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RF better on 2 than 3 ?


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My 2 port 5200 has the 8bit Domain video mod installed in it.

However, sometimes I use the RF so I can use the 2600 adapter.

It's the easiest way for me to play my 2600 carts.


I noticed that on channel 2 the RF picture is very good but on 3 it seems to have interference.

Noise here and there all over the screen. Its no big deal I'll just use it on channel 2 but does

anyone know of an adjustment to make to clear up the channel 3 picture?


I did remove the top shield from the 5200 mother board. Playing with the inside of this thing all the time,

most of the tabs broke that hold it on.



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I noticed that on channel 2 the RF picture is very good but on 3 it seems to have interference.

Noise here and there all over the screen. Its no big deal I'll just use it on channel 2 but does

anyone know of an adjustment to make to clear up the channel 3 picture?

Sounds very likely you have a local TV station broadcasting on channel 3 and it's causing interference.

Very common...just use channel 2 instead.

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Replacing the RF shield will improve your picture when you use RF. I know it's a pain to get on and off, and in fact I broke nearly all the tabs on mine removing the first time to do an AV mod. I finally bit the bullet and soldered some pieces of wire to the bottom part, on the corners mainly, and reinstalled it using the wires to secure in place.


You could always do a video mod on your 2600 adapter to avoid the RF entirely.

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Pretty soon it will not matter what channel you have your switch set on as TV will be broadcast in digital. Shouldn't have no probs then. ;)

I don't know, TV stations aren't the only things that cause interference. I remember playing the 2600 on the TV in the living room back in the old days, while my mother was fixing dinner-- and if she turned on the blender to make mashed potatoes, the screen would go crazy with interference. :x Ban all blenders! The microwave also caused interference, but it would go in and out as the microwave's power cut on and off (i.e., at 50% power, it zaps the food for a bit, then stops zapping the food for a bit, then zaps the food some more, then stops, etc.). Death to all kitchen appliances! ...er, except refrigerators. ;)



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My 2 port 5200 has the 8bit Domain video mod installed in it.

However, sometimes I use the RF so I can use the 2600 adapter.

It's the easiest way for me to play my 2600 carts.


I noticed that on channel 2 the RF picture is very good but on 3 it seems to have interference.

Noise here and there all over the screen. Its no big deal I'll just use it on channel 2 but does

anyone know of an adjustment to make to clear up the channel 3 picture?


I did remove the top shield from the 5200 mother board. Playing with the inside of this thing all the time,

most of the tabs broke that hold it on.



Why is this a concern? It's standard design behavior.

Interference is exactly why almost every RF system ever made offers a switch to choose between 2 and 3 or 3 and 4.




Pretty soon it will not matter what channel you have your switch set on as TV will be broadcast in digital. Shouldn't have no probs then. ;)

I don't know, TV stations aren't the only things that cause interference. I remember playing the 2600 on the TV in the living room back in the old days, while my mother was fixing dinner-- and if she turned on the blender to make mashed potatoes, the screen would go crazy with interference. :x Ban all blenders! The microwave also caused interference, but it would go in and out as the microwave's power cut on and off (i.e., at 50% power, it zaps the food for a bit, then stops zapping the food for a bit, then zaps the food some more, then stops, etc.). Death to all kitchen appliances! ...er, except refrigerators. ;)



And vacuum cleaners too!

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Thanks for the replies.


It is a concern because all other RF devices in the same room on channel 3 are fine. If there was something I could fine tune on my 2 port I would do it.


Anyway I replaced the top shield on the mobo and it works well enough now. I got this 2 port on ebay and it came from Florida. The top shield has a slight rusty discoloration to it. Also there was orange (rust) on the trace around teh baord where the shield sits on it. So, I was hoping to leave it out but I guess not.

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Thanks for the replies.


It is a concern because all other RF devices in the same room on channel 3 are fine. If there was something I could fine tune on my 2 port I would do it.


Anyway I replaced the top shield on the mobo and it works well enough now. I got this 2 port on ebay and it came from Florida. The top shield has a slight rusty discoloration to it. Also there was orange (rust) on the trace around teh baord where the shield sits on it. So, I was hoping to leave it out but I guess not.

Glad to hear its working better now.


The RF shield on mine had several rust spots on it (another reason I left it out initially) so I steel wooled it real well and spray painted it with a silver metallic paint. It looks almost new now. Sorry the pic is so bad, I took it with an eye-toy.


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