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New 5200 Owner: Best Electronics question


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Hi everybody,


I am a new owner of a 5200 (owned a 2600 since I was young) that is in need of some joystick repair. Looks like the flex circuit and buttons need replacing, which appears to be a very common problem. Came across your forum and thought you guys could help me out.


I came across the Best Electronics website http://www.best-electronics-ca.com which has all the parts I need. Problem is when I try to email them at bestelec@concentric.net, believe it or not I get an email from Ebay of all places saying that the "spoof" email I am trying to report did not reach them and was sent to the wrong address. How that email got connected to Ebay I don't know, but has happened every time I have emailed. Very suspicious. I have not tried to call them directly yet.


My questions are whether Best Electronics is still in business, why their email doesn't work, if they are a reputable company, and if it is okay to give them credit card info over the phone. I have read posts on this site that have given them praise in the past, but what about recently? Any other sources for parts you could recommend?


Also, these are the parts it looks like I need (based off of the Best site). Does this look right to the expert rebuilders out here:

(1) CO18124, Flex Circuit

(1) CO18128-G, Aux. Keypad, Gold

(2) CO20501/CO18127, Fire Button

(1) CO18126, Numerical Keypad Set


Thanks for any help or info.

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If you're going to do a complete 'gold' rebuild, then this is the parts list. I've rebuilt quite a few sticks with the new all gold components, and I recommend them highly.


(2) The New Improved Best CX52 Gold Fire buttons are $5 per fire button CO20501-G


(1) The Gold Plated Rev. 9 Felix Circuits are $8.50 each. CO18124-G


(1) The Gold Numeric Keypad are $6 each. CO18126-G


(1) The Gold Auxiliary Keypad are $5 each. CO18128-G


I don't know what the issue is that you've had with their email, but I have ordered from them (via CC / phone) many times, and they have always been very fast and reliable. Last time I ordered from them was probably about a month or so ago.

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Thanks for the response. I still have no idea why my emails get rerouted to Ebay. I tried three email accounts with the same result. Have not tried a different computer though. I will have to call. Wanted to make sure everything was kosher with them before I ordered. Never have done business with them before.


I was just going to buy the standard rebuild parts, but maybe I will upgrade to the gold parts instead. I have read it solves the problem once and for all, where the old style parts might fail years down the road. I will not be playing it often, but I would hate to have it fail later and then maybe not be able to get parts for it anymore.

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I assume they're still in business, but I don't know for sure. I can vouche for their reputation, though, I ordered a rebuilt 5200 controller from them about a year ago and they were fantastic. I used their customer service once to get some help calibrating the system and they were very nice. They seemed like a great company to me.

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