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Another Sikor's competition is open from now!


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No scroll bar on mine either (Firefox), what is the compy?


Same problem here with Opera but the scroll wheel on my mouse let me pull the page down - here's what it says;


AGC - Atascii Game Conversion compo #1.

Themat of this compo are writing game conversion, wchich will be displayed only as Atascii character mode. This time we take "Frogger" game for conversion.


Game MUST go on real PAL Atari with 64KB of Ram memory;

All graphics must be displayed as text mode (Basic mode "0", Antic mode "2");

All progs go to me ([address edited out by T.M.R in case there are spambots, PM the nice man instead =-]) with tittle: AGC#1;

Deadline: 2008.03.16, at 24:00. All entries I put on website, ankets will be hostet at ones or more atari web pages;

. Time for vote: 14 days;

Winner take 50PLN (polish zlotys) (plus eventually sponsor's adds), wchich will be pay on wiinners account number

This rules points are definitely for this edition.

Good Luck!!!

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All ASCII? Does that mean the inbuilt character set only?

Yes, all in ATASCII - ATari ASCII


Is fine scrolling allowed?

Yes, it is allowed.


Assuming also that no PMGs allowed?

You are right, PMGs are forbidden...


Is changing GPRIOR to invoke GTIA 9/16 colour modes allowed?

No, only in standard txt mode. Of course - You can change color in line, if you want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I've got time, i will try to make something (nothing promised) :) . I thinks it's a funny contest ! But I'm still very busy with working in our new house.....


I have some polish friends, and i had to ask them how much 50 zlotchy is :D

Edited by Thelen
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