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Quadrun hidden in this lot! Item number: 120203451977


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And since someones trying to make side deals after I bid on it, lets get this puppy bid up!!!!




Im awaiting the who (from the seller) asked to buy for $150 right now! After I had bid no less and maybe one other had bid as now there are 2 bids. I guess the seller seen my friends store and seen my bid and he writes ...


"Hi, This is about the Atari with the 42 carts you bid on. I just had a guy offer me $150.00 for it. Do you know why he'd do that? David"

Edited by Phantom
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There, now maybe he won't sell it to some liar saying it's for his "nephew".




And since someones trying to make side deals after I bid on it, lets get this puppy bid up!!!!




Im awaiting the who (from the seller) asked to buy for $150 right now! After I had bid no less and maybe one other had bid as now there are 2 bids. I guess the seller seen my friends store and seen my bid and he writes ...


"Hi, This is about the Atari with the 42 carts you bid on. I just had a guy offer me $150.00 for it. Do you know why he'd do that? David"

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This is like the auction the guy had Air Raid in. Just tell him he's got a rare cart in it. It's just going to get worse if you don't. I'm sure he'll go into a frenzy and turn into another rare cart enthusiast but nobody would list it unless they knew. You guys really check these auctions. Doesn't leave room for someone getting a deal of a lifetime. Stay on top! :)

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Q: I wasn't going to sell, but I'm thinking about it. Just thinking. That's a lot of money to me. I think I figured it out. It's probably Quadrun that he's after. I gotta talk to the wife. She's the brains of the outfit.


Well he hasnt gave up the ebay name and he figured out what game all on his own and I told him Id tell the game if he gave up the name.

I didnt notice the earlier message so it maybe same person but thats not definate... who knows?

I dont think he's selling side deal now. Though he was definatley thinking about it.

Good work gang! :)

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There, now maybe he won't sell it to some liar saying it's for his "nephew".

Good. It's not like I need anymore evidence that people are total shitheads, but stuff like that doesn't help. :roll:


maybe if the nephew was dying and could only be cured by an atari's warm radiation.

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There, now maybe he won't sell it to some liar saying it's for his "nephew".

Good. It's not like I need anymore evidence that people are total shitheads, but stuff like that doesn't help. :roll:


maybe if the nephew was dying and could only be cured by an atari's warm radiation.


And his birthday is coming up, too soon to ship if you wait for the auction to end normally.

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Q: Just curious if you had thought about a buy it now on this auction? I'd be interested in getting it as a birthday present for one of my nephews? Bruce



bruce_bidders.gif( 519iconPurpleStar_25x25.gif) s.gifaboutme-small.gifs.gif US $27.99 s.gifDec-28-07 21:12:52 PST s.gifs.gifs.gifs.gifs.gifbruce_bidders.gif( 519iconPurpleStar_25x25.gif) s.gifaboutme-small.gifs.gif US $23.99 s.gifDec-28-07 21:12:37 PST s.gifs.gifs.gifs.gifs.gifbruce_bidders.gif( 519iconPurpleStar_25x25.gif) s.gifaboutme-small.gifs.gif US $21.99 s.gifDec-28-07 14:16:56 PST


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Q: Just curious if you had thought about a buy it now on this auction? I'd be interested in getting it as a birthday present for one of my nephews? Bruce



bruce_bidders.gif( 519iconPurpleStar_25x25.gif) s.gifaboutme-small.gifs.gif US $27.99 s.gifDec-28-07 21:12:52 PST s.gifs.gifs.gifs.gifs.gifbruce_bidders.gif( 519iconPurpleStar_25x25.gif) s.gifaboutme-small.gifs.gif US $23.99 s.gifDec-28-07 21:12:37 PST s.gifs.gifs.gifs.gifs.gifbruce_bidders.gif( 519iconPurpleStar_25x25.gif) s.gifaboutme-small.gifs.gif US $21.99 s.gifDec-28-07 14:16:56 PST



Um Ya! Im leaning that way but thats not a definate that he made the offer even if he asked for a BIN. Especially if he made a bid I would think theres ateast a chance it is not him. Im still waiting to hear from the seller.

The Birthday line is classic! Im so glad the seller posted it!


Edited by Phantom
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That looks like a nice copy of Quadrun, but I really don't want to bid against my good bud Phantom. Already sniped him on a few nice ones ;-) I don't feel like Quadrun will ever lose any value! If you feel that way just because one pops up in Mexico, might as well feel that way about Waterworld, Silver label Gravitars ( BTW one in this $50 lot, it's in Canada but looks like a good one to me to Silver Label Gravitar )

and all other Atari club carts. I believe there was only a certain # of these made and they will always remain rare finds. It's not like ET, where they buried 5 million copies in the New Mexico desert. I'd love to find that dump full of Atari Club games, but it doesn't exist. I will have my Quadrun someday, but not this one, hope you win it Phantom!!!!

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OK, this guy crossed the line. It is one thing to try to get a side deal. It is another thing to tell a straight up bald faced lie to get a side deal. This punk needs to be outed. I really would like to see someone actually try to defend this punk. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I won't exactly defend the guy, and I'm not a fan of these things, but with all the side deals (or attempted side deals) and shameless flipping that goes on regularly (sometimes even by long-time members here), it's funny that people single this guy out.


By the way, bruce bidder is a member here.



Edited by PingvinBlueJeans
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OK, this guy crossed the line. It is one thing to try to get a side deal. It is another thing to tell a straight up bald faced lie to get a side deal. This punk needs to be outed. I really would like to see someone actually try to defend this punk. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


hey, all is fair in love and ebay. atari collecting is war and you should pull out all the stops. i wish i'd a thought of it. however, i would have gone the whole "different strokes" episode and pretended i was dying. you'd get a quadrun and maybe even mr. t as well.

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That looks like a nice copy of Quadrun, but I really don't want to bid against my good bud Phantom. Already sniped him on a few nice ones ;-) I don't feel like Quadrun will ever lose any value! If you feel that way just because one pops up in Mexico, might as well feel that way about Waterworld, Silver label Gravitars ( BTW one in this $50 lot, it's in Canada but looks like a good one to me to Silver Label Gravitar )

and all other Atari club carts. I believe there was only a certain # of these made and they will always remain rare finds. It's not like ET, where they buried 5 million copies in the New Mexico desert. I'd love to find that dump full of Atari Club games, but it doesn't exist. I will have my Quadrun someday, but not this one, hope you win it Phantom!!!!

James go ahead and bid. Im done bidding actually. I'll take it for this price but to tell you the truth, I just wanted to get it up there so it wasnt side dealed after the note from the seller so by all means, bid away and goodluck!

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I won't exactly defend the guy, and I'm not a fan of these things, but with all the side deals (or attempted side deals) and shameless flipping that goes on regularly (sometimes even by long-time members here), it's funny that people single this guy out.


Well I dont think he was necessarily singled out but his comment was funny about the present. I could care less all I know is if he were the pope, I'd had brought it here to auction central and bid it up past his asking price no matter who asked as it isnt 100% it was Bruce anyhow. The comment was funny because he signed it. I know of other side deals that have happened after the fact but what can you do about them then? This was ongoing so I thought it was a good idea to atleats bid it up since if Ive already bid on something, someone still has the gall to make a side offer well Im gonna screw up that deal everytime Im made aware of it. Its to the point where I email sellers and tell them if for any reason they decide to put a BIN on it, to please email me so I have a fair shot at it. This way if a side deal comes down, I hope I get a few minutes to snatch it out their hands or I just bid the minimum which obviously isnt good enough as the sellers appear to be able to cancel any auction without consequence and male a side deal anyhow. Anyway, he's definatley not the only side dealer, but he's the only one I caught in the act if infact it is him. As far as others flipping things, I never get that. If I buy a lot and I have 3 boxed games for example and 3 I dont have yet or they are in better condition even, If I resell the doubles, what is wrong with that? and if its a Waterworld with a 9.99 BIN, i dont think anyone here could honestly say they wouldnt buy it even if they already had one. Whats the shame in that? I would resell it for whatever I could get and buy more stuff i actually want/need. I see nothing wrong with flipping anything because its basically just selling your doubles and the only way to save money while collecting is to buy in bulk. I do both. I just spent $40 on a Basketbrawl NIB. And I bought a 3DO system with a gun. Im keeping the gun and selling back the system and if I get 2/3 or more of my money back I'll be real happy and if I get more than I paid for the whole thing I'll be even happier. Cheers :)

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I think its funny that it seems to matter more about who the person is going after side deals more than the whole wrongness of side deals. If it is a popular member here its all hunky dory if that member grabs a side deal, but if its someone most don't know too well its the worst thing ever. Its a big double standard that is so obvious but none of you seem to be aware of. All I will add is that Bruce_Bidder has bought a lot of stuff from me in the past and I don't feel i got ripped off when i sold to him.



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All I will add is that Bruce_Bidder has bought a lot of stuff from me in the past and I don't feel i got ripped off when i sold to him.




I have nothing gainst bruce and I dont know for sure if he asked for a side deal but I definately had already bid because it was barely listed when I seen it so I take offense to anyone that asks for a side deal when a bids been placed to boot and especially when that bid is mine and like I said, Im still not sure whos offer it was. The fact remains that it was asked for and I will blow up any side deal Im aware of and The line is still funny about the nephew even if it wasnt Bruce. LOL! Cheers

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