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What games do you think would be a great Xl conversion


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As in XL to Atari 5200....


1. Mr. Do "I just saw this on you tube and it was a terriffic port. It definately blows away the Mr. Do for the colecovision. Plus Mr Do is better game then that Mr. Do's castle. At least to me!"


2. Bruce Lee


3. Zorro


4. Spy vs Spy series


5. Alibaba and the 40 thieves! "One of my all time favorites. Basically a turn based RPG. You create your characters from a list that graphically look similar to the terrible ones on MULE. I am not saying thats a bad thing. I think when I was a kid I remember playing with at least 5 friends at the same time. This game requires you to use alot of imagination!"

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Mr. Do on the 8bit is fantastic - sounds/colors/gameplay


Bruce Lee is fun 2 player


Spy vs Spy is great


Alibaba is pretty good, though Im not sure how you could get it to work on the 5200? You oculd basically create 40 characters at one time to fight :)

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