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jboypacman's Blog - PS3 will gain ground in 2008?


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My friend at work Jamie printed me a little article off of Yahoo!Games about big video game stories for 2008 and one of them was the PS3 will gain ground over the Nintendo Wii and XBox360 this year.


I just cant see this in my magic crystal ball yet because of the price of this system being so much more than the Wii and 360's plus you add the cost of games when you first buy the system and any extras you may want(in-store warrenty,controllers,cables,ect)you are looking at a chuck of change here.


Plus with Sony pushing away from the PS2 and removing the backwards compatibilty on the newer PS3 you made alot of Sony fans angry i feel(I know at lest two people who wont buy a PS3 because of this).


Am sure once the top tier titles like God of War,Grand Thift Auto,and Gran Turismo hit the system you will see a spike in sales but i feel that the cost of the PS3 and the above mention factors are going to hurt the system in the mean time.


Again am no expert and these are just my ramblings and i just may have to throw my crystal ball because it is malfuctioning but i just cant see PS3 reaching the glory the PS2 reached untill at least the cost comes down on this system.


It is a great system with some nice games on it at the moment but am going to pass on it and buy myself a Wii and some games later this year and i will still have some money left over after buying these instead of a PS3.


Just my personal opinion on this guys so i hope no PS3 fans take this the wrong way. :)



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