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8bits- END TODAY... bunch of games> UPDATE: ON EBAY NOW END 4/6


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I got a bunch of sealed and cib 400/800 games.

I never owned one of these, I usually start with the 2600 and go fwd from there.

I may just end up collecting for this too or I may sell these to fund other atari items I want.

My question is, are these worth anything? Can I find a cheap system and what would I use for a monitor? Does it hook up to a TV like the 2600 does?

i really dont have space for it but since Atari is my main collecting hobby, I may just keep them and never get a 400/800 machine. Much to ponder :ponder:

Any suggestions appreciated. Trades for Atari stuff I collect is another possibilty.

I have heard good things about these games but I dont get it I guess because Ive never seen one in action but I cant imagine them being that good being older than the 2600 or do i have that wrong too?

I seriously no lil about this end of Atari. I have huge 2600/5200/7800 collections. Beings most of them are sealed, I dont think Id want to open them anyhow. Most appear to be cassetes and such. I dont know if any hold carts. I guess by titles I would know but theres no 8bit list like there is for the rest of atari. Anyone know approx how many titles were made?

Any help or advice is appreciated.

I got these by accident and they are kinda neat.

Im Just not sure what to do with them. Cheers :)

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I got a bunch of sealed and cib 400/800 games.

I never owned one of these, I usually start with the 2600 and go fwd from there.

I may just end up collecting for this too or I may sell these to fund other atari items I want.

My question is, are these worth anything? Can I find a cheap system and what would I use for a monitor? Does it hook up to a TV like the 2600 does?

i really dont have space for it but since Atari is my main collecting hobby, I may just keep them and never get a 400/800 machine. Much to ponder :ponder:

Any suggestions appreciated. Trades for Atari stuff I collect is another possibilty.

I have heard good things about these games but I dont get it I guess because Ive never seen one in action but I cant imagine them being that good being older than the 2600 or do i have that wrong too?

I seriously no lil about this end of Atari. I have huge 2600/5200/7800 collections. Beings most of them are sealed, I dont think Id want to open them anyhow. Most appear to be cassetes and such. I dont know if any hold carts. I guess by titles I would know but theres no 8bit list like there is for the rest of atari. Anyone know approx how many titles were made?

Any help or advice is appreciated.

I got these by accident and they are kinda neat.

Im Just not sure what to do with them. Cheers :)


Yes, you can find a system for a fairly low price. In most cases you can just connect the computer to your television with an RF switch much like the 2600 and 7800. In other cases, you can use a cable to connect it to the A/V ports much like the NES. Some games could be worth something, we just don't know what you acquired.


From experience, I can tell you that there may be a few games (like Demon Attack) that require an 400/800, or for some disk games a translator disk. Otherwise they should run fine on any system. There are some games that make use of four joystick ports, so again those require the 400 or 800.


As far as sealed games, to be honest I personally don't collect any of my video or computer games for them to look pretty on a shelf and collect dust. I like to actually play my games. If most of the games are on cassette tape, you'll need an Atari 410, 1010, or XC-12 program recorder (use "CLOAD" and then hit the play button to load a game).


The 8-bit series has some wonderful games, and some really brilliant coin-op/arcade conversions (take Defender, Ms. Pac-Man, Robotron 2084, and Donkey Kong for example). There are also some great titles from other genres as well (Bruce Lee, The Eidolon, Alternate Reality, Ultima series). It just depends on what you're looking for with playing these games. Hope this helps.


Cheers. :)

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They are strange named titles. Thanks for the help and eventually I'll get a pic posted here instead of typing them out. Ive heard of Cavern of Mars, tats about it AFA titles I may know unless Im forgetting something. So much to do with the holidays here but i will be back sometime soon. Take care

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To me, collecting A8 ROMS in particular is more fun than collecting 2600 games, probably because there are fewer of them. I also find something more collectable about the original chunky metal covered A8 Atari carts.


The only problem I have personally come across is that, possibly due to age, one new and sealed game that I bought from eBay (Kaboom!) didn't work when I did finally decide to open it.


One game I would recommend, if you are into collecting the ROMs in particular, is Robotron. That is a great version of the game - which I once owned but stupidly sold CIB years ago. :( IIRC, the large box had cutouts to hold two of the original square based Atari joysticks so you could play it the same way as in the arcade. How cool is that? :)

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What's the Roklan game in the last picture?



Theres a Cavern Of Mars in alarger box somewhere around here as well. Maybe a few others. I need a supercharger. Anyone have a cheap one? I got 3 of those as well. I never felt the need to pay them because I never had the hardware. Heres a good question and I probably can find the answer for myself but does the Supercharger games play on the CC2? If so, then dont need a supercharger but you do need some kinda tape player with that right? It always just seemed like a thing I would never use and hence a waste of $ for me but The older I get,m the more I want to try a Supercharger atleast. Anyhow.........


Wiz Of Wor is the Roklan game

and the other one is Crossfire next to it. i meant to state that but it was late and I was tired. I think Im gonna get me a old atari PC. i could have had a nice one for 20$ a few months back but didnt do it and if I knew i would be getting this lot, I would have. I bought the damn lot because it had a CV COVER YAY!!! Finally got one of them and in great shape. Has a 2600 system that i didnt need but figured I could recoup some of the $90 with that eventually cutting my price way down but if I get enjoyment or trades out of the 400/800 titles, then thats a bonus. Cheers and Happy Holidays to all! :) :) :)

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does the Supercharger games play on the CC2?




you do need some kinda tape player with that right?


No, you need a PC with a serial port...


I think Im gonna get me a old atari PC.


Good idea! You've got a pretty good "starter kit" of software already... if you're planning to open the boxes, that is.


I'd be surprised if the boxes don't say whether they're disk, tape, or cartridge. The "States and Capitals" is definitely cassette: it plays audio from the tape while the program runs, which is a pretty neat "multimedia" thing that AFAIK is unique to the Atari.


If you decide to get an Atari tape drive, don't buy one (not even a NIB one) and expect it to actually work, unless it's from someone who's restored it. The drive belts are usually dry-rotted or stretched out of shape after all these years... gory details here: http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=105976


Also, if I'm not mistaken, "Pool 1.5" won't load on an XL/XE machine without the Translator disk.

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That was my next question. the XEGS, that is a newer system than the 400/800 or that is what they were always called or what? Any help is appreciated. All of the games arent sealed and some there are 2 so I would defiantely open one copy of those. I really havent had time to fuss with it and the time Ive spent messing with this post is time I really dont have but who needs sleep?? lol, not juts because this post but it was something that wasnt planned on. I am intrigued even more since I found out they play like the 5200 kinda. Anyhow, thanks for all the help and info. Which is why I love this place. Cheers to all! BTW, I finally got a LYNX SYSTEM!!! Not here yet but Ive been planning on it for awhile and I got both of em! The old and the new CIB!!!! Now I need that cable to connect the 2. I will be wanting to trade for that or buy it if its not outrageous! :) :) cheers

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XEGS = XE Games system sort of a games console with a plug in keyboard to make it a full 8bit computer, it has 64k like its sister the 65XE.

If you are going for an Atari 8bit computer I would suggest either an 800xl or any of the XE's.

I love the older400/800 series, but they are not as useable.

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Other games I have are Krazy Antics & Krazy somethin, both CBS titles comeplete in large boxes.

When I see the box again I'll update the name here but its upsatirs and Im downstairs right now and I thought I would remember the title but it escapes me. Maybe Kritters???? Cheers

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Other games I have are Krazy Antics & Krazy somethin, both CBS titles comeplete in large boxes.

When I see the box again I'll update the name here but its upsatirs and Im downstairs right now and I thought I would remember the title but it escapes me. Maybe Kritters???? Cheers

Could be K-Razy Kritters alright.


The CBS version is uncommon, but not rare, but the original K-Byte Kritters is hard to find. If you have that one complete, then we need to talk!

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Other games I have are Krazy Antics & Krazy somethin, both CBS titles comeplete in large boxes.

When I see the box again I'll update the name here but its upsatirs and Im downstairs right now and I thought I would remember the title but it escapes me. Maybe Kritters???? Cheers

Could be K-Razy Kritters alright.


The CBS version is uncommon, but not rare, but the original K-Byte Kritters is hard to find. If you have that one complete, then we need to talk!

well the box looks like this. Does the K-Byte come in a different box? Or is Kbyte ina CBS box somehow? I'll get a pic of the box of tjhem both tomorrow. I just grabbed this off the net because it look slike antics box and the other one looks the same except for the name so maybe this helps. Cheers

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  • 2 weeks later...

the 400/800 doubles I had 2 of and is that right? do they play in 400, 800 & XE???? or just 400/800??? Ebay seems to think its all 3. I dont know much about this system ,will someone please let me know???? Thank you Gang. Take care.

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K-Razy Kritters is 400/800 only, ie it will NOT work on XL/XE



Wow see. I havent a clue as to why not but thank you much.

The others will run on both? They are cassettes. All those Atari Computer systems have cassettes?

Thanks for the help and now to try and change it. Thanks again ;) :)

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I think i may just end up selling these all because I have no room for another system and I dont know how much I will use it. It seems like a task just to get into this older unit. Im on the fence and if my mind was made up it would have al been listed with the 3 I threw up on ebay. Im thinking about it so if anyone sees anything they may want, please make an offer and I'll make a decision soon on whether to start a 400/800 collection or not and I have no clue what any of these go for so I cant place prices for these. I really havent the foggiest. Take care All :)


PS> And thanks MIMO for your help

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Start a collection!


The A8 is a great system for playing, and for collecting. Most of the games are fairly cheap and easy to get, and they're generally better than 2600 games. The rare ones are really rare, and will prove challenging to obtain.


There is some absolutely brilliant A8 software out there, and new discoveries are still being made.


</sales pitch>

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Start a collection!


The A8 is a great system for playing, and for collecting. Most of the games are fairly cheap and easy to get, and they're generally better than 2600 games. The rare ones are really rare, and will prove challenging to obtain.


There is some absolutely brilliant A8 software out there, and new discoveries are still being made.


</sales pitch>

You may talk me into it. its the Only Atari Ive never played. Or if i did, it was many moons ago and I diodnt know it was Atari. I played some friends PC games but I hated using the keyboard. Coulda been any of the PC version games from back then. Anyhow, I am and have been debating it in my own head so much Im almost certifiable! LOL! Take care

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If its a problem of space get rid of the 5200 and collect for the 8bit range,buy a 64k 600 xl, far more rewarding, and the joysticks work

I have WAYYYYYYY too much invested in my 5200 Collection and I have every Joystick or adapter you could want mostly and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my 5200 with its Leather Cover. No way, I dont get rid of an existing Atari Collection for an 8-Bit one. I either add or i go and get rid of a less used one and thats hard to do either way. Cheers and thanks for the love. :cool:

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  • 5 weeks later...

All games in the pics in post #7 are available for trade and or cash.

I will leave this up and take offers for about 2 weeks and then whatever doesnt move will get tossed on ebay. I decided I really cant take on another system and put out more money to boot and space wise theres just nowhere to have it. And I plan on moving in about 6 months and probably a smaller place so ive decided to trade and sell em. I really havent the foggiest on what these are worth at all which is why I cant make a price up for anything. I can take trades for anything else atari, colecovision boxed games and whatever. I have a bunch of my collection in teh gallery and on my blog if you wanted to see if I already owned something, most of my 2600 collection is there but i could use variants of things and such so you just never know. If you have a list of things to trade, just send that and make a cash offer whenever and I will set a definitive date on when all offers will stop and deals will be completed and the rest goes to the bay or maybe a giveaway or something here. I dont know if I should post this in the marketplace but I definately would like to keep it here because most of the 8Bit gamers seem to be in and out of here more often than the marketplace. Anyhow, fire away and it doesnt mean I will wait til the deadline to complete a deal. If I get an offer in trade or cash i think is fine then the deal will be made and a note will be posted in post 7 under the pics if anything is gone.

Cheers :)

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