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Classic 80s Home Video Games book - They're here! - new pics of book added

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We worked very hard on prices for each cart, instruction, and boxed complete for each variation listed by tracking data from Ebay sales, private sales and stores that sell to the community on a regular basis over the last few years.
Perhaps the sample SpectraVideo page pictured above is a fluke then, because I just don't see much rhyme or reason in the pricing supplied there. Though, by all means, this doesn't diminish the assemblage of pretty pictures.
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Congratulations on the new book! Definitely something I plan on picking up.


I noticed they're selling your book and my book right now as a package deal on Amazon.


Makes perfect sense, really, as the books compliment each other nicely. Your book has the color photos and the price guide; mine has detailed descriptions of every game for every system.


Again, congratulations!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I plan on getting a copy of this book for reference purposes. I have ordered a copy through my local Hastings store because friends just gave me a $30.00 gift card redeemable only at Hastings. I've been collecting Atari video games for years and am eager to see what titles I'm missing. How much do you have invested in your collection so far?

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radical! does that mean you will be shipping all of the pre-orders that week? i can't wait to get my copy and brag to all of my atari friends...



Absolutely! As soon as we get them, we'll start shipping them out as fast as we can!


Thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered so far. We appreciate your support!

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I got my copy in the mail yesterday and...



you did one HELL of a job videogamesbook! This book surpasses all my expectations and will be read cover to cover many times over. The pages are of nice thick paper and will certainly last the test of time. This really is a top notch product!


I'm ordering a 2nd copy very soon I can assure you!

Edited by tremoloman2006
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Mine arrived today. It looks great although I was saddened to see that neither Phoenix nor ABC To The VCS were listed in the bibliography.


One error though: Commavid's MagiCard and Video Life were not available only by mail order from Commavid; and you didn't have to own MagiCard to purchase Video Life. I bought my copies from a company called Video Takeout in West Hollywood, CA (from whom I also purchased Eli's Ladder and the Video Jogger/Video Reflex set and mat).


Finally, where's Videosoft's Color Bar Generator for the 2600?

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I actually noticed that too. I went to look it up because I remembered seeing it earlier today (and asking Jason what the hell it was for). Oh well with a book this of this size sometimes little things get missed. I'd rather have it in the book and not in the index than not in the book at all.


P.s. I love the book guys. Even though I know very little about Atari its still really awesome to flip through just to see some of the awesome art and weird games they made.

Edited by Roloking
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The index was for games. And since the Color bar Generator was not a game and space was tight at the end of the book it was not placed in the index. We did not want to leave it out of the book since it's a neat part of the Atari history and we found a good place for it.

Sorry but I have not been able to read the books Phoenix or ABC To The VCS . I will get them right away when things calm down around the store or I might be able to find them at the MIdwest Classic show in a few weeks. They sound like great books also. We cant wait for new info to come to light and will keep track of it all for the next edition of the book.

Glad the book is arriving fast and safe. With all the rain in midwest someone said post office had it out in the rain and the box was all wet but the bag inside saved it.

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Thanks for the feedback. I always take one of the first copies and make an "editing copy" to prepare for the next edition. I'll compile all the feedback I get in this copy, so don't be afraid to email me and tell me about an error you've spotted, even if you think someone else might have already reported it. Jason is tracking updates in a copy as well so we can compare notes. You'll probably notice a few more errors as you read through it, I've already noted a few.


This book was a challenge for our publisher as we worked to explain our vision for the book. When we received the draft, I moved about 60 pages, took out 16 others, turned in a 22 page index, and reworked all the merchandise chapters, and then threw in another 100 or so new images, not to mention new variations. Not normal for a book about to go to press... but I knew the design in my head and Jason and I discussed every page until we were satisfied with how we thought it should look. (not that I'm picky or anything) We did not make a second index for merchandise since we did not think we'd have any space left for it (we'll add one next time around). As a result of all of our changes, our designer and copy editors made and reviewed changes to the book up to the point that it had to go the printer. We expected a few errors, but tried to minimize them wherever possible.


Thanks again for everyone's support! And please email me with any errors you see so I can compare and compile them in my editing copy for the next edition.

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Sorry about the bibliography not including Rolenta material. It was definitely not intentional. I purchased my autographed copye of the ABCs to the VCS a couple of years back at the Penn. show. I got home and put it somewhere safe (i.e. - lost it somewhere in the house). Haven't seen it since. I don't think you had the Phoenix book with you when I bought the other book or I missed it. Looks like I'll have to pick up both current editions from you at an upcoming show.

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The index was for games. And since the Color bar Generator was not a game


But then neither are BASIC Programming, MagiCard, and Computer Intro!


The only reason I remembered Color Bar Generator, was because when I was reciting the games I purchased from Video Take-Out, I remembered that I learned about the Color Bar Generator from VTO's magazine Video Game Update (where I also learned about Cubicolor!)


Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great book and I'm getting sick looking at all of those boxes that I threw out!

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I love this thing.

It's beautiful and an amazing value for the money.


Thanks for a great effort.

The prices that I have looked at seem very accurate as well.


As for the question on page 164, I have a play verified NTSC CIB Glacier Patrol.

I had Ebay auto-e-mail me for over a year until one came up.

Same for Universal Chaos.


Glacier Patrol came up once and I snagged it.

Universal Chaos has not had a hit for 2 years running.


I am just about positive there are people on here that can verify the rest of the Telegame titles for you

pretty quickly.

Edited by therealred5
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First of all....One huge thank you from both my wife and myself. To send us BOTH a copy truly touched us!


Secondly, the book is absolutely amazing. It blew me away the sheer amount of detail that went into scanning all that info. Very professional, and frankly it is going to the the ULTIMATE VISUAL GUIDE FOR THE CLASSIC CONSOLES. Sign me up for additional help if you need it in the future. If you ever want to use additional pictures for another edition, I have a NTSC Power Lords as well as a CIB O2 collection NTSC. I would recommend this book to any classic console enthusiast, as the pics and layout is simply amazing! Looks like I will have a new book for guests to look at on the coffee table!


On a very small note, my wife and myself are Sarah and John Hancock for future editions.


Again, this is one sweet book, and for the price you are selling it..an absolute deal. I am completely speechless on how awsome this book turned out. I know that you put an absolute ton of work into compiling data for it, and it shows :)

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