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regarding sound and emulation.


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Yeah I know... I'm just full of questions.


I keep hearing how much better the new_pokey emulation is better than the old_poke (ron fries). In a800win plus they pretty much sound the same.


Are there any examples of demos, games, whatever that someone can point me to where I can hear some differences? I'mnot exactly tone death, but then I don't have golden ears either.



Edited by Shannon
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The music in Numen has a part (AFAIK before and during the torus effect) in which the "main voice" (as opposed to the bass line) is played with distiortion number 12. These notes sound way better on the new engine.


Beware however, that volume only sound is broken in Atari800 from at least version 2.0.0, and in Atari800WinPLus from 4.0 (althought there were several 4.0 beta versions that used the Atari800 v.1.3.6 engine).

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Really? The awinplus 40 I'm using now seems to handle volume only sound fine. Could you give an example of where it would be broken?


When you say from version 2.0.0, do you mean 2.0 and up (as in 2.0.3)? To be honest I have never heard the volume only sound work for the new_pokey sound code unless I was using atari800win. On all other conversions (dos, windows, etc) volume sound worked on with old_pokey.


As for hardsynth, that's just stuff only reproducable on a real atari right? The new_pokey and old_pokey cannot reproduce any of that? Or are you saying that new_pokey sound better than old when playing the stuff in that thread?


Thanks! :)

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Really? The awinplus 40 I'm using now seems to handle volume only sound fine. Could you give an example of where it would be broken?

Go to Help/About..., it's written in there, what Atari800 kernel the WinPLus is built on. I'd have to check again, but versions built on 2.0.0 or newer, WinPlus has broken vol_only_sound, too.


When you say from version 2.0.0, do you mean 2.0 and up (as in 2.0.3)?



To be honest I have never heard the volume only sound work for the new_pokey sound code unless I was using atari800win. On all other conversions (dos, windows, etc) volume sound worked on with old_pokey.

Again, I may be wrong, but I used Atari800 v.1.3.6 on Linux and the new_pokey engine seemed to work OK with vol_only_sound in that version.


As for hardsynth, that's just stuff only reproducable on a real atari right? The new_pokey and old_pokey cannot reproduce any of that? Or are you saying that new_pokey sound better than old when playing the stuff in that thread?

From what I understand of the Hardsynth thread, Rybags indeed made a mistake and assumed that you were asking for tunes that are not played correctly under any emulation.

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Really? Cause I just tried atari800 win 1.36 and it sounded like this.. atari800_win136.mp3


And the Atari800win plus which is based on 1.36 sounds like this.. a800winplus.mp3


Guy sounds a little like Tom Hanks, doesn't he. :lol:


So obviously Atari800win plus is doing something differently, the question is, what?

Edited by Shannon
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Thanks for the info guys. I did see this in the changelogs while perusing.


* new Pokey engine doesn't switch to mono output in STEREO_SOUND config

* new Pokey engine doesn't support VOL_ONLY_SOUND on the second Pokey


oh and apparently Ghost Busters is on the list of buggy vol only games. Although atari800winplus does not seem to freak out, it wreaks havok on my atarixlbox compiles. :lol: Guess I picked a lousy title to use for testing.

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