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SpiceWare's Blog - Gingerbread Man


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Gingerbread Man, by Fred Quimby



In the Gingerbread Man you take on the title role of the classic children's tale and must make your way through 20 levels to earn your freedom.


The game consists of 5 distinct levels, with well varied goals for each. In level 1 you find yourself in the oven and must pick up pieces of other backed goods and use them to extinguish the fire that's relentlessly chasing you. In level 2 you must collect balloons scattered around the dining room in order to float up through the chimney, but beware the cat & dog as you look pretty tasty to them. In level 3 you've made it up to the roof and must collect tiles to build a bridge while avoiding the hungry cats and bird. For level 4 you've made it to the forest and must find a way to acquire a worm to feed a baby bird in order to gain the mother bird's gratitude and help. In level 5 you discover the mother bird is fickle and has decide to eat you instead of help you - in your struggle to escape you've fallen a cave and must content with the bird and another hungry cat.


Once level 5 is finished you're back to level 1, but with more enemies to deal with. It's very challenging and I've not yet been able to complete the first 5 levels without using a continue.


The graphics are adequate, on par with the earlier Atari releases, but this is an Atari game were game play is more important than graphics, and Gingerbread Man has the game play down in spades. Music and sound effects are well done.


The label graphics and manual where done by Nathan Strum, and quite frankly they're awesome!


Even though it's based on a children's tale, Gingerbread Man is is anything but child's play. It's a worthy addition to your homebrew collection.


While not relevant to the review, one thing that's really impressed me is that Gingerbread Man was written in batariBasic. This really goes to show how capable batariBasic has become.


Next up, Crazy Balloon.



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