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Paddle adapter?

Jess Ragan

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So, I was wondering... is there any way to build a 2600 paddle adapter for the 5200? I'm not talking about ripping apart a 5200 controller and hot gluing a 2600 paddle into it, but just something I could use to connect a 2600 paddle directly to a 5200.


I know that the potentiometers in the 5200 joystick vary in resistance from 0-500K Ohms. I also know that the pots in the 2600 joystick use the same range of resistance. However, I think there's some fundamental difference in how the two potentiometers are powered. I'm just not sure how I would wire the adapter to accommodate those differences.

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Yeah it can be done - though I've never done it. You might find a detailed write-up somewhere that'd be better.


Wire as follows:


5200 GND --------------- 2600 GND

5200 Pot Common ------ 2600 +5v

5200 H-pot -------------- 2600 Paddle A or B (depending on which you wanted to use)

5200 bottom fire -------- 2600 ? (one of directional pins that is fire for paddle A or B --- can't recall right now)


I think the movement might be inverted (e.g. left goes right and right goes left) though. If so you can open the paddle and move the wire on the outside connection of the pot to the opposite outside connector to fix it.

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Yeah it can be done - though I've never done it. You might find a detailed write-up somewhere that'd be better.


Wire as follows:


5200 GND --------------- 2600 GND

5200 Pot Common ------ 2600 +5v

5200 H-pot -------------- 2600 Paddle A or B (depending on which you wanted to use)

5200 bottom fire -------- 2600 ? (one of directional pins that is fire for paddle A or B --- can't recall right now)


I think the movement might be inverted (e.g. left goes right and right goes left) though. If so you can open the paddle and move the wire on the outside connection of the pot to the opposite outside connector to fix it.



I just bought two at the Atari 2600 store. Whats wrong with that version? I see there not selling anymore. I was gonna post the link.

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Too expensive. What I'd like to do is make a small chassis with the paddle and two arcade-style buttons... if I felt really extravagant, I could even drop in a keypad, divorcing the 5200 from the stock controller entirely. All of this stuff could be had for around the same price as a Wico stick with a Y-cable, and I wouldn't have to mutilate a collector's item to make it.


I should probably shop around for small potentiometers with a 500K Ohm rating; something that could theoretically fit inside a stock NES controller. I have some 1K pots but they don't put up nearly enough resistance to make them of much use. I suppose that with some clever wiring, I could take one of those cheap Taiwanese NES controllers (the ones with two extra buttons for rapid fire), replace the D-pad with a 500K pot, cap the pot with a dial, and wire out the remaining buttons for top fire, bottom fire, start, pause, #, and *.


That's probably a really extravagant project, especially since such a controller would be useful for only three or four games, but the wiring would be relatively simple. It's just straight connections, without any logic circuits, so even a klutz like me could handle the job.

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If I'm not mistaken I think Shawn Sr. made this type of controller.......Shawn Sr.? Did you? :ponder:


Many times over for alot of the members here at AA. I don't really make them that often anymore. I did a big write up about how to make them youself with diagrams and posted it here in the 5200 forum about a year ago.

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