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Atari Projects + More - It took long enough (Touch Tablet)


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but... it (finally) arrived!


Finally being able to use one (even though I've owned one before but never was able to use it) I can say this thing is very cool and I won't even flinch at the price I paid for it (boxed/new). My daughter is already having fun drawing with Atari Artist and even I am getting a kick out of the mirroring/drawing.


I have a bad feeling my 1084 is acting up though... colors don't seem right... but when you go to rainbow mode it appears to be fine. I'm wondering if there's anything out there that takes advantage of Graphics mode 9 or the later GTIA chipset capabilities? (as this clearly doesn't appear to do so).


Too bad it's midweek and I have to sleep/work so much... I'm ready to tackle an idea that's been burning in my mind for a while now. Hopefully the 1050-2-PC will come tomorrow... along with the serial cable I ordered.


Really hoping I can get some labels printed out for the disks also... so I can have some really nice sets soon.




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