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IG Retro gave The Dreadnaught Factor a 8.0

8th lutz

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it's well deserved, it's the pride of my 5200 and is in the machine as we speak. I love the game. It's fantastic, and the way they did the box and instructions is movie production quality.


I would recommend the game to anybody and if it wasn't for the repetitiveness of the game, it would easily be a 10 out of 10, but what game at that time wasn't repetitive?

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Wow, that's quite a contrast from the guy on Video Game Critic, who gave it a D- or some other naff rating. For what it's worth, I think the game is great, especially if you have a joystick with trimmers. Push the vertical trimmer all the way down, and you can wipe out rows of cannons and thrusters with ease!

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Maybe the silly people at IGN actually PLAYED the game before writing a review.


Or, you know, it could just be because Activision is an 800lb advertising gorilla, and it might not be a good idea to associate a bad review with one of their games, even an ancient one like DF.


For the record, I think the game is fine. It underwhelms me in this day and age, but if I had ever owned it back in the day, I probably would have really liked it.

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A *new* 5200 game review on a major site? Since when did that start! I wasn't even aware of "Ign Retro". Good!


This was a game I never owned back in the day, but I have tried it on emulation a few times. This review shows a person who gave the game some real time and found it to be good - I will play it next time I hook up my 5200, w/a RAM cart since I have no cart of D.F.

Edited by Cafeman
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