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ebay US WII console + 8 games, trade possible


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pm sent. Yes I want it for my nephew as I told him if he saves all his xmas cash I'll match him dollar for dollar to get a Wii He's 7 years old and has cerebral palsy as well he is missing the part of the brain the controls basic motor skills but that doesn't stop him one bit. This kid has more heart than any other human I have ever met. I really thought the wii would have been too hard for him to control but strangly enough the controls actually benifit him cause it's easier as one of his hands he does have about 80 percent use of which he uses for which ever controller needs quicker\more use of (as in wiimote in good hand for some games and nunchuk for others) and the other hand that he only has about 20ish percent use of AKA his "firsted" hand he uses to control the controller less used or the one that can be shaken to control specific games with. He's really good at Spiderman Friend or Foe but has a hard time with some parts of Carnival Games. Those are the ones he plays the most at my house. And seeing as my sister is a single Mom I'm the main male athority figure in his life so I take on all the male parenting jobs and I spoil him the best I can and this "after" Xmas, I hope to get him a wii (I already got him his actual presants, go him 2 GBA games and some lego). Here is a pic of my two kids and my nephew from last week when they went to see Santa, obviously my nephew is the one in the wheel chair:




Edited by Shawn Sr.
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