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Getting a Wii soon; recommendations?


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In the near future (probably Feb. or March), I'm going to get a Nintendo Wii unit. I had tried it out before and was impressed. I was reading up on the unit and saw what it came with (sports disc, nunchuk, controller, etc).


What I would like to know is what other games and accessories would you recommend for someone purchasing a Wii?

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Super Mario Galaxy (converted a non-3D-Mario player (me))

Metroid Prime 3 (if you've tried and liked the 3D Metroids you can't go wrong here)

Zelda: Twilight Princess (if you like the Zelda franchise and/or action-adventures)

Zack & Wiki (if you like traditional point 'n' click adventures in an evolved LucasArts sort of way)

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (only if you don't have any Lego Star Wars for the other systems; great fun)

Link's Crossbow Training (love or hate the Zapper, this game is a good time for $20)

Elebits (it's like being a Ghostbuster that can pick up and move stuff with "The Stream")

Geometry Wars: Galaxies (pure arcadey goodness; you may want a Classic controller to go with it)


YMMV with these...

Super Paper Mario (I personally lost interest but if you liked the other Paper Marios you might dig it)

Red Steel (again, lost interest; nothing about the game itself, just have other ones to play!)

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I'm going to take some heat for this - but personally I was disappointed in Zelda TP. I vastly preferred the graphic style of Wind Waker and the game just started to feel like a chore about 1/3 of the way through it. Geometry Wars is amazing though. If you can get a good deal Excitetruck is like an offroad version of Burnout - very fun. Obviously Wii Play for the controller.


If you enjoy lightgun games (which I do), spend $20 on Zelda Crossbow w/ Zapper and $30 on Ghost Squad - soooo much fun. House of the Dead 2&3 comes out soon too.

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I love how people will recommend Wii games and then go "I lost interest in this halfway through". Damn man, just admit that it's not a good game then! You don't have to defend every purchase or every Wii game. Don't try to get this guy to spend money on games that aren't top-notch.


Also, add me to the list of people that got bored with Twilight Princess. Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass are both superior Zelda games.


My Wii-owning advice. Don't buy ANYTHING that's cross-platform on the Wii unless the Wii is all you have. The controls only really work well on like three or four games for the system that i've played, and that's stretching it.


My other advice is that you'd probably be better off owning a 360 if you don't already. The price gap has about closed, and the Wii library is seriously lacking (what else does Nintendo have on deck after the ever-delayed Brawl? Nothing?).

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No More Heroes looks awesome.


I'd recommend these:

Kororinpa: Marble Mania

Mercury Meltdown Revolution

Resident Evil 4......if you haven't already got it for another system

Metroid Prime 3

Super Paper Mario


Games I haven't played but I know would be good:

Zak & Wiki

Dewy's Adventure

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Here are a few of mine. First, games I own and recommend: (and remember, if you have never owned a GameCube, there are a ton of selections there)


1. Wii Sports - you get this free, and IMHO it is still the best game for the system. I've never played anything like it before. Going through the training sessions was just as fun as playing the sports themselves. Making your own Mii can be extremely fun. If you will be online, use the Check Mii Out channel (you will probably need to download it from the Wii Ware Channel, no big deal though) and download copies of your favorite Mii's that the true artists are making and posting. IT's so fun to play Tennis or Boxing as Darth Vader, C-3PO, Mr. Spock, Bill Clinton, etc etc. Even when you use your own Mii character,you'll often see your other Mii's in the backgrounds. Seeing Mr. Spock laugh at you because you threw the bowling ball the wrong way is a treat -- multiply this by 10 factors of fun when you invite casual gamer friends over.


2. Super Mario Galaxy - enough has been stated about this already. Unless you hate platformers and hate Mario, this is a supremely high quality and fun game.


3. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption -- I haven't played much of it, but I did watch a lot more of it being played by my oldest son, and if this is your kind of game, it comes recommended. My problem was that I got excited for this game and tried to replay Metroid Prime 2 on GCN right before MP3 came out; I got kind of burned out of Metroid games and needed a break for a while before really committing to MP3. But I did enjoy the new control scheme, and using Samus' hands to turn levers in your ship was one of the other cool Wii-Mote / Nunchuck control features.


Next, games I've rented:


1. Excite Truck -- this is a personal favorite of mine. I guess I can see why others might tire of it or not like it, but Excite Truck surprised me and I had a great time with it. I keep waiting to see a copy at a cheaper price, then I will buy it, but not for $50.


2. Games I can't recommend but you might like -- we rented 2 Tony Hawk games; the earlier one, where you tilt the controller to steer downhill (with more game-like visuals and less realism) was more fun; Sonic Secret Rings - I thought it looked fantastic but something about the gameplay turned me off; NiGHTS Journey of Dreams -- I personally loved it and beat the game with both kids (not getting all A's!). I will buy this - I'm a big NiGHTS fan and the actual NigHTS and boss stages were super-outstanding to me -- but there are just enough negative things that a non-NiGHTS fan should only rent , not spend the full $50, IMHO.

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Games I haven't played but I know would be good:

Zak & Wiki

Dewy's Adventure

As a side note, both of these titles just had price drops - Z&W went to 29.99 and Dewy went down to 19.99 (at Gamestop at least). I just picked up Dewy and the Metal Slug Collection for $20 each this morning and have been playing them all day. Dewy is really neat, he controls much like Kororinpa (which I own, but probably still spelled wrong!) in that you tilt to move the ground he's on - plus Dewy can jump and attack and turn to steam or ice. It's very well done, really nice graphics and beautiful cutscenes in the artstyle of Elebits (with TERRIBLE voice acting though!) At 19.99 I feel like I got a very, very good deal.


Excitetruck is really one of the bigger surprises I've had on the Wii. I managed to find a copy for 18.00 at a local chain and played it for weeks - I still throw it in at least once a week. It plays incredibly well, looks really nice, and has customizable soundtracks which is great. I highly recommend it, just not for $50 - that's too much for just about any arcade-style racer for me.

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I love how people will recommend Wii games and then go "I lost interest in this halfway through". Damn man, just admit that it's not a good game then! You don't have to defend every purchase or every Wii game. Don't try to get this guy to spend money on games that aren't top-notch.


I love how everything has to be black and white. We're not trying to cure cancer here. It's just videogames, man. And just because I didn't completely dig a game doesn't mean (a) the OP won't like it (hence the YMMV disclaimer) and (b) I won't return to it later after I finish the others. "Lost interest" isn't a damnation of "that game sucked". It's more like "Well I got game A but I'd rather play game B right now".

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