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Can you kill the pterodactyl in Joust?


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Yes, of course you can. Same method - down the throat. *




* I think, if memory serves, you can kill it by hitting it in the tail too - has to be the same place as the throat but on the other end of the bird.

I've killed it once or twice in the past (800 version), but ever since then I can never do it, and I can't remember-- are you supposed to hit him when his mouth is open, or closed? I always figured mouth open, but if that's the case, then you must need to hit him in just the right "sweet" spot. :(



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Weak spot for the pterodactyl is one pixel high in the mouth. That explains why it's so hard kill.

Is it okay to hit him at any time, as long as it's in the right spot? Or do you need to get him when his mouth is open the widest, right in the middle of the throat?




I think could work anytime but it's very hard to do while flying because that spot is pretty small. It's seems to work best if the pterodactyl is charging at you and your lance just happens to go down it's throat. Too bad this version of Joust isn't based on the oldest version of arcade Joust. In that, the weak spot is a bit bigger and you could if find the right spot, just sit there and let the pterodactyls kill themselves on your lance all day.


Still I suggest you could try the following. Since the pterodactyls tend to fly slightly below your lance if you're on a platform, you could try running towards one when it charges and brake, lowering your lance enough to stab in the mouth. It MIGHT work, it's been years since I killed those pests.

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Whoo hoo! Tail end worked.


I'll be honest...


As long as I've played Joust, I have never, ever killed the 'dactyl before. Boy, is that liberating!


I was having an anxiety attack, too... and that just cured it. HA!


IT IS! It's harder than nails to pull off, but when you do, what satisfaction! Congrats on the first of many Pterry kills. He'll probably kill you more than you kill him though. :D

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Geeze guys... You can kill the 5200 Pterry in any part of it's body that your lance can touch. Be that both the mouth (top or bottom of opened mouth, or the single tip of it's closed mouth), or you can even kill it in the tail!


If you fly behind the pterry for example and chase it, it's entirely possilble and maybe even easier to kill it by stabbing it right in the tip of it's tail feathers.


When I was a kid it we called it "Pterry hunting" :cool:


Another method we used to do which takes split second timing though is to stand on the lower platform. When the pterry comes start to run at it full speed and at the last second make a jump. If you do it right you'll jump right up and hit it on the beak.

Edited by NE146
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I usually feel it isn't worth the risk for only 1000 points. BUt on the 5200 version I used to fly ahead of it, then turn my lance towards the approaching Pterry while it was closing in on me and my bird's initia was still moving away from it, and that way I could fine-tune via flapping an accuracy shot down the throat. Also, I don't think you can kill the arcade version Pterry anywhere but the throat. I learned the tail-method accidentally back around 1984 or so. :)

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