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jboypacman's Blog - Video Game Collecting is a disease.


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You know when i start getting back into classic gaming i was into the Atari state of mine i said to myself..."I will just collect Atari" but somethings happened........


My friend Chris M. gave me a Intellivision and i was like cool! I guess i can pick some games here and there for this system.


Then a guy i work with Ray had a Vectrex and some games for sale for $100 so i could pass it up so now i had this to collect for this(Thank goodness for Sean Kelly).


Then i got not one but two Colecovisions from my friend Neonesmaster for free(Which didnt work quite right)so when i was at the MGC this pass year i bought another one(Works great!)so am collecting for this system.


I could go on but i think you get the ideal you buy one system and games and someone gives you one here or there or you find a great deal on another one somewhere.


It spreads like a disease! But i cant tell you this my friends this is one illness i dont need or want a cure for! Am going to stay sick for a very long time with this one. :lol:



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