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How many of you are coding games or tools?


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I'm just curious how many people visiting AA forums are actually planning coding a game or some useful tool. I see a lot of questions and topics with coding related stuff.


Maybe someone thinks I forgot some important thing in the list?


I just wanted to ask this question in Poll-form, such that you can remain anonymous, and you don't have to explain WHAT you are involved in actually.


EDIT 1: After 27 votes (2008.01.24)


I added option 6 in the first question, and option 4 in the second question.

Edited by Analogue Multiplexer
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i have nothing specific on the go at the moment, but i do throw ideas in for other peoples' projects (like Heaven's port of Metagalactic Llamas, i was going to do it myself but didn't have any time over Christmas!). i plan to get something out in 2008, i just have no idea yet what it'll be!

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I've been working along with others on a large game project every day for the past few months. There have been some useful small utilities born from it. I'm usually frequently working on graphics as it's my mainstay :) and I'm more often working with music composition, I use rmt alongside my studio. I intend to put some more emphasis on releasing some music this year after the project is complete. MADS is a great assembler I've found the macro features to be most useful. I find DIS6502 to be an essential tool too, I use that a lot, not just for disassembly it's very useful in serveral ways.

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i am envolved in some things... demo is not my main attraction anymore simply because i found the real challenge is game coding... in a game there are so many demo related issues envolved but a lot more... interface design, controlls, sound fx, interactivity and best of all...how do you make a game being fun to play... ;)


so... main time goes into Beyond Evil (now nearly 2 years of work...unbelievable)

and few weeks went into Metagalactic LLamas... which will be the next finished... btw. 68145 is my highscore yet...

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I do a bit of coding on the A8, but its simply to keep my mind ticking over. I rarely get time these days to mull-over larger projects. The kids are just swallowing all my time at the moment.


I did develop this year though a PS/2 to Atari 8-bit converter (based on a Intel 8052). That allowed me to use the PS/2 controller to play games on a real A8, I have ideas for enabling force feedback in games such a Zybex, etc, but haven't gotten around to it yet. This is a private project, I would imagine that there is little demand for this from the A8 world.


I love the A8, but larger project I just don't have the time. In the day (1991-92) I used to code cross-compliers, bare OSes, etc for the A8, but these were for other projects. For example, I developed a 680x cross compiler, EPROM programmer and debugger on the A8. This allowed me to develop a commercial package used within a Road Traffic System. I used to love having the A8, others used a PC at the time but I found the tools simply too clunky - or too expensive!!


I long for those days...

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I'm *always* busy with atari-related something :)

Oh, and Analmux, you did forgot demos!


I knew I forgot something important :D ....sorry to all ;)


but (look at the 1st post), I edited in new options.



After 27 votes, we can see some interesting trend.


It seems that most people like to code a game (in assembly) on their own, for public use :) ...why doens't that surprise me?

Edited by Analogue Multiplexer
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I actually love your project. Oddly enough I was wanting a hardware device to do that exact thing a couple days ago. I wanted it for using a Playstation controller on an Atari ST, and the Atari 8-bit.


I hacked an old Jagaur controller I had that someone took the cable off of and gave me the controller. It works ok, but I really like the PS1 and PS2 controllers.


I would be interested in your project if you make some for sale, or make the info available for someone to make their own.



I do a bit of coding on the A8, but its simply to keep my mind ticking over. I rarely get time these days to mull-over larger projects. The kids are just swallowing all my time at the moment.


I did develop this year though a PS/2 to Atari 8-bit converter (based on a Intel 8052). That allowed me to use the PS/2 controller to play games on a real A8, I have ideas for enabling force feedback in games such a Zybex, etc, but haven't gotten around to it yet. This is a private project, I would imagine that there is little demand for this from the A8 world.

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I actually love your project. Oddly enough I was wanting a hardware device to do that exact thing a couple days ago. I wanted it for using a Playstation controller on an Atari ST, and the Atari 8-bit.


I hacked an old Jagaur controller I had that someone took the cable off of and gave me the controller. It works ok, but I really like the PS1 and PS2 controllers.


I would be interested in your project if you make some for sale, or make the info available for someone to make their own.


Well if you're interested I can publish the details of what I've done. It's quite basic really, when I get a chance over the weekend, I'll take some photos of the setup and explain what I am doing. Once complete, I'll publish the schematics, source code and whatever help you'll need to make your own.

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Very cool. I appreciate it. It would be immensely useful for me. Thanks!


Well if you're interested I can publish the details of what I've done. It's quite basic really, when I get a chance over the weekend, I'll take some photos of the setup and explain what I am doing. Once complete, I'll publish the schematics, source code and whatever help you'll need to make your own.
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...For example, I developed a 680x cross compiler, EPROM programmer and debugger on the A8...


Sounds interesting. What kind of EPROM programming device did you use? Or did you build your own?


I've got an EPROM programming device myself. It was included with an ATARI 520ST I still have. I also have the ST software written for it.


Me for example would like to use the device straight on Atari 8bit one day. Any idea if that is possible, and how to do that?

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Sounds interesting. What kind of EPROM programming device did you use? Or did you build your own?


I've got an EPROM programming device myself. It was included with an ATARI 520ST I still have. I also have the ST software written for it.


Me for example would like to use the device straight on Atari 8bit one day. Any idea if that is possible, and how to do that?


It was my own home rolled device! :) The first incarnation utilized a 2nd PIA I installed into the XL. From this I connected a data latch, address latch and control lines for the writing. The +12V needed to program the device was generated externally and the program to generate signals was quite primative (but it worked). The EPROM I was using were only 16KB (27C128) so it was easy enough to generate the data.


I actually went a step further during my trials and manged to connect 2KB of battery backed RAM to the Parallel Port (which decoded to the FP ROM if I remember). This was great. To "burn" new code the 6502 simply had write this area. High speed with no UV stuff. Only problem was 2KB was fairly tight. But the EPROM burner above solved the problem.


For general I/O the addition of an extra 68B21 (PIA) was the way to go - I remember using a D25 port on the back of the XL to bring the pins out. From here I could connect to anywhere :)


As for connecting the ST programmer to the XL - I don't see why not but it depends on how the programmer is connected to the ST. If its serially based, you could use the SIO2SERIAL hardware and you are away on a hack.

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