I noticed that the .pro images do not always work is vapi more successful ?


Does vapi keep the drive in happy mode because I think pro image turns it off.....

VAPI is able to easily archive more protected formats, but .PRO is what the general public can get their hands on :)


VAPI does not use 'happy/unhappy' modes, it uses Ijors custom code executing on the 1050.


I forgot to mention I am using SIO2USB can I use vapi to make images of protected disks ?

VAPI does not support SIO2USB for imaging.


I would be very interested in in this VAPI imaging tool to help me preserve my floppy collections (please PM me). I grateful the PRO image is there to help. But doesn't do me any good if I can't use it with an emualtor.

There is a patched version of Atari800win Plus that supports .atx images via .dll

Edited by remowilliams
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So why all this fuss about VAPI ? Why are they asking for titles in full form if they make the imager unavailable... ? weird....


I like the idea of imaging full program disks as they booted in their original form.... but whats with all the secrecy of the imager... is their legal problems or something?


Anyway really like the APE software and that SIO2USB is fantastic - quick and super easy.


Its amazing to see my 25 year old Atari 800 hooked up to modern day hardware and using it.... just goes to show how great the original Atari design is.... I love the fact the atari 800 uses no battery for bios or dates - it just boots! try that with a pc with a dead cmos battery.... the beauty is the simplicity .... I used to run a Forem bbs back in '84 and the disk still worked - a whole bbs on one floppy disk , amazing... I'm surprised how well the data has held up on the atari floppies after all these years.....


Maybe their could be a new forum called " atari flashback " where all us old timers from the early days of atari 8 bit could swap stories of war dialing , phreaking , user group pirate sessions , bbs'ing , hardware , etc.... , programming in grand ol atari basic , apple hating ..... man those were the days!

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So why all this fuss about VAPI ? Why are they asking for titles in full form if they make the imager unavailable... ? weird....


I like the idea of imaging full program disks as they booted in their original form.... but whats with all the secrecy of the imager... is their legal problems or something?


Anyway really like the APE software and that SIO2USB is fantastic - quick and super easy.

Ijor invented VAPI and has his reasons, so his call. :) The big deal about VAPI is that it allows extremely precise capturing of floppy data formats and protections for preservation.


I clarified myself above - APE / SIO2USB supports using VAPI images on real hardware. Which is quite cool. :cool:


Its amazing to see my 25 year old Atari 800 hooked up to modern day hardware and using it

It really is great, we have so many modern options these days for our ancient computers. And it's funny that ancient 5.25" disks still read, when modern 3.5" PC floppies go bad when you look at them funny.

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