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8bits- END TODAY... bunch of games> UPDATE: ON EBAY NOW END 4/6


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All games in the pics in post #7 are available for trade and or cash.

I will leave this up and take offers for about 2 weeks and then whatever doesnt move will get tossed on ebay. I decided I really cant take on another system and put out more money to boot and space wise theres just nowhere to have it. And I plan on moving in about 6 months and probably a smaller place so ive decided to trade and sell em. I really havent the foggiest on what these are worth at all which is why I cant make a price up for anything. I can take trades for anything else atari, colecovision boxed games and whatever. I have a bunch of my collection in teh gallery and on my blog if you wanted to see if I already owned something, most of my 2600 collection is there but i could use variants of things and such so you just never know. If you have a list of things to trade, just send that and make a cash offer whenever and I will set a definitive date on when all offers will stop and deals will be completed and the rest goes to the bay or maybe a giveaway or something here. I dont know if I should post this in the marketplace but I definately would like to keep it here because most of the 8Bit gamers seem to be in and out of here more often than the marketplace. Anyhow, fire away and it doesnt mean I will wait til the deadline to complete a deal. If I get an offer in trade or cash i think is fine then the deal will be made and a note will be posted in post 7 under the pics if anything is gone.

Cheers :)



You are sitting on a nice pile of cash there in those boxes. Most would do stellar on eBay (granted more about 4-5 years ago), but still. I would love to come across that set at a yard sale $$$$$$


The family that bought the Matterhorn cart would pay you well for them, but auction format would do that best.



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You are sitting on a nice pile of cash there in those boxes. Most would do stellar on eBay (granted more about 4-5 years ago), but still. I would love to come across that set at a yard sale $$$$$$


The family that bought the Matterhorn cart would pay you well for them, but auction format would do that best.




You know the family that bought the Matterhorn cart? I got some things they may want. You can tell them to

contact me here.

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You are sitting on a nice pile of cash there in those boxes. Most would do stellar on eBay (granted more about 4-5 years ago), but still. I would love to come across that set at a yard sale $$$$$$


The family that bought the Matterhorn cart would pay you well for them, but auction format would do that best.



Thanks for the tip and I will think about it just ebay gets under my skin lately for many reasons though I may toss it there and let it be bid on fairly. I dont know. Would you part it out or sell it as a lot? I tried selling a few doubles and hardly got any response and now, it just has to go. I have too many other collections Im working on and I cant see spending money on a xe or 400/800 and infact , Im not sure which go with which. Its just a bad time for a new collection. I thought about just keeping them but I may decide never to get a xegs. I think I need to sell and forget as the more I think the more I want to keep em. Anyhow, I will be taking better pics and listing exactly whats here over the weekend. I have had some interest but I may decide its best to get rid of it as a lot and not deal with fees for 20 listings and the headache of sending it to many different people. We shall see. thanks for the :) post, cheers

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Ok Since some of you have asked for better pics,

I posted them and took a great deal of time putting this together.

I will list all game titles later when I have more time but the Pics do reveal all titles.

See the link above for the new, better pics and info

and please send trade or cash offers as some have.

Thanks again for all the info and suggestions but Its better I part with these now

before I obtain another video game collection fetish that I have no room for. Cheers :)

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  • 1 month later...

These have finally gone on ebay. Actually I suck so bad and take so long to make a listing that I still have about 5 or so that have to get listed yet but here is the link if anyone was interested in any of these remaining ones. Again, check back as there is atleatst 5 I ran out of time to do last night and will probably shuffle them in for 5 day listings and have them end around the same time as the ones listed. Thanks for looking.



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