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Going out of business. My last hoorah!


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We can easily test this theory...


I have a Quadrun with no labels. Real chip.


I'll give anyone my label-less loose Quadrun and let's say $35.00 in sexy cash for a mint loose Quadrun with both original labels in an original case. Just like it came from the Atari Club many moons ago.


(If my PM box fills with offers, I will post my e-mail address. Please be patient. It may take me a while to get back to everyone's offers.


There is absolutely no comparison. This isnt a test. Youre comparing apples to oranges.

A:We arent trading anything and we never were.

B: I'll give you $35 for it today.

C: Quadrun isnt Malagai and what is 1/5th of a loose Quadruns value?

$60?? around there?

I bet you can get $35 -$50 for that. No trading involved.

Just like if you wanted to buy a Malagai with No label as you say. $100 is 1/5th (20%)

but really you could have bought one for $55 though i believe them to be worth more...

so thats just over 10% of its value. so is your $35 for your label-less Quadrun. Now its oranges to oranges. $35 for Quadrun and $55 for Malagai, both Label-less. Yes both of these would be sold for these prices.

So Im not sure what you had in mind as a test theory,

but your initial scenerio doesnt wash.

Actually, your Qudarun alone for $35 is about what we are talking about here

and do you have any doubts that it would sell for $35?

If not, then you prove my point. thank you :)

Edited by Phantom
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Sounds like the answer software shells need to get cracked out so these things can go into real answer shells also and then they are REAL sans-label carts, and yes in case your wondering there is a stash of the shells too. And with a personal soilder flow bed, hell even a steady hand, 99 percent of folks would NEVER know it was made today or twenty years ago so I think a QFT is in order here for the haters.


P.S. Those gauntlet chips put into a cart are worth $150ish and the malagai's are worth $60ish give or take on both. And I will also state that these are my opinions, unlike some others that think what they say is worth more weight than that of the Lord. But also I have sold multiple Gauntlets and Malagai carts of this nature at this price so my opinion is based off of personal experience with trading and selling these carts over the time that the chips have been avalible and also observing others build and sell them in the same price range.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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Man, I never thought that one word would spark such controversy. REPRODUCTION. I will only say this and it's an opinion and some will agree and some will not but: To reproduce an item and you bring it back to the market under a different label, different board, different chip, etc. and make it available. I believe this is not a reproduction item because of this. The reason, it is an item not manufactured, but brought into the market with it's own unique style having and containing the original authentic parts. Maybe the word REINTRODUCED would suffice. To many people think they can get flea market prices for items that are worth more to COLLECTORS and not just general enthusiasts that are waiting for the deal of a lifetime by not getting into the collectors market. Sorry this caused such a stink but it goes with the territory. ;)

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Man, I never thought that one word would spark such controversy. REPRODUCTION. I will only say this and it's an opinion and some will agree and some will not but: To reproduce an item and you bring it back to the market under a different label, different board, different chip, etc. and make it available. I believe this is not a reproduction item because of this. The reason, it is an item not manufactured, but brought into the market with it's own unique style having and containing the original authentic parts. Maybe the word REINTRODUCED would suffice. To many people think they can get flea market prices for items that are worth more to COLLECTORS and not just general enthusiasts that are waiting for the deal of a lifetime by not getting into the collectors market. Sorry this caused such a stink but it goes with the territory. ;)


The only thing real is the ROM, nothing else, not even the board (since Answer did not use Atari's boards). Hard to call that original.

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Man, I never thought that one word would spark such controversy. REPRODUCTION. I will only say this and it's an opinion and some will agree and some will not but: To reproduce an item and you bring it back to the market under a different label, different board, different chip, etc. and make it available. I believe this is not a reproduction item because of this. The reason, it is an item not manufactured, but brought into the market with it's own unique style having and containing the original authentic parts. Maybe the word REINTRODUCED would suffice. To many people think they can get flea market prices for items that are worth more to COLLECTORS and not just general enthusiasts that are waiting for the deal of a lifetime by not getting into the collectors market. Sorry this caused such a stink but it goes with the territory. ;)


The only thing real is the ROM, nothing else, not even the board (since Answer did not use Atari's boards). Hard to call that original.


Ok so whats your value on them please? Give a range if that is better. Thanks

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I'm a collector.

I am not looking for a bargain.

I am not looking for flea market prices.


I am looking for the real item. That is what I want in MY collection.

FOR ME the real item means real case, real board, real labels.


For others, it would also mean the box and instructions.


To others, the ROM on a Cuttle or Krok Cart may be real enough.

(It is the real and actual ROM, isn't it? I can download it and play it.)


To others, the real card in a random case with homemade stickers may be real enough.


I think that the majority of the collectors are either only going to settle for the loose with real label version or the boxed version.


And for the record, I think $60.00 is a fair price for what you were selling.

I wouldn't mind having one, but if I got one, I certainly wouldn't cross Malagai off my 'needed' list.


In that same vein, even though I have a label-less Quadrun, it is still on my 'needed' list and would not pass up a chance to get one when I

find one I can afford.

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And for the record, I think $60.00 is a fair price for what you were selling.

I wouldn't mind having one, but if I got one, I certainly wouldn't cross Malagai off my 'needed' list.


In that same vein, even though I have a label-less Quadrun, it is still on my 'needed' list and would not pass up a chance to get one when I

find one I can afford.


No neither would I and I agree with you completely.

I use my Krok and my CC2 for conveinence and no,

I still want a 100% real copy eventually but until then, this will do in all cases.

Yes i want the box, manual and the whole sha-bang as well.

I never stated they were even close to 100% of the value of the original.

What I said was they are the next best thing and If I cant find a Malagai on a hunt for cheaper than the going rate, then this will do. Some posts, especially Homers stated I should never expect it to be the full value of the original. Well thats a no brainer isnt it?

But to state that sounds as if Im touting it as worth $400 or more.

Thats all. Things need to be in context, not diseminated and changed to fit anyones arguement.

So its not a 100% original and its not a 100% Repro and if you ask me, its worth between $70 & 100 made into a cart. Again, thats my opinion but if you can tell me the next best thing to a 100% original other than this, I am all ears. Thats all. To say its worth $20 when the prom itself sells for more, isnt valid IMO. Again, these are all opinions no matter if some like to call them facts because of their own beliefs.

For the record, Ive never said anything close to original value so I really dont understand any of the arguement that has been made.

Thats it, thats all and I would love someone to make a value judgement on it that many people respect and some have and I wish others would whether I disagree or not, I cant be far off either way. Its all opinion and conjecture anyhow but IMHO, it certainly is the next best thing to the original and is a fraction of its cost.

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Man, I never thought that one word would spark such controversy. REPRODUCTION. I will only say this and it's an opinion and some will agree and some will not but: To reproduce an item and you bring it back to the market under a different label, different board, different chip, etc. and make it available. I believe this is not a reproduction item because of this. The reason, it is an item not manufactured, but brought into the market with it's own unique style having and containing the original authentic parts. Maybe the word REINTRODUCED would suffice. To many people think they can get flea market prices for items that are worth more to COLLECTORS and not just general enthusiasts that are waiting for the deal of a lifetime by not getting into the collectors market. Sorry this caused such a stink but it goes with the territory. ;)


The only thing real is the ROM, nothing else, not even the board (since Answer did not use Atari's boards). Hard to call that original.


Ok so whats your value on them please? Give a range if that is better. Thanks


For me it would be between $60-$75 for Malagai. $150-$175 for Guantlet. Just from the sales I have seen and participated in.

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Man, I never thought that one word would spark such controversy. REPRODUCTION. I will only say this and it's an opinion and some will agree and some will not but: To reproduce an item and you bring it back to the market under a different label, different board, different chip, etc. and make it available. I believe this is not a reproduction item because of this. The reason, it is an item not manufactured, but brought into the market with it's own unique style having and containing the original authentic parts. Maybe the word REINTRODUCED would suffice. To many people think they can get flea market prices for items that are worth more to COLLECTORS and not just general enthusiasts that are waiting for the deal of a lifetime by not getting into the collectors market. Sorry this caused such a stink but it goes with the territory. ;)


The only thing real is the ROM, nothing else, not even the board (since Answer did not use Atari's boards). Hard to call that original.


Ok so whats your value on them please? Give a range if that is better. Thanks


Gauntlet is all I care about, depending on the moon and someone's soiled underpants, anywhere between $80-$120.

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Just relisted. Let's see what happens now!


Your auction title sucks. If you want people to see it you should be putting the game names you have in the subtitle in the real title and the title stuff as your subtitle. Actually you should split the lot up and sell it one by one. Thats the only way your gonna get what it's worth.


Sell all the rares and semi rares seperatly and all the commons with the system. I bet you will be happy if you do.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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Just relisted. Let's see what happens now!


Your auction title sucks. If you want people to see it you should be putting the game names you have in the subtitle in the real title and the title stuff as your subtitle.




I'm gonna try what you said. Now let's see what happens!

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Just relisted. Let's see what happens now!


Your auction title sucks. If you want people to see it you should be putting the game names you have in the subtitle in the real title and the title stuff as your subtitle.




I'm gonna try what you said. Now let's see what happens!


Good idea! Or good my idea... :lol: anyhow slap a $800 bin with free shipping on it if your intent on selling it as a lot.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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Many people don't ever check on the "Search in title and description" box.

If someone like that were looking form Glib, Crazy Climber, Mr. Do's Castle, TCM, etc., this auction would not even come up for them.


If they were all listed seperately, you would be able to advertise each one individually to a much bigger crowd instead of highlighting a few

while burying some other very nice titles in with the crowd.


I tried to sell big lots a couple years ago and failed miserably. When I finally broke down and broke it all up, I made WAY more than

I was trying to get selling as a lot.


You do have a much better chance now that you added the bigger names in the auction title.

It would be nice if it all went in one shot because it saves a ton of work.


I hope it sells for ya! If it doesn't, don't lower the price. I think you can make $800 or more, but you will have to break it up.


Good luck !

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Guys I do apprecciate your advice. Seems it might wor out o.k.. I've got 26 watchers on it right now. More than I had before. Let's hope something goes my way this time. I got some more boxed games I acquired from my neighbor whom I never thought had them. I'll post em and lets see what they go for. Thanks guys. :)

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The only thing real is the ROM, nothing else, not even the board (since Answer did not use Atari's boards). Hard to call that original.




Gauntlet is all I care about, depending on the moon and someone's soiled underpants, anywhere between $80-$120.




or could it be...





Sit, Ubu, Sit!


Good dog.

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Now seriously, do you think thats Wiz's Selling price if he had one or his buying one?

He's in the market to buy a Gauntlet chip and you take that as vindicating how?

When was it worth $20 is what I want to know and no,

its not science though you'd like to claim it as so.

Is it the same game thats is being played by the same chip that is in the original Answer shell?

Umm Yea!

If I put these in Answer Shells and sold them for $400 with authentic looking labels,

do you think you'd notice? Dont think so.

Einstein... you do think you are him dont you??

the next time your taking a value opinion from someone, its best not to do it from someone looking to purchase one. For me that value is out the window and I still wouldnt sell mine for $200.

Sit, Clyde, sit.


Bad Monkey!

Edited by Phantom
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Now seriously, do you think thats Wiz's Selling price if he had one or his buying one?


Dear Mongoloid,


You asked CPUWIZ what the VALUE was:


Ok so whats your value on them please? Give a range if that is better. Thanks


And he answered as to the value, irrespective of if it was a buying or selling price. Just the value. Do you understand that or do we need to send you back to remedial English?


He's in the market to buy a Gauntlet chip


He said nothing about being in the market to buy a chip. Where do you read that? Nowhere. Yes, back to remedial English for you.


If I put these in Answer Shells and sold them for $400 with authentic looking labels,

do you think you'd notice? Dont think so.


You have zero clue about what technical skills I possess, so do yourself a favor and don't presume anymore because if you make any more of an ass out of yourself your assness will collapse on itself in the form of a black hole singularity that will suck whatever neurons you possess out of the jello mold of your little brain.


And if you actually did slap these in Answer shells with "authentic looking labels" and attempt to pass them off with no indication of their origin, that would mean you are committing forgery, and that would just confirm what a thug you are.


I just love it when you and your little lapdog buddies start kvetching about opinions and then when CPUWIZ comes in and makes a couple statements y'all sit like good little doggies and STFU. Priceless. I had many a good chuckle over you chuckleheads.


the next time your taking a value opinion from someone, its best not to do it from someone looking to purchase one. For me that value is out the window and I still wouldnt sell mine for $200.


$200 - isn't that just your opinion? And of course you want to keep the value inflated to justify your little worldview. In case you missed the value discussion, please see above (or get someone who has a higher reading level to you to read it and then explain it to you).


Sit, Clyde, sit.


Bad Monkey!


I appreciate that you took the time to check out my AA profile and post a pic of monkey penis - is that a self-portrait by the way? I didn't realize you were that far along in the animal kingdom - but I don't swing that way, so have fun with your buggery and bestiality.

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Now seriously, do you think thats Wiz's Selling price if he had one or his buying one?


Dear Mongoloid,


You asked CPUWIZ what the VALUE was:


Ok so whats your value on them please? Give a range if that is better. Thanks


And he answered as to the value, irrespective of if it was a buying or selling price. Just the value. Do you understand that or do we need to send you back to remedial English?


He's in the market to buy a Gauntlet chip


He said nothing about being in the market to buy a chip. Where do you read that? Nowhere. Yes, back to remedial English for you.


If I put these in Answer Shells and sold them for $400 with authentic looking labels,

do you think you'd notice? Dont think so.


You have zero clue about what technical skills I possess, so do yourself a favor and don't presume anymore because if you make any more of an ass out of yourself your assness will collapse on itself in the form of a black hole singularity that will suck whatever neurons you possess out of the jello mold of your little brain.


And if you actually did slap these in Answer shells with "authentic looking labels" and attempt to pass them off with no indication of their origin, that would mean you are committing forgery, and that would just confirm what a thug you are.


I just love it when you and your little lapdog buddies start kvetching about opinions and then when CPUWIZ comes in and makes a couple statements y'all sit like good little doggies and STFU. Priceless. I had many a good chuckle over you chuckleheads.


the next time your taking a value opinion from someone, its best not to do it from someone looking to purchase one. For me that value is out the window and I still wouldnt sell mine for $200.


$200 - isn't that just your opinion? And of course you want to keep the value inflated to justify your little worldview. In case you missed the value discussion, please see above (or get someone who has a higher reading level to you to read it and then explain it to you).


Sit, Clyde, sit.


Bad Monkey!


I appreciate that you took the time to check out my AA profile and post a pic of monkey penis - is that a self-portrait by the way? I didn't realize you were that far along in the animal kingdom - but I don't swing that way, so have fun with your buggery and bestiality.

You know I actually agree with your stance on this issue. But to be honest, you really are being a jerk. And to be honest Phantom is also being a jerk. This is usually how threads get locked. One jerk goes against another jerk they do not agree with and the next thing you know the thread is being locked. Sure flame me all you want, but you know I am right on this one. Both your attitudes stink to high heaven on this one. It is a shame that neither one of you guys can see it.

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Now seriously, do you think thats Wiz's Selling price if he had one or his buying one?


Dear Mongoloid,


You asked CPUWIZ what the VALUE was:


Ok so whats your value on them please? Give a range if that is better. Thanks


And he answered as to the value, irrespective of if it was a buying or selling price. Just the value. Do you understand that or do we need to send you back to remedial English?


He's in the market to buy a Gauntlet chip


He said nothing about being in the market to buy a chip. Where do you read that? Nowhere. Yes, back to remedial English for you.


If I put these in Answer Shells and sold them for $400 with authentic looking labels,

do you think you'd notice? Dont think so.


You have zero clue about what technical skills I possess, so do yourself a favor and don't presume anymore because if you make any more of an ass out of yourself your assness will collapse on itself in the form of a black hole singularity that will suck whatever neurons you possess out of the jello mold of your little brain.


And if you actually did slap these in Answer shells with "authentic looking labels" and attempt to pass them off with no indication of their origin, that would mean you are committing forgery, and that would just confirm what a thug you are.


I just love it when you and your little lapdog buddies start kvetching about opinions and then when CPUWIZ comes in and makes a couple statements y'all sit like good little doggies and STFU. Priceless. I had many a good chuckle over you chuckleheads.


the next time your taking a value opinion from someone, its best not to do it from someone looking to purchase one. For me that value is out the window and I still wouldnt sell mine for $200.


$200 - isn't that just your opinion? And of course you want to keep the value inflated to justify your little worldview. In case you missed the value discussion, please see above (or get someone who has a higher reading level to you to read it and then explain it to you).


Sit, Clyde, sit.


Bad Monkey!


I appreciate that you took the time to check out my AA profile and post a pic of monkey penis - is that a self-portrait by the way? I didn't realize you were that far along in the animal kingdom - but I don't swing that way, so have fun with your buggery and bestiality.


I can see you guys have a little discort amongst each other. I'll get technical. Phantom understands the value of CRAFTMANSHIP when it comes to selling these gems. Zwakery you understand value at the level of the item. If you take the item and use professional craftmanship you get this.



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Yes homer, I am indeed being a jerk. Sometimes you have to speak jerk to get through to jerks, although I will freely admit that it rarely works.


Niner, that listing has been removed - what happened?


It hasn't started yet. Starts tonight. I think @ 6 pm pacific. / 9 pm eastern. I keep thinking it has already started. Got alot going on at home. I can handle it though. Just can't wait till this is over. Whew! ;) Here it is.



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