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Currently compiling a list of Atari 8bit game cheats


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Using Atari 800win, Artmoney and Rohars/Homesoft's atr/xex and menu collections (which i guess takes into account most of the A8 games)


Only problem is is that a800win's debugger breakpoint facility doesnt pause the execution of the emulator like the equivalent feature in st's steem emulator does (so that you can see in memory the precise 6502 instructions refer to that location where the lives or energy counter etc is stored, rather then do the labourious byte search method)


I will post the findings, please note it will take some time and also the locations mentioned are where the lives/energy counters are (so you'll have to find out what 6502 instruction's refer to either that location or value found in that location)


As i don't possess a 1050 yet or one of these sio-1050/usb thing's perhaps someone can test the game cheats on real a8 hardware

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All these cheats should be included with the emulator - Atari800Win has the cheat option.

Perhaps base atari800 could do the same, and store cheat files in the CVS as well?

That would also allow a central cheat repositiory, useful to share found information.

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