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jboypacman's Blog - 3-D Street Fighter........Why?


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Ok when i first heard that Capcom was going to be releasing a new Street Fighter i was like ok cool not that i was a big fan SF Third Strike but a new Street Fighter is a welcomed thing i figured.


Then i saw the screen shots and read a little verb about it and was so put off by this why oh why Capcom do you feel the need to screw around with a great 2-D fighting game and make it 3-D?


Capcom is saying(at lest from last i read)that it will still play very much like a 2-D fighter but i have a hard time wrapping my mind around that as i feel that the SF line is dead.


I hope am wrong but i just cant stand when video game companies take classic 2-D games like Street Fighter or Castlevania(Dont get me started on this game)and try and update them with 3-D graphics.


If something is successful dont mess with it! Whats the old saying?......"If it isnt broke dont fix it".Just my little rant for my blog today.



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