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EricDeLee's Blog - Finally grabbing some homebrews.


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2007 Holiday Cart: Stella's Stocking = $25.00


A-VCS-tec Challenge

Wolfenstein VCS: The Next Mission


Video Game Collector Issue #6



I decided to grab a few homebrews as a treat to myself. I got to looking at the Holiday cart and decided to grab it. Then I remembered that Wolfenstein cart... and then grabbed that A-VCS-tec game because of the reviews. (I'll have to look around in the threads to see what the limited edition one consisted of)


I grabbed that Video Game Collector Magazine because I lost mine. I loved the little checklist of all of the TG-16 games. I wonder if any other VGC magazines are coming out. it is a shame that I ordered a subscription and only have two issues. :(



Well... I gotta run. I got to wrap presents. I found another Wii to replace the one that got stolen from me. It is a long story, but it got stolen as far as I know. In all... this damned Wii cost me more than my PS3. But I couldn't just give the kiddos a raincheck.



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