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Mord's Blog - This month.


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Since christmas I've been on and off of all sorts of my little projects. In the end nothing got done for programming. I have a future php powered website all but planned on paper for myself, but I likely won't get around to making that into a reality as early as I had hoped. It'd be nice if I could have it done by next christmas but we'll see.


Essentially I've been reading up on php and css a lot and playing Dynasty Warriors Empires 5 a lot. Trying to max out all the characters for fun. Also started going through Ar Tonelico again. This time I plan on taking the second path through chapter 2 and focus on gathering materials from enemies more. (end fights with max harmonics as much as possible)


This week I've been starting to think on Action RPG again tho. The problem right now is that doing the AI for 8 objects right now can quickly make the screen jump. So I've been pondering ways to reuse objects more. I'm probably going to cut down the Active objects in a world to 5. 2 global, 1 regional, and 2 local/room. So every time you enter a new screen up to 2 monsters could load, plus the regional has a moderate chance of finding and chasing you. And if you're real (un)lucky, the global dragons will catch up to you. I said "active" objects because I'm thinking I'll use some of the freed ram in the superchip with this to form a small table of "inactive" objects/monsters.


Essentially when you leave a room, room objects would be saved to this table. And may vanish over time if you don't return after so much time. One slot in the table would only be erased if you leave the region. So this could take the form of a "regional object". If you leave the room without it, it'll be placed in it's special place in the table. It'll be dormant and do nothing while in that state. Carrying it about would make less room/local monsters appear as you travel, which could be a good thing! I'm still in the thinking stage here, so I might think of other ways to implement this.


Anyway, time for bed.





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